Treasure well

Chapter 194 Chapter 195

Chapter 194 Chapter 195
Chu Yunqiu frowned as he looked at the unfamiliar number on it. He was worried that it was another harassing call.

Last time, when he was talking about his phone number with Xiao Na, there happened to be a few girls at the scene. He wanted to talk about it alone later, but under the urging of everyone, he had no choice but to give out his phone number.

It's just that I didn't expect that this opening directly gave rise to several enthusiastic "fans".

If you have nothing to do, harass yourself, call or send text messages to yourself, talk about their life and future, and make yourself dumbfounded. Are you trying to date yourself?In order not to make Lu Zhiqing angry, Chu Yunqiu quietly blocked them. Even so, Chu Yunqiu still felt a sense of "distrust" when it came to unfamiliar calls.

"Whose call, why didn't you answer it?" Chu Yuhe couldn't help reminding when he saw his brother holding the phone in a daze.

"Ah", Chu Yunqiu woke up from his contemplation, "Yes, of course, little girl, stop playing, come and give me a hand", Chu Yunqiu shouted to Chu Yulian.

"It's me again", Chu Yulian pouted, that's not happy.

"Hi, hello, who am I looking for?" Chu Yunqiu walked out of the supermarket, looked at the clear sky outside, and breathed in the fresh air outside.

"Excuse me, are you Chu Yunqiu?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the other side of the phone, and beside the middle-aged man, there were noisy voices, which sounded like a middle-aged woman.

"You are." Hearing the middle-aged man's voice, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help being taken aback. Who is this? Do I know him?
"Are you Chu Yunqiu?" The middle-aged man didn't answer, but asked again.

"I am", Chu Yunqiu nodded, "Who the hell are you?"

"Great, it's really you, I thought I made a mistake again, Aifeng, you better tell me, I can't explain clearly to him", the middle-aged man looked very excited.

Chu Yunqiu was a little puzzled, who was the other party, as if he had been looking for him.

"Hello", a middle-aged woman's voice came out of the phone, it should be Aifeng in the man's mouth.

"Hello, I'm here", Chu Yunqiu heard the other party's voice, and felt very familiar, as if he had heard it from somewhere.

"Do you remember me? I'm the middle-aged woman who sold you chickens. At that time, you left me your phone number and told me to call you when I have similar creatures. Do you remember?" The middle-aged woman was very worried, and he was really worried that Chu Yunqiu would forget.

"Flower chicken?" When I mentioned it suddenly, Chu Yunqiu really couldn't remember it, but it's good to have a range. Chu Yunqiu thought about the chicken. At this moment, a picture suddenly appeared in Chu Yunqiu's mind. In the picture, it is a group of five-color golden pheasants that are free-range in the orchard. "Could it be them?" Chu Yunqiu became more and more certain in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "Is it those colorful chickens?"

"Yes, yes, that's them." The middle-aged woman finally remembered the excitement she felt when she heard Chu Yunqiu's culture.

"It's you, I remembered, why, what can I do for you?" Chu Yunqiu was full of anticipation in her heart, she believed that the other party would definitely surprise her.

"En", the middle-aged woman hummed softly, "That's right, we caught some more on the mountain a few days ago, and ask if you are willing to buy them."

"Yes, of course, so, where are you, I'll go there in person." Chu Yunqiu was so happy, he liked these things.

"Our family is in Bailongtan Village, Muyang Town. Do you know such a place? Otherwise, you can go directly to our town and we will pick you up." The middle-aged woman was a little worried.

"Bailongtan Village, Muyang Town, right? I see. Don't worry, I'll be there in the afternoon." Of course, Chu Yunqiu doesn't know where Bailongtan Village is. It’s not complete, let alone other towns, but what era is it now, the information age, if you don’t know the way, you can ask for navigation.

With navigation, Chu Yunqiu has the confidence.

"Yes, call us in advance when the time comes, and we will wait for you at the village," the middle-aged woman was so happy.

"Okay", after Chu Yunqiu hung up the phone, he told Chu's mother to let them work in the store and go out by himself.

When Chu Yulian heard that Chu Yunqiu was going out, her eyes lit up for a while, and she shouted that she wanted to go out to play, but before she could act, she was stopped by Chu's mother's eyes.

