Treasure well

Chapter 198 Going away, the boss behind the scenes

Chapter 198 Going away, the boss behind the scenes

Chu Yunqiu looked at Lu Zhiqing's pleading eyes, and hesitated in his heart. He really didn't want to let the bald boss go, but he had to listen to his wife. Chu Yunqiu didn't know what to do for a while.

And just when Chu Yunqiu was hesitating endlessly, a scream came from behind.

The expressions of Lu Zhiqing and Chu Yunqiu couldn't help changing, and they hurriedly turned around. They could tell that the owner of the voice was Meng Qingyou.

"Cousin", Lu Zhiqing's face turned pale with shock, and hurried forward.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't care about the bald boss at this time, and hurried forward.

On the other side of the BMW, Meng Qingyou was thrown to the ground by a young man with blood all over his face, and was tightly strangled by his neck.

Chu Yunqiu and Lu Zhiqing could see clearly that this man with blood on his face was really a young man with yellow hair.

Speaking of this matter in detail, Meng Qingyou is also responsible.

After Karen Meng got out of the car, she saw the yellow-haired young man lying on the ground, covering his forehead and screaming repeatedly. She became angry and punched and kicked the yellow-haired young man.

If Karen Meng taught the other party a few words and then left, so many changes would not have happened. The strange thing is that Karen Meng became addicted to teaching the other party a lesson, punching and kicking the other party.

There is a saying that goes well, if you don't die, you won't die.

Meng Qingyou wears high-heeled shoes, especially the heels, and it hurts to kick it. The yellow-haired young man was really anxious about being kicked by Meng Qingyou, and he also cared about other things. He struggled to stand up, and directly threw Meng Qingyou on the ground. On the ground, stretch out your hands to strangle Meng Qingyou to death.

Rabbits bite people in a hurry, dogs jump over walls in a hurry, people go crazy in a hurry, the yellow-haired young man seems to be crazy, he has no worries, he wants revenge, and he wants to make Meng Qingyou pay the price.

And that scream came from the moment Karen Meng was thrown.

Chu Yunqiu and Lu Zhiqing saw Meng Qingyou lying on the ground with the yellow-haired young man ruthlessly strangling her neck, and their expressions were a little light now.

The bald boss saw this situation, if he didn't run now, when would he wait.

The bald boss stood up and ran to the distance. At this moment, he couldn't even care about his brother.

Before leaving, the bald boss took a deep look at Chu Yunqiu, and he swore that he would take revenge and make Chu Yunqiu pay the price he deserved.

The bald boss looked at the three brothers lying on the ground, and said sorry in his heart. He will go to rescue the soldiers now and call all the brothers.

The bald boss has not yet recognized the fact that it is useless no matter how many people come, as many people will die as many as they come. In addition to giving away their brothers in vain, they also bury themselves in vain. Chu Yunqiu is not something they can deal with at all. .

The bald boss also paid a heavy price for his ignorance and revenge. Of course, this is what happened later.

Chu Yunqiu didn't notice the bald man's escape. At this time, he had no energy to care about anything else. He quickly rushed to the yellow-haired young man. Without saying anything, he kicked the yellow-haired young man directly. above the shoulders.

"Ah", with a scream, the yellow-haired young man was kicked away by Chu Yunqiu, and based on the sound, his arm should be broken.

"Cousin," Lu Zhiqing ran up in a hurry, but because she was wearing high heels, she wasn't very fast.

Chu Yunqiu pulled Karen Meng up from the ground and looked at the opponent's jade neck. Except for a few red marks and the blood on the opponent's hands, there was nothing serious.

Meng Qingyou's frightened expression seemed a little dull, after three or four seconds, the pupils of Meng Qingyou's eyes began to focus, and after seeing Chu Yunqiu clearly in front of her, Meng Qingyou burst into tears and yelled "Brother-in-law", and threw herself directly into Chu Yunqiu's arms.

"Hey", Chu Yunqiu sighed softly, hugged Karen Meng, and gently patted Karen Meng's back. In his eyes, Karen Meng was still a child after all, just like his little sister Like Chu Yulian, no matter how old she is, she will always be a child in his eyes and needs his care.

