Treasure well

第177章 5荤1蛋 2素1汤

Chapter 177 Five Meat, One Egg, Two Vegetarian Soup

The backyard of the old house is a vegetable garden, where a lot of fresh vegetables are planted, and some vegetables you want to eat can be picked on the spot, and the vegetables inside are pollution-free, pollution-free, very green and healthy.

Chu Yunqiu walked into the backyard vegetable garden and looked at the vegetables growing in it. There were tomatoes, cucumbers, loofahs, bitter gourds, eggplants, green peppers, etc. They were all green and full of vitality.

Chu Yunqiu dragged his chin, thinking about what to cook for lunch.

Fish is an indispensable part of the banquet, but vegetables are also a very important part. No wine, no meat, no feast, no vegetables, no soup, no feast.

Chu Yunqiu made a rough calculation, he, Lu Zhiqing, Meng Qingyou, younger sister Chu Yulian, Xiao Niuniu, Gong Feng, Liang Ganzhi, Wang Yidong, plus Xiao Na who has not arrived yet, so the calculation is quite reasonable. Nine people, if the elder sister and brother-in-law are called over for dinner at that time, there will be eleven people.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunqiu suddenly had an idea in his mind, five meat, one egg, two vegetables and one soup, make nine dishes, according to this standard, the little girl is small, the appetite is also the smallest, and she doesn't eat much, but Gong Feng is the top Two, just to complement Xiao Niu Niu, eleven people, nine dishes, about the same.

The food at home is different from the food in the restaurant, and the quantity is large.I will definitely not eat several meals by myself. If it is really not enough, it is a big deal to make a few more dishes, which is not a problem.

With an idea, Chu Yunqiu went into the vegetable garden and picked some green onions from the vegetable field, planning to stir fry it with Zihuang eggs to make scrambled eggs with chopped green onions, which is one of the nine dishes.

Then, Chu Yunqiu picked a few more eggplants from the vegetable field, and planned to make braised eggplants. Some people cook braised eggplants deliciously, while others make them unpalatable. You must master the heat properly.

If the heat is too long, the water will evaporate, and the eggplant will easily shrivel and grow old, and it will not taste good;So when making braised eggplant, there should not be too many casual things.

Not only braised eggplant needs to control the heat well, but other dishes also need to control the heat well. The heat is very important for a dish.The same is true of being a human being. To control the temperature well is to grasp a certain degree. It can't be too much, otherwise it will become too much, and the relationship will be easily burnt; it can't be too far away.

After Chu Yunqiu finished picking the eggplants, he put them and chopped scallions on the empty table aside, and then went to pick some cucumbers and green peppers.

Two vegetarian dishes, one hot and one cold, the hot dish is braised eggplant, and the cold dish is garlic cucumber.

Five meat, Chu Yunqiu intends to make an authentic spicy chicken. The key point of spicy chicken is that it is not spicy, it is not delicious, but it should not be too spicy.The second dish-stir-fried shredded pork, the shredded pork is made from the meat on the double-winged kui beef ribs.The third dish Chu Yunqiu plans to cook is spicy fish, which is Gong Feng’s favorite dish. After it’s ready, put it in the electric cooker and heat it at low temperature to keep the spicy fish inside boiling. The fish meat is delicious. Moreover, the seasoning of the fish is completely covered by the ingredients in the pot. Apart from being spicy and spicy, it tastes fragrant. Take a sip of spicy fish soup and it will warm from your mouth to your stomach.

The fourth dish Chu Yunqiu plans to make a plate of deep-fried crayfish. The lobster is nothing but crystal white shrimp, a special product of Chujiazhai. The crystal white shrimp is densely packed and extremely adaptable. As long as it is fresh water, the water quality is clear Without pollution, he can almost survive.In Yueming Bay, almost half of the net is crystal white shrimp, and almost everyone in Chujiazhai has eaten it.

Moreover, the shrimp meat of crystal white shrimp is very crystal clear. It tastes like jelly. The meat is delicate and full of Q feeling. The whole crystal white shrimp can be put directly into the mouth.The outermost layer of crystal white shrimp is like a hard crystal shell, which will soften when heated.

