Treasure well

Chapter 150

Chapter 150
PS: Thanks to the "100 starting point coins" from "The Years Are Like a Song", the "45" recommendation tickets from the "jianing" brother, the "36" recommendation tickets from the "Chenyuan" brother, and the "ac198425" Big brother "33" recommendation votes, thanks to "awpk" big brother "30" recommendation votes, thanks to "screas" big brother "24" recommendation votes, and thanks to other big brothers who voted for recommendation, thank you!There is one thing to explain, since you guys don’t like to hand over things to the country, for fear of causing trouble, I will correct it in the next few chapters, since Beichen can hand over things, it can also make things disappear, thank you all Brother's support!At the same time, let me say a digression that has been very popular recently: "I want Brother Monkey to go to the Spring Festival Gala, and I want to see Sun Dasheng. If I wait another 12 years, my grandparents will turn into a pile of loess"!
At noon, the sun was shining brightly, and the scorching sun shone on the earth. Cicada hid above the trees, singing wantonly.

The air is a bit scorching hot, taking a deep breath, one can't help but feel a little stuffy, and the leaves droop their heads limply, as if they can't bear the sunlight!
At this time, Chu Yunqiu was standing with a middle-aged man, admiring the wonderful scenery of the Chu Family Village.

This middle-aged man was the one who called Chu Yunqiu.

Looking at the scenery of Chujiazhai, the middle-aged man's eyes were full of admiration, "I didn't expect that our county has such a beautiful place. It seems that I am ignorant."

The middle-aged man's name is Shen Qingwen. Due to business reasons, he has been working hard in the south, married a wife and had children there, and settled down. Except for going home to visit his parents every year during the Chinese New Year, he basically never went back to his hometown.

If it wasn't for his father's critical illness this time, I believe the other party might not come back.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know Shen Qingwen very well, but since the other party came to the Chu family village, he happened to take him to see the beautiful scenery of the Chu family village.

Hearing Shen Qingwen's emotion, Chu Yunqiu smiled lightly, "This is where we are, let's go, let's go to Baiyun Mountain for a stroll."

"Okay, today you are the host and I am the guest, so I will follow you around." Shen Qingwen nodded.

The two returned from the village, passed the "snack street" and came to Shimen.

At this time, some tourists stood in front of Shimen, holding selfie sticks, and posing in various poses, as if they wanted to include the magnificence of the entire Shimen.

However, the entire Shimen is too big, and it is impossible to capture the panoramic view from a close distance. However, from a distance, the Shimen does not appear very clear, and its majesty and grandeur cannot be reflected.

Therefore, a tourist will basically take several photos, choose several locations, and include all the landscapes of the entire Shimen in the camera.

For example, the stone lion in front of the stone gate, the giant dragon on the Panlong Pillar, the phoenix and unicorn above the stone gate. Taking a photo in one pose can encompass all the scenery.

"It's such a big stone gate." Looking at the huge door in front of him, Shen Qingwen showed a huge shock on his face. After traveling all over the world for so many years, he has never seen such a big stone gate. Take two photos and I will post them on Moments later. I will envy them so much." Shen Qingwen grabbed Chu Yunqiu and took out his mobile phone.

"Okay", Chu Yunqiu nodded, but at this moment, no matter in front of the stone lion or beside the stone gate, tourists are all standing. Some of them are holding selfie sticks, and some are standing in front of their relatives and friends. Buddy, almost packed the space.

In front of Shimen, a little loli stood in the center, posing in a cute pose. In front of the little loli, her mother held a camera and pointed at her daughter.

Following her mother's command, the little loli kept posing in various cute and cute poses, and some passers-by also took out their cameras to take pictures of this cute little loli.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the little loli in front of him, and suddenly thought of Niu Niu, Niu Niu is a snack, I don’t know what to do now, she lost a tooth, and she has grown up a lot, although the little girl still eats those dessert candies, but It's not as crazy as it used to be.In the past, I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I basically never broke my mouth with sugar, and even the best teeth would be broken.

"Hey, Yunqiu, there's room." Shen Qingwen looked around to see if anyone had finished taking photos. Not to mention, a couple just happened to leave, and Shen Qingwen couldn't wait to stand there!
Chu Yunqiu took several pictures of Shen Qingwen in a row, changing a few backgrounds during the period, and the harvest was not bad, making the other party very happy.

