Treasure well

Chapter 202 Family Difficulties

Chapter 202 A Difficult Family
It is true that children in rural areas start their families early, because children in rural areas start families early.

If it weren't for going to school or serving in the army, in the countryside, at the age of 25 or six, he would already be the head of the family, and he might even become the father of the child.

Among other things, just a few of Chu Yunqiu's playmates when he was a child, those close buddies who didn't go to school early, have now married and established businesses. Among them, the children who got married the earliest have all gone to school, and the rest of them, their children will go to the streets Soy sauce has been added, and the few who got married late have their children in their infancy.

What hurt Chu Yunqiu the most was his brother-in-law, who was about the same age as him, but married his sister Chu Yuhe, who was half a generation older than Chu Yunqiu. The child—Little Niuniu, will go to the streets to make soy sauce now.

Children in rural areas get married early and leave home early, because they have responsibilities, they are no longer alone, apart from their parents, they still have three families to support, one for themselves, one for their wife, and one for their own. Zhang child's.

So Chu Yunqiu's childhood playmates are all running around outside now, some are doing well, and some are just making ends meet.

So Chu Yunqiu decided that after finishing some of his affairs, he would pull on his buddies. Although they could not make them rich, at least they could live a prosperous life.

When Chu Yunqiu heard Aunt Chen's words, he nodded in agreement. Liu Donghai had indeed reached the age to get married and have children, but now getting a wife has become a big problem, especially in rural areas.

You want a house, a car, and a bride price, and you don’t choose people based on how they are, but whether they have money in the family.

The car must be a good car, and the lowest house is bought in the county, and the bride price is weighed by the catty.

It is understandable that parents want their daughter to live a good life, and they also hope to marry a rich husband so that they can live comfortably in the rest of their lives, which is also right.But before doing this, do you first look at how you look like? Even some "Dongshi" have become proud and have learned to pick and choose, which has caused some poor families to be overwhelmed and even unable to marry a wife.

There are fewer girls and more boys, and there are many people who cannot marry a wife, so some people become more and more proud and want more and more things.

Chu Yunqiu looked at Lu Zhiqing, feeling deeply in his heart: "It's better to fall in love freely."

Meng Qingyou blinked her eyes, a little puzzled, "Brother-in-law, is the gift of [-] yuan a lot?" Meng Qingyou didn't think it was much, it might as well be as much as her pocket money.

Chu Yunqiu is so speechless, you can die if you don't say a word.

Chu Yunqiu rolled his eyes at Meng Qingyou, but looking at Meng Qingyou's curious eyes, he had no choice but to explain to him: "One hundred thousand is a small amount of money to you, but it is indeed a small amount of money to a rural family. A large sum of money, how much a family can earn in a year, I tell you that you may not know, I will do the math for you.

Let's just talk about an ordinary family, which is counted as a family of three.In rural areas, it is generally men who earn money, and women generally take care of their children at home. Even if there are those who earn money to support their families, they don’t have much money, so let’s ignore it for now.Migrant workers go out to make money. The daily salary is basically 150. A month is calculated as 30 days. Even if it is rainy or not, it is only 4500. 5000, and that’s on the premise of not eating, drinking, or buying clothes.” Chu Yunqiu was telling the truth, not a bit of fraud, because most of his people were surrounded by such a group of people.

Chu Yunqiu picked up the porcelain cup in front of him and took a sip to moisten his throat.

Meng Qingyou and Lu Zhiqing listened carefully, they never knew these things.

After Chu Yunqiu drank the tea, he continued to talk, "Also, in a year, you can't have work every day, and you can't work every day, after all, your body can't hold on, and when you make money, you The family still has to spend money. You don’t need to buy clothes, but the children have to buy them. If the children go to school, the tuition fee is free, but the books must be paid. During the holidays, you have to buy gifts for relatives and friends, and "..." Chu Yunqiu began to chatter there, and everyone who listened was dumbfounded.

Liu Aimin and Chen Aifeng were even more stunned. They didn't expect Chu Yunqiu to know such details.

"So, even if a family is free from illness, disaster, and accidents within a year, it will cost a lot of expenses. It is already very good to have [-] to [-] yuan a year, so it is almost impossible to get rich by working part-time. So my parents taught me since I was a child that if I want to change my destiny, I must go to school," Chu Yunqiu said to Meng Qingyou.

