Treasure well

Chapter 218 Thin Gold Font Gongsun Jianwu (seeking 1 cut)

Chapter 218 Thin Gold Font Gongsun Jianwu (seeking everything)
Chu Yunqiu looked at the signature and seal on the picture scroll, and his heart moved. This person's accomplishments in this type of font are second to none in the world, because this type of font is very famous - thin gold body.

And the author of this painting is none other than Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, Zhao Ji.

Putting aside the political stupidity of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, he loved art very much. During his reign, he raised the status of painter to the highest position in Chinese history.

At that time, Song Huizong established the Hanlin Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, also known as the Imperial Academy of Painting.

Other emperors selected talents through the imperial examination, and generally examined the Four Books and Five Classics, the way of governing the country, but Song Huizong was unique, using painting as an examination method for imperial promotion, and poetry as the topic every year.

However, because of Song Huizong's actions, many good stories have been created.

For example, "Ancient Temples Hidden in the Mountains", many people's first thought is the temples in the mountains, with ancient pines and cornices, but the No. 1 winner did not draw any houses, but only a monk carrying water from the mountain stream at the foot of the mountain.

Another topic is even more unique, which is "Treading Flowers and Returning Horseshoe Fragrance". Everyone used their brains one after another. The horse is very good, but the one who won No.1 did not paint any flowers, but only a person riding a horse. There are butterflies flying around the horse's hooves in the picture. This person is concentrated on the word "fragrance".

Fragrance is illusory, but this artist visualized the fragrance through butterflies around the horse, which shows that he has a flexible mind.

All these and so on have greatly stimulated the development of Huaxia's calligraphy and painting artistic conception.

It can be said that during Song Huizong's tenure, the way of calligraphy and painting in China reached its peak.

Rumor has it that China's most famous national treasure painting - "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is also related to this calligraphy and painting emperor.After Zhang Zeduan completed this historical scroll praising the peace and prosperity, he first presented it to Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty.

Song Huizong therefore became the first collector of this painting.Song Huizong, a master of calligraphy and painting in Chinese history, loved this painting very much. He inscribed the five characters "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival" on the painting with his famous "thin gold style" calligraphy, and sealed it with the small seal of Shuanglong.

Song Huizong's original "thin gold style" calligraphy is unique in the world, and it is believed that no one can surpass it until today.

Thin gold body calligraphy, tall and straight, beautiful, elegant and sharp, even people who don't know calligraphy at all, will feel very good after reading it.

In the more than 800 years since Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, no one has been able to reach his height so far. In the field of calligraphy and painting, he can be called "No. 1 in ancient and modern times".

Chu Yunqiu understood that the font in front of him was a thin gold font, tall and straight, elegant and sharp, with an unspeakable beauty between the characters, like a peerless dancer, dancing there, and like A peerless swordsman wields a long sword there.

It sounds contradictory, how can it appear on a font with softness and rigidity, but it does appear on a font, and there is no sense of contradiction.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help thinking of a person, a person who left a great name in the history of China. Although she was a woman, and she was also a dancer, but she was a woman, she was Aunt Gongsun.

Aunt Gongsun, the number one dancer in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, was good at dancing swords, shocked the world with her dancing posture, and is famous for her sword dancing through the ages.

Aunt Gongsun perfectly combined sword and dance, and built a bridge between two cultural peaks in Chinese history.

Grass sage Zhang Xu saw Aunt Gongsun's dancing posture, and described a wonderful picture, which was handed down to later generations. Du Fu, a poet, saw Aunt Gongsun's dancing posture, and wrote "Swordsmanship", which was very popular. He painted Wu Daozi and appreciated Aunt Gongsun's dancing posture , Appreciate the way of using the pen.

In the old days, there was a beautiful woman, Gongsun, who used a sword to move around.

The viewer is as depressed as a mountain, and the world has been low for a long time.

Huo Ruyi shot nine sunsets, like a group of emperors and dragons flying.

Come like a thunderbolt to receive anger, stop like a Jianghai condensing clear light.

Crimson lips and pearl sleeves are lonely, and at night some disciples pass on the fragrance.

The beauty of Linying is in Baidi, and she dances this song wonderfully.

Song Huizong's "thin gold body" is like Gongsun Da Niang's sword dance, which perfectly blends softness and rigidity.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the picture scroll in front of him, on the top of the picture scroll was written the name of the whole picture scroll - "Picture of Oriole Singing Green".

In the lower right corner of the scroll, there are more than a dozen red badges printed on the bell, such as "Xuanhe Treasure", "Shuanglong Small Seal" and so on, all telling the vicissitudes of time and history.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the traces on the scroll, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the scroll.

The picture scroll was framed very well. From the outside, apart from being a bit worn out, there were no flaws, and the appearance was very good.

Chu Yunqiu rolled up the scroll, put it into a log, and put it into a kit bag.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the remaining four logs. He no longer had the patience to look at them one by one. He wanted to disassemble all four logs to see what paintings were inside and who were their authors. A great man.