Chu Yulian curled her lips, a little unhappy.

Meng Qingyou, who was busy inside, heard that Chu Yunqiu was going out, and went to another mountain village. She was so happy, pestered Chu Yunqiu, and wanted to play along with her life and death. For the first time, Meng Qingyou felt that Chu Yunqiu was not So nasty.

Chu Yunqiu looked at Lu Zhiqing and asked Lu Zhiqing's opinion. In fact, he also wanted to take Meng Qingyou out, because keeping Meng Qingyou here was purely causing trouble.

Seeing Chu Yunqiu looking at her, Lu Zhiqing nodded, "I'll go too."

"Alright", Chu Yunqiu returned home and drove out the car.

Meng Qingyou couldn't wait to run up, Chu Yulian looked at Meng Qingyou, her face was full of envy, but there was no way, who would let her and Lu Zhiqing use this tool among the rest of the people? ?
Of course, Chu Yunqiu also saw the disappointment and unhappiness on the little girl's face, "Little girl, I won't take you out today, and I will take you out for a trip sometime later."

"That's what you said." Chu Yulian heard Chu Yunqiu's words, and the disappointment on his face disappeared immediately, "Brother, I'm going to climb Mount Tai. I've grown so big, I've never been there before."

"Okay, I'll take you out after I finish dealing with the matter at hand." Chu Yunqiu had promised the little girl long ago that he would take her out on a trip when he had time.

With Chu Yunqiu's promise, Chu Yulian was filled with strength.

Chu Yunqiu looked around, Liang Ganzhi and Gong Feng were not here at this time, and they didn't know where they ran, but thinking about it, there should be nothing wrong with such a big person.

Chu Yunqiu's brother-in-law brought his little aunt, and Chu's mother hugged Niu Niu and sent Chu Yunqiu to the car.

Lu Zhiqing sat in the passenger seat and adjusted the navigation, while Meng Qingyou sat at the back and played with her phone.

Muyang Town does not connect with the town where Chu Yunqiu is located. If you want to reach Muyang Town, you have to pass through another town between the two. Moreover, Bailongtan Village is located on the west side of Muyang Town, which is even more important. increased the distance between each other.

Chu Yunqiu's driving speed was not fast, but he was not slow either. After passing through the spacious road, Chu Yunqiu met the legendary Road Hog.

Set up checkpoints and charge fees. If you don't, don't think about going there. It's similar to the bandits and bandits back then. There is a feeling of "I planted this tree, and I opened this road. If you want to pass by, leave money to buy roads".

Don't keep money, hey, sorry, this way doesn't work.

This level is not useful for bicycles and motorcycles, but it is very useful for four-wheeled vehicles, especially large trucks. As long as you plunge into this road and want to turn around, don't even think about it.

And next to the checkpoint, there are four or five strong men, all tattooed, looking fierce. Next to these strong men, there are some steel pipes and weapons. It seems that if there is a disagreement, they will face each other with swords.

Those who can do this kind of thing are usually the local bosses. They are very powerful. With a single order, they can greet dozens of brothers. Moreover, none of the people who can be the boss of the local area is a simple person, and generally they have formed their own forces. I also have contact with some government personnel, not only let them turn a blind eye, but even let them tell when there is something turbulent.

So I want to check, it’s not that simple.

When ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they will usually spend money to eliminate disasters, and the matter will be over with that little money, and no one wants to cause trouble, so this situation has been saved until now.

Chu Yunqiu encountered such a situation now and was blocked by someone.

PS: Thank you brother "johntang" for your support of the two monthly tickets, thank you brother, thank you brother "chxwjlsh" for the reward of 200 starting coins, thank you brother "Guifa", brother "Wujian in the Mountain", brother "Fa Confucianism? China" brother , Brother "Lonely Sad", thank you for your support, thank you.

Thank you "Duantian" for your 11 recommendation tickets, and thank you "Arrogant D Emperor" and "Gu Fengqiao Yebo" for your 9 recommendation tickets. Thank you for your support, Beichen is grateful do!I wish all book friends a happy reunion and a safe life!
(End of this chapter)

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