Treasure well

Chapter 221 Capillarity Peerless Killer (3 more)

Chapter 221 Capillary phenomenon peerless killer (third shift)

Chu Yunqiu held the Fish Intestine Sword in his hand and let the blood drip onto the table.

After a while, Lu Zhiqing walked in, holding a glass bottle with some white powder in it.

Lu Zhiqing took the stool, sat on it, then picked up Chu Yunqiu's right hand, and poured the white powder on Chu Yunqiu's wound very carefully.

"Be sure not to see water these days, otherwise it will be ineffective," Lu Zhiqing evenly applied the powder on the wound and warned Chu Yunqiu.

Looking at the characteristics of the fish intestine sword, Chu Yunqiu was completely lost in thought. He once heard a saying that the fish intestine sword got its name because it was small and exquisite and could hide in the belly of a fish. The fish intestine sword has a slender and flexible blade that can be inserted along the fish's mouth, twists and turns in the fish's gastrointestinal tract, and returns to its original shape when withdrawn. It is extremely tough and shining; another possibility is that the fish intestine sword is A very small one among many famous swords, like a short blade or a dagger.

Chu Yunqiu looked at this barb-like object, and the figure of a hedgehog appeared in his mind. When the sword body was bent, these barbs looked like a hedgehog. The barbs on the back were scattered outward, while the barbs on the front were inward. gather.

Lu Zhiqing saw that Chu Yunqiu was ignoring her and seemed to be thinking about something. She pouted and pressed on Chu Yunqiu's wound.

"It hurts, it hurts," Chu Yunqiu couldn't help but gasped.

"Hmph, I told you not to listen to me." Lu Zhiqing gave Chu Yunqiu an angry look.

"I'll listen, I'll listen," Chu Yunqiu broke out in a cold sweat.

"Did you hear that, don't touch the water these few days, otherwise the medicine will lose its effect," Lu Zhiqing warned Chu Yunqiu.

"Does this thing work?" Chu Yunqiu was a little skeptical.

"Your wound is not very big, and it is on the finger, so there should be no problem." Lu Zhiqing looked at Chu Yunqiu's hand, took out a band-aid again, and put it on Chu Yunqiu's hand.

"Oh, I can't touch the water with my hands, you wash the vegetables these days." Chu Yunqiu seemed to have thought of something, turned his head and said to Lu Zhiqing.

"(⊙o⊙)..." When Lu Zhiqing heard Chu Yunqiu's words, her expression immediately changed into something as beautiful as possible, "Did I say anything just now?" Lu Zhiqing asked with some uncertainty.

"Uh..." This time it was Chu Yunqiu's turn to be confused, "Okay, you win."

"Look at your ugly face, well, I'll take care of all the work of washing vegetables these few days." Lu Zhiqing gave Chu Yunqiu a straight look.

Lu Zhiqing packed up her things and left, while Chu Yunqiu walked out of the courtyard with Yuchang Sword.

Chu Yunqiu walked out of the courtyard, and took out a small bucket of the blood of the beast from the kit bag Qiankun bag.

When he was observing with a magnifying glass just now, Chu Yunqiu discovered a great secret on the blade of the fish intestine sword.

The blood groove of the Yuchang Sword's body is full of tiny pores, each of which looks like capillaries, almost invisible.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help thinking of a word - capillary phenomenon.

Capillary action is the attraction of a liquid surface to a solid surface.When a capillary tube is inserted into a wetting liquid, the liquid level inside the tube rises and is higher than outside the tube. When a capillary tube is inserted into a non-wetting liquid, the liquid level inside the tube drops down and is lower than outside the tube.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the tiny pores, just like capillaries.

Chu Yunqiu touched the tip of the fish-intestine sword to the liquid surface of the beast's blood, and found that the whole fish-intestine sword trembled suddenly. Immediately afterwards, the blood of the beast in the wooden barrel seemed to be "absorbed by the green dragon" and continued to flow along. Swelling up with the blood groove.

Like a whale swallowing the sea, the speed is very fast, which is almost incredible, as if a mysterious force is pushing the blood inside, completely violating the law of gravity.

When the blood reaches the very top, the "fish intestine" pattern associated with the top of the blood tank comes into play.

The criss-crossing lines of fish intestines turned into ravines, drawing the blood in the blood tank into his own ravines.

Looking at the blade of the Yuchang Sword, Chu Yunqiu had an illusion, as if there was a master imitator holding a blood-red brush and drawing continuously along the ravines on the blade.