Sprinkle some cumin on the outermost layer. The slightly numb spicy taste is like chewing chocolate. One plate is really not enough.

The fifth dish, and the last meat dish Chu Yunqiu decided to make, was crispy pork.Crispy pork is a very famous Shandong dish, and it is very delicious. Its color is bright red, soft and mellow, fat but not greasy, and it is widely loved by everyone.

The raw material is pork. After the pork is peeled, it is washed with cold water, scalded thoroughly in boiling water, and then cooled with cold water.Change it into large oblique slices, cut into slices, put it in a basin, then add ingredients, pepper, bay leaves, green onion and ginger, cinnamon, soy sauce, etc., and steam until rotten.Shred the rest of the onion and ginger, cut the coriander into sections, and slice the garlic.After coating the steamed pork slices with batter, deep-fry them in oil until they turn fiery red and pour out.

Put the base oil in the spoon, fry the pan with shredded green onion, ginger and garlic slices, add soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, put the fried meat slices in the spoon, simmer for 3 minutes, turn it over and put it in the plate, sprinkle with parsley part.

The method sounds a little complicated, but it's not complicated at all. Chu Yunqiu has done it a few times and is familiar with it.

For the last soup, Chu Yunqiu planned to make a sweet soup, firstly because there was Niu Niu, and secondly, to drink some sweet soup after dinner, treat it as dessert, and help digestion.

So Chu Yunqiu planned to make a horseshoe soup with yam. Yam is a kind of medicinal material, also known as "white yam", which is a herbal medicine recorded in "Chinese Materia Medica".

Yam has the effects of nourishing and strengthening, helping digestion, suppressing sweating, and stopping diarrhea. Yam is most suitable for taking with Ganoderma lucidum, and it has the effect of preventing and treating diabetes.

And horseshoe is also a kind of medicinal material, which can clear away heat and relieve lung, moisten throat and nourish stomach. Horseshoe is also called water chestnut, with purple-black skin, white flesh, sweet and juicy, crisp and delicious. "Jiangnan ginseng" can be eaten raw as a fruit or as a vegetable, and is a popular seasonal product.

Therefore, the combination of yam and horseshoe is very beneficial to the body, and it is beneficial and harmless.

After Chu Yunqiu prepared all the vegetables, he went back to the kitchen and washed the vegetables carefully.

Lu Zhiqing was busy taking care of the little girl, she couldn't move her hands, so she asked the little girl to help cook, uh, think about it or forget it, Meng Qingyou is also a guest, no matter what, she can't let the other party do it, so Chu Yunqiu can only do everything Work.

Practice makes perfect, Chu Yunqiu has developed a habit of cooking, so he doesn't feel tired, and more importantly, he likes cooking, cooking and cooking to be precise, and likes some ingredients to become one after another in his hands Exquisite food, I like my meals to be liked, recognized and praised by everyone.

So he also likes carving very much.

In his eyes, carving and cooking are the same. Cooking is to make simple ingredients into delicious food through matching and craftsmanship. Carving is also turning decay into magic, turning simple wood into exquisite artwork.

It is precisely because of this character that Chu Yunqiu has great enthusiasm for learning sculpture.

Chu Yunqiu cleaned up the vegetables from the pot, then took out yams, horseshoes, chicken, pork, etc. from the refrigerator, and put them on the table.

In the yard, Chu Yulian and Meng Qingyou were chatting there, chatting about which male star was handsome and which TV series was better. Lu Zhiqing stood aside, looking at Xiao Niu Niu with a smile on her face.I saw Xiao Niuniu hugging the little fox, imitating the way her mother hugged her, pretending to be a little adult, and coaxing the little fox to sleep.

But the little fox didn't cooperate, he stared at Ti Liuliu and looked at Xiao Niuniu, as if he was about to run away in the next moment.

 Thank you big brothers and some sisters for your support all the way, thank you for your subscription, Beichen is grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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