But after opening it, Chu Yunqiu found that he had guessed wrong, and it was a big mistake. Among the remaining four logs, there was not a scroll.

Inside the first two logs are two volumes of masterpieces of calligraphy, and their owners are each unusual. One of the volumes is a masterpiece of calligraphy by Zhang Xu, the sage of grass. Chu Yunqiu can't see clearly on the scrolls. what to write.

The pen is like a dragon and a snake, and the dragon is flying and the phoenix is ​​dancing. I can't understand it at all.

Chu Yunqiu frowned, with a dazed look on his face. What was written? Chu Yunqiu read it for a long time, and recognized three characters in total, a "zhi", a "ten", and a The character is "one", and Chu Yunqiu is not sure if it is correct.

Wild grass, as expected of wild grass, the grass makes people unable to understand what is written. In ancient and modern times, only Zhang Xu can achieve this level of grass.

Chu Yunqiu rubbed his eyes, he couldn't help it, his eyes hurt from looking at it.

Chu Yunqiu put away the scroll, let the professionals read it, as I can't understand what's written with my skills.

The author of the other volume of calligraphy is also a big man, and he was Cai Jing, the Prime Minister of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Regardless of Cai Jing's character, if we only talk about his calligraphy, it will definitely have a long-standing influence on the history of calligraphy in China.

Although Cai Jing has a bad reputation and has a "vicious character", Cai Jing's calligraphy is definitely "a generation of masters". His calligraphy has a style of masters, and it is precisely because of his calligraphy that he was appreciated by Song Huizong and worshiped by officials. The prime minister became a famous power minister in Chinese history.

Cai Jing had the right to minister in the Northern Song Dynasty, and Qin Hui had the right to be the minister in the Southern Song Dynasty. Both of them are very famous, but Cai Jing has an achievement that Qin Hui can't catch up with, and that is calligraphy.

It is not for nothing that Cai Jing's calligraphy is admired by many calligraphers and collected by many calligraphy lovers.

There were four great calligraphers in the Northern Song Dynasty: "Su, Huang, Mi, and Cai". Among them, Cai refers to Cai Jing, but some people think that Cai Jing's character is evil, so he changed it to Cai Xiang.Cai Jinggong learned calligraphy from Cai Xiang with his younger brother Cai Bian at the beginning, and when he was granted the title of Qiantang county lieutenant by a middle-level Jinshi officer, because Shenzong loved Xu Hao's calligraphy, scholars and bureaucrats learned it one after another. Cai Jing also studied Xu Hao's calligraphy with Su Shi who was demoted in Qiantang. Shen Chuanshi and Ouyang Xun changed to study "Two Kings".

It can be said that Cai Jing followed many calligraphers as teachers, and also learned the calligraphy of many ancestors. In the end, he learned from all the elders of various families and became a whole of his own.

His calligraphy is charming, bold and strong, cheerful and calm, and has a unique style, which is admired all over the world.

Cai Jing's calligraphy art has the characteristics of charming, vigorous, cheerful and calm, which can reflect the calligraphy aesthetics of "Shang Yi" in the Song Dynasty, so it enjoyed a high reputation at that time, and many people in the government and the public studied his calligraphy.

Yuan Tao Jiayi's "Book History Huiyao" once quoted the commentators at that time as saying: "The characters are strict but not restrictive, easy but not out of the rules, the official script is like a crowned sword, discussed above the temple; The brilliance shoots people; the crown with big characters occupies the present, and there are few consorts."

It pertinently reflects Cai Jing's status in calligraphy art at that time.

According to legend, when people at that time talked about his calligraphy, they often used words such as "the most outstanding" and "no one surpassed others". Even Mi Fu, who was very arrogant at the time, once said that his calligraphy was not as good as Cai Jing's. .

The calligraphy in Chu Yunqiu's hand is exactly Cai Jing's and Cai Xiang's. In addition to Cai Jing's own bell seal, there are also the bell seal and inscriptions of Song Huizong and others.

Looking at the calligraphy on the scroll, Chu Yunqiu really gave people a sense of enjoyment.It is said that handwriting is like a person, Chu Yunqiu can't figure it out, how can a person who can write such beautiful handwriting have such poor character?
And the things in the remaining two logs really surprised Chu Yunqiu, he never thought that it was this.

PS: Thank you "Very Lazy Fish" and "Bingerer Bing" for their support of a monthly pass, and thank you "Jing Mingkong" for your 100 starting point coins. Maybe you guys and sisters don't like to watch it This kind of plot, but it is an indispensable part. When the nine-story ancient pagoda was built in front, it was already paving the way for the present, but Beichen tried to meet everyone's requirements, minimized it as much as possible, and gave Beichen two or three chapters of buffer , and then enter the simple country life.Brothers and sisters, just take these chapters as the seasoning in your life. Life is colorful, and even in the countryside, you should live a wonderful and beautiful life.

(End of this chapter)

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