"Cousin", Lu Zhiqing came to Meng Qingyou's side, as long as she saw that her cousin was fine.

"Sister", seeing Lu Zhiqing, Meng Qingyou threw herself into Meng Qingyou's arms again.

Turning around, Chu Yunqiu found that the bald boss just now had sneaked away. Chu Yunqiu sighed inwardly, he really took advantage of him.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the yellow-haired young man lying on the ground like a dead man. He walked to him, took out his cell phone, and called the police directly. It was better to let the police handle this matter.

Chu Yunqiu placed the four people lying on the ground on the open space on the roadside, walked to the barrier blocking the car, stretched out his hand, directly removed the two large iron poles blocking the road, and threw them into the open space. Want to reuse unless overhauled.

"Let's go", Chu Yunqiu returned to the driver's seat and drove away.

At this time, Lu Zhiqing did not sit in the co-pilot, but sat with Meng Qingyou, comforting her.

On the side of the road, some truck drivers hid in the truck and remained motionless for fear of harming Chi Yu. They watched Chu Yunqiu show off his supernatural powers. Although they admired him, no one dared to say anything, let alone help.After Chu Yunqiu left, these large trucks started their vehicles at the same time and left in a hurry.

This experience gave them another capital to talk about after dinner.

Not long after Chu Yunqiu left, seven or eight vans came directly to the scene. Immediately afterwards, dozens of strong men got on and off the van, and everyone was very strong and tough.

And the bald boss is among these people.

The only thing that has changed is that the bald boss no longer seems to be the boss now. He is following behind a middle-aged man. The man looks very thin and has sharp eyes, like eagle eyes, which makes people shudder. Everyone vaguely thinks of him. Center, followed behind him.

The bald boss looked at the four brothers lying on the ground, "Brother, they are there", and the bald boss also lowered his head.

"Go and have a look." The eagle-eyed man put his hands in his pockets, looking very classy.

"En", just as the eagle-eyed man finished speaking, a person came out from the inside, came to the side of the four of them, and checked carefully.

"Brother, it's not life-threatening. Among the four people, one was hit in the head by a steel pipe and suffered a shattered shoulder. The second was hit in the temple and passed out. The third had a footprint on his stomach. He must have been seriously injured. The blow was very powerful. As for Ahu, not only was his temple hit hard, but his wrist was also bruised." Ahu is the muscular man. Because he has a tiger tattooed on his back, everyone calls him Ahu, and Ahu Tigers fight fiercely and are very famous among people.

"Well, it seems that the other party is really not weak, but I just don't know if the other party will come back." The eagle-eyed man nodded. He was very confident in his own skills, and he was confident that Chu Yunqiu could not beat him.

"Brother, what are they going to do?"

"Fifth, you drive them to the hospital, and each of them pays 1 yuan for recuperation," the eagle-eyed man said to a crew-cut man behind him, each of whom was a little chunky.

"Brother, leave it to me." The short, fat man called out to a few brothers, carried the four of them into the van, and drove away.

The eagle-eyed man looked at the messy scene. In addition to the blood remaining on the ground, there were also several scattered steel pipes.

"Third brother, you and the bald man continue to wait here, wait until the other party stops him, and then call me." The eagle-eyed man once again made arrangements.

"Brother, don't worry. As long as they are still passing by this way, I will make sure they can't escape." The third child nodded.

When the eagle-eyed man was still saying something, the sound of a police car suddenly reached his ears. The eagle-eyed man winked at the person next to him, and then the person left and walked aside.

PS: Thanks to the big brother "Drunken Love Yueyou~Rui Fan" and the big beauty "Yao Xiaojun 2" for the reward of 100 starting coins, thanks to the big brother "Tianhuo Jitian", thanks to the big brother "Chaos Tyrannosaurus", and thanks to "Shen Chong 20", Thanks to the big brother "Saint Papa Papa", thank you to the big brothers and beauties for your support, thank you.Thanks to Brother Gu Fengqiao Yebo for 27 recommendation tickets, let go of 18 recommendation tickets, and 16 recommendation tickets for this game.Everyone else asks for a subscription, I ask for a favorite, oh, it's hard, please.

(End of this chapter)

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