Treasure well

Chapter 24

Chapter 24
The Taoist temple in Baiyun Mountain is called "Piaomiao Temple", which was started by the person who built this Taoist temple. It is said to be taken from Bai Juyi's poem: "Suddenly I heard that there are fairy mountains on the sea, and the mountains are in the void."

This person hopes that this mountain can become a fairy mountain. In his spare time, immortals will come to protect the people of one side.

Chu Yunqiu heard from the elders in the village that the person who built the Taoist temple was the ancestor of the Chu family. It is said that he was a great official at that time. , At the beginning, the incense was still at its peak.After the old man died, there was no one to take care of him, and only people from the surrounding villages climbed the mountain to burn incense. Later, there were fewer and fewer people. Basically, people from other villages did not know that there was such a Taoist temple on Baiyun Mountain.

Chu Yunqiu remembered that he curled his lips at that time. He didn't believe it?After so many years, there must be a lot of bragging involved, and trivial matters can cause smallpox.

But the Taoist temple is indeed very beautifully built. There are not only three large halls, several small halls, but also bluestone steps. It can be said that it is the most luxurious place in the entire Chujiazhai. It is a pity that there are no guest rooms, just for people to burn incense and worship gods. of.

Chu Yunqiu climbed up to the top of the mountain with five little guys, and looked at the Misty Temple in front of him. It was the same as before, except that there were more traces of wind and rain. There are traces of vicissitudes, which are the imprint of history and the witness of the years.

After hundreds of years of transformation, there are no outside doors, just open the door so wide, Chu Yunqiu took five little guys into the Misty Temple, and in the hall at the door are the four heavenly kings guarding the Nantian Gate .

The king of growth in the south - Moliqing.Mo Liqing is two feet and four feet long, with a face like a live crab and whiskers like copper wire.Holding the Qingfeng sword, there is a seal on it, with four characters in the middle: "Earth, Water, Fire, Wind". The wind is a black wind, and there are thousands of spears inside.If a person touches this blade, his limbs will be turned into powder; if he is talking about fire, there will be golden snakes twining in the air, and a black smoke will cover the ground.

Heavenly King of the Eastern Kingdom——Ma Lihai.Demon Li Hai, take a pipa, use a gun, and a jade pipa on the back, with four strings on it, arranged according to "earth, water, fire, and wind". When you pluck the strings, the wind and fire will come together. Pipa, the master of tune.

The king of heaven is often heard in the north - Molihong.Magic ceremony red, holding a Hunyuan bead umbrella, which harmonizes "rain" with the umbrella's meaning; there are emeralds, grandmother's seal, grandmother's green on the umbrella, night pearls, green dust beads, green fire beads, green water beads, cooling beads, nine Quzhu, Dingyanzhu, Dingfengzhu, and pearls are worn into the four characters "loading the universe".This umbrella dare not hold it open. When it is opened, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the sun and the moon are dark;Hold an umbrella and handle the rain.

The Western Guangmu Heavenly King-Mali Shou.Mo Lishou, with two whips.There is a thing in the bag, shaped like a white mouse, named "Purple Gold Flower Fox Sable", it is released in the air, and it appears like a white elephant, with wings growing from its ribs, and eats up the world.Holding a snake, Si Shun.

The combination of the four heavenly kings becomes "smooth weather", implying a good harvest in the coming year.

In front of the four heavenly kings, there are two huge stone tables with four huge incense burners, which are places where people burn incense and make offerings.

Other than that it's empty, not like before,
Chu Yunqiu stopped, took out four sticks of incense from his bag, then took out a thick red incense candle and lit it.

I offered incense to the four gods very respectfully and kowtowed a few times. It has nothing to do with superstition or not. This is faith. Please have peace of mind!

Big Wang, Xiao Wang and Xiaoxue Mastiff stared at Chu Yunqiu, with question marks all over their heads, what was going on, although they didn't understand, they couldn't stop the three little guys from being eager to learn, so they just lay on the ground, Nodded, with a serious look on his face, very cute!

Walking through the hall, there is a big courtyard.There are two huge trees growing in the yard, which are branched diagonally. One is at the door, which is a huge green pine. Because of its hundreds of years of history, it grows abnormally thick. It is an insult to describe it as a canopy. , covering almost half of the yard and extending beyond the wall, the other half of the yard is covered by another tree.

I don’t know if it’s because of the long-term acceptance of incense that this pine tree seems to have opened up its wisdom. The whole green pine tree is unusually tall, like a dragon going out to sea, with the pattern of Jackie Chan hovering on the trunk, and under the tree, his roots are directly Breaking through the soil, each pine tree looks like a horned dragon, thick, hard, and has different shapes, like dragon whiskers. Every year, this pine tree receives incense from the whole village, and many people even pray to the ancient tree.