After a few seconds, the front and back of the Yuchang Sword, and all the gully patterns, were filled with blood.

If you look closely, it's like painting on the sword body with a blood-red brush, which is extremely weird and eerie.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. Compared with the "Spring and Autumn and Warring States" pattern engraved on the sword body with "blood", Chu Yunqiu paid more attention to the blood content on the sword body.

Estimated from the increased weight, Chu Yunqiu felt that the total weight of the blood on the sword body was almost two catties.

The total amount of blood in a normal adult is approximately equivalent to 8% of the body weight, that is to say, for a person weighing 50 kg, the total amount of blood in the whole body is 4 kg, which is about 4000 ml.

The Fish Intestine Sword took away one kilogram of the human body's weight in almost an instant. In other words, it directly emptied 1/4 of the blood volume in the human body, about 1000 ml.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help feeling secretly that such a dagger the size of a dagger could contain 1000 milliliters of blood, it was unbelievable. If it was a thin person, it would have killed him instantly.

It is indeed the sword of lore.

Chu Yunqiu picked up the Fish Intestine Sword, and found that the blood on the sword body did not flow at all, and it was inlaid on it like a sticky solid.

Chu Yunqiu held the fish intestine sword and swung it directly in the courtyard. Blood dripped all over his body, like flying rain, jumping down from the sword body one after another.

Under Chu Yunqiu's swing, the blood on the sword body slid down one after another, and there was no blood stain, as if nothing happened just now.

Killing without blood, the murder weapon, definitely the murder weapon.

No wonder the famous master of swordsman - Xue Zhu thinks he is a big killer.

Fish Intestine Sword - "If something goes against the law and cannot be obeyed, the minister will kill the king, and the son will kill the father." This sword is inherently against law and order, and is used to kill the king and kill the father.

Chu Yunqiu felt that this sword was too murderous, and it would be better not to show it to others if it was not necessary. Thinking of this, Chu Yunqiu put the Fish Intestine Sword into the bag of kits, and planned to equip it with a scabbard later.

Chu Yunqiu returned to the house, looked at Lu Zhiqing's figure, stepped forward, and gently hugged Lu Zhiqing's willow waist from behind.

"Zhiqing, don't be busy, it's time for us to rest," Chu Yunqiu said softly, lying next to Lu Zhiqing's ear.

Lu Zhiqing's pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help asking softly, "Is my cousin asleep?"

"I've already gone to sleep," Chu Yunqiu nodded.

"Well, I'll finish packing these things." Of course, Lu Zhiqing understood what Chu Yunqiu was thinking.

The night was hazy, black clouds covered the sky, and the whole night seemed very quiet, only the occasional chirping of insects in the grass could be heard.

Early the next morning, under the crowing of the big rooster in the yard, Chu Yunqiu got off the bed and stretched his waist.


Chu Yunqiu turned his head, looked at Lu Zhiqing on the bed with a sweet smile on her face, and walked out of the room.He didn't know what Lu Zhiqing applied to him. Although the wound was still stuttering, it was no longer bleeding.

Chu Yunqiu came to the yard and began to exercise vigorously.Because of his finger injury, Chu Yunqiu did not practice his finger snapping magic anymore. Instead, he took out a carving knife, selected a few carrots, and started carving.

Chu Yunqiu's sword skills are getting better and better, from the original four-dimensional resemblance to the current one that is somewhat similar. At least he can vaguely identify the carvings, instead of looking like Niu Niu and making a joke.

PS: Thanks to the support of the two monthly tickets of "Xin Zhizhi", the support of the two monthly tickets, the "money-greedy cat", the "corrosive" brother, and the "needless to say!" brother, thank you to the three big brothers for their support of the three monthly tickets, thank you.Thanks to brother "Jing Ming Kong" for the reward, and brother "Gu Fengqiao Night Park" for his support of 45 recommendation tickets.

A week is approaching, and there are three changes today. This is an addition to last month's monthly pass breaking through 100.You treat me as a gentleman of the country, and I will repay it as a gentleman of the country. I hope that the elder brothers and sisters who have the conditions will support Beichen a lot. I will turn my heart to the bright moon, and the bright moon will shine on me. Please, brothers and sisters, if you find it troublesome , you can set automatic subscription, and one of your actions will affect the future of Beichen.The light of hope is in your hands, give it to Beichen.

(End of this chapter)

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