"Ah, 150 a day, why is the salary so low?" Meng Qingyou stuck out her tongue lightly.

"What do you think? There's no such thing as easy money, you think it's just floating around." Chu Yunqiu looked at Meng Qingyou with some amusement.

At first glance, Meng Qingyou was the type of "little princess". She didn't have to worry about food and drink, she didn't have to worry about food and clothing, she couldn't spend all her pocket money every day, and she didn't pay attention to the life at the bottom.

"Xiao Chu, what you said is so true. I have made money in the past few years. To be honest, there is not much left. The only achievement is to help my son build a house so that he has a place to live." Liu Shu sighed With a sigh of relief, his face was full of helplessness.

Who doesn't want to make money, but it's not so easy to make money. "Hey, I'm going to be like this all my life. I can't help them too much. I just hope they can get married and start a business soon." Uncle Liu said with infinite emotion.

"Stop talking, let's see if Erni can come out and help her brother in the future." Chen Aifeng also had a sad expression on her face.

"Hey, I hope so," Liu Aimin nodded.

The atmosphere was a little heavy for a while, Chu Yunqiu was also a little silent, he wanted to help the other party.

There are tens of thousands of families in the world, and there are countless families in difficulties. There are many families that are more difficult than Liu Aimin's family.

If you haven't met, it means you have no fate. Now that you have met, Chu Yunqiu will lend a helping hand.

It's just that you need to pay attention to skills when helping, and you have to save face for the other party, and you can't make people feel that you are giving alms.

"Dad, Mom, I brought the things." At this moment, Liu Donghai walked in from the outside.

"Okay, Xiao Chu, let's go take a look first." Liu Aimin and Chen Aifeng stood up.

"Alright," Chu Yunqiu nodded, and walked out with Meng Qingyou and Lu Zhiqing.

"This is..." Looking at the dozen or so bamboo cages in the yard, Chu Yunqiu hurried forward and carefully looked at the pair of beautiful parrots inside the cages.

I saw this pair of parrots, most of them are bright bright red, the bare skin around the eyes and cheeks has red horizontal feathers that are not obvious, and at the back of their heads, some red feathers have yellow piping. A large part of the body is red.

The neck and mantle are bright red.The lower mantle feathers are reddish-yellow, the mandible is large black, the skin of the eyes and exposed cheeks is white, the upper and middle coverts of the wings are yellow, with a little green at the tip, and the outermost main flight feathers are blue, The cover feathers near the tail and inside are light blue, the red feathers above the tail have a little blue on the outer edge of the tip, the tail and the inside of the wings are red, the upper beak is ivory white with a little black, the middle of the lower beak is black, and the iris is yellow. Leg claws black.

This pair of parrots is extremely beautiful, and can even be described as colorful.

"Colorful macaw", Lu Zhiqing who was behind Chu Yunqiu exclaimed.

"You recognized it too, Uncle Liu, this is the colorful macaw, right?" Chu Yunqiu turned his head to look at Uncle Liu and Liu Aimin.

"I don't know, we only know it's a parrot," Liu Aimin shook his head, he really didn't know what a colorful macaw was.

"You guys captured this thing?" Chu Yunqiu couldn't believe it.

"You may not believe it, it was indeed caught by our family, but we guessed that this pair of parrots should have been lost by someone else's family, and then got into our bird-catching net, but we waited for a long time. No one came to claim it, so we kept it until now," Chen Aifeng explained to Chu Yunqiu.

Chu Yunqiu nodded, it is more believable to get lost.

PS: Thanks to "nfkbsl" brother, "Forgot Who" brother, "Smiley Cat" brother, "3 big smiles" brother, "Red Sword" brother, thank you for your support of the two monthly tickets, saying that today is Is it a special day?This is the first time I have received so many monthly tickets since it was put on the shelves. I am very flattered, really flattered, thank you brothers.Thank you "dg0313" for the support of 100 starting coins, thank you for the reward, thank you "Gu Fengqiao Yebo" for your support of 36 recommendation tickets, and thank you "Husky I like" for your support of 22 recommendation tickets, thank you "It's okay to fly" Play "big brother" for the support of 18 recommended tickets, thank you a few big brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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