At the other end, there is a huge sycamore tree, which is so straight and thick that three adults cannot hold it. The sycamore tree is a treasure tree and is said to be the habitat of the phoenix. It is said that the phoenix never falls in a place without treasures, so the sycamore tree is also called "phoenix tree". Qiwu".

Chu Yunqiu took out the incense again, offered it to the two trees, and bowed down!
He has always been grateful to the gods, because in his heart, everything in Baojing was sent by them.

In addition to the two huge trees in the yard, there is also a huge stone well in the center. The stone well is not very deep, and you can see the bottom at a glance. At this time, there is still water in the stone well, but it is very dirty. Although the space is large, there is no water inside. There are indeed a lot of copper coins for the survival of any living beings. From ancient times to the present, many people throw copper coins into them every year.

Chu Yunqiu already had the idea of ​​pumping out the water to rob him, but he didn't dare, he was afraid that his grandparents would kill him. Right in front of Shijing, there was a carved ancient stele. Unfortunately, the words on it had been changed. I can't see clearly, it's vague, I only know that there are inscriptions carved on it, which is a prayer well.

Chu Yunqiu lit a handful of incense, took out two one-yuan coins from his pocket, and threw them into the well.

I pray that God will bless Lu Zhiqing, parents and relatives, and the whole family in good health.

On the right side of the courtyard, there are two small halls side by side, one is the Dragon King and the other is the Hades, both of which look like small palaces.

In the center of the Dragon King Hall is a huge statue—the throne of the Dragon King, with a crown and bead curtain on his head, and a dragon horn facing the sky, holding a white jade wat board in his hand, sitting upright, with two maids on both sides. The outer ones are four shrimp soldiers and crab generals, two on the left and two on each side. They all hold weapons in their hands, but they are a little rough in manufacture. It can be seen that they are shrimp soldiers and crab generals, but the specific features are not very clear.

Chu Yunqiu lit a bunch of incense, inserted it into the incense burner, and paid respect.

Next to the Dragon King Hall is the Hall of the King of Hell, which looks a little dark. After all, it is the king of the deep nine, the master of the underground.

In the hall of the king of hell, the one in the center is the Lord of hell, sitting upright, holding a white jade wat board, and wearing a crown bead curtain on his head.In the countryside, there is no such thing as the ten halls of Yama, and everyone collectively calls it "the king of hell". When we usually respect the king of hell, there is no ten halls of Yama, only the king of hell, next to the king of hell, is the judge, with a judge pen in his hand And the book of life and death, with a majestic look, beside the two, is a bull's head and a horse's face, black and white are impermanent.

The so-called "the king of hell is easy to see, but the devil is hard to deal with", these bull-headed horse faces and black and white impermanence must be worshipped from time to time, otherwise you will wear small shoes in the underworld, which will make you uneasy.

Chu Yunqiu lit incense, put it in the censer, and bowed.

On the other side, there are two small temples, which are the temples of the mountain gods and the land, worshiping their statues!
When Chu Yunqiu walked into the Temple of the Earth, besides the statue of the Grandfather of the Land, there was also the statue of the Grandma of the Land. As for why there was an extra Grandma of the Land, there is also a story.

Legend has it that during the Tang Dynasty, Chujiazhai was very poor and backward. There were many tigers, snakes and insects in the mountains, and there was no military protection, so dangers often occurred.One day, I don't know if the tiger was starving, but he ran down the mountain and hurt people in the village. Everyone was in danger and hid in their homes and did not dare to come out.

But if the tiger doesn't leave, there is no way out. At this time, a person rushed out of the house, led the tiger away, ran to the trap made by the village to catch the beast, and stood by it.

The tiger didn't know there was a trap, so it jumped on it and killed the man. Because of this, the tiger fell into the trap, and was stoned to death by the rushing crowd. After his wife knew about it, she also died of love.

Then one day, everyone suddenly dreamed about the couple again.It turned out that the man's fearless spirit of sacrifice moved God, and he was pardoned by the Jade Emperor as the god of the land to protect the people. His wife's unswerving spirit also moved God, and he was allowed to take office together with the man.

That's why they entrusted a dream to the people in the Chu family village, asking them to build god statues and earth temples to protect one side. From then on, the Chu family village has land grandpas and land grandmas, so to speak!
But the legend is a legend after all, what is the truth, I don't know!
(End of this chapter)

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