"I saw it. That's my residence. After we go down the mountain, we can drink some water at home," Chu Yunqiu said, pointing to the old house not far away.

"Okay", Shen Qingwen glanced at the old house not far away, never expecting that Chu Yunqiu would choose to live in such a place.

"Zhi", with a chirping sound, I saw two huge creatures flying in the sky, spreading their huge wings, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

At this time, everyone who was taking pictures unanimously raised their cameras and took pictures of the two figures in the sky.

These two behemoths are exactly Chu Yunqiu's pets - Dabai and Xiaohei!

Now Dabai and Xiaohei have serious identities and occupations, they are "Baiyun Mountain Inspectors". Besides the two of them, Dawang Xiaowang and Daxue also have the same identities. They are responsible for the inspection work of Baiyun Mountain , Three are patrolling on land, and two are patrolling and guarding in the air!

The eagle's eyes are sharp, and the carvings are not bad. They are high above the sky, and their vision is wider. The task of the five of them is to avoid graffiti and damage public property!
It's okay to be caught by the aunt, that is, a fine, but to be bumped by one of these five guys, that's terrible!
They won't hurt you, but they will definitely scare you, guaranteeing an experience of a lifetime that will never be forgotten.

The five little guys' work was not in vain. Chu Yunqiu was rewarded every day, which was the meat of the ferocious beast.

The meat of the red-brisled wild boar has been completely consumed this time, and it looks big, but when there are more people, it seems to be less.

After returning from Kyoto, the first thing Chu Yunqiu did was to choose a large piece of red-maned wild boar meat, and then picked out a box of "Zihuang eggs", as well as honey, Baiyun Mountain's specialty fish and shrimp, and gave them to Lu. Father Lu and mother mailed it over.

This is the request of the prospective mother-in-law, and Chu Yunqiu has always taken it to heart!
In addition to the father-in-law and mother-in-law, there are also parents and relatives. The elder sister also brought a piece to her mother-in-law, and Fatty Gong, who knew how to eat and eat, and often "blackmailed" him.

It can be said that the red-maned wild boar will bottom out.

Chu Yunqiu had no choice but to take out the meat of the "Double-winged Kui Beef" from last time, saying it was a cow, is it a cow?Apart from having a cow's head, it has nothing to do with a cow.

But the meat of the double-winged Kui ox is more delicate and firmer than the meat of the red-mansled wild boar, and it tastes particularly delicious in the mouth.

So now the two-winged Kui Niu has already gone down by more than half.

Because of eating this kind of meat for a long time, Grandpa Chu and Grandma Chu’s body bones are becoming stronger and stronger, and their white hair has turned black, similar to Zhou Botong in his later years in "The Legend of Condor Heroes", but the other party has been taking honey for a long time Hair turns black.

Chu Yunqiu looked at Dabai and Xiaohei in the sky, whistled at the two guys, and waved.

"Zhi", two chirping sounds pierced the sky and circled twice in the air.

"I didn't expect you to have such a god here." Shen Qingwen looked at the two big eagles in the air and praised Chu Yunqiu beside him.

Hearing Chu Yunqiu whistled, Shen Qingwen also felt a little itchy, and whistled along with him. He also knew this thing, and it happened to make him flustered.

But he didn't expect that just after blowing the whistle, the two giants flew down.

"Fuck, lie down," Shen Qingwen turned pale with shock, he was only joking just now, but he didn't expect to actually call them down.

So at the first moment, Shen Qingwen prostrated himself on the ground, and even pulled Chu Yunqiu hard, but he didn't pull.

Some tourists around were also shocked, why, it is so big, it must be dangerous, so they all hurriedly avoided, those with children hugged their children tightly, and those with girlfriends tightly protected their girlfriends.

Only some people who knew about it stood there very excitedly, with their cameras ready!
With two gusts of wind blowing, Dabai and Xiaohei landed steadily beside Chu Yunqiu, rubbing against Chu Yunqiu's body coquettishly.

Under Chu Yunqiu's meticulous care, Dabai and Xiaohei grew bigger again.Now he can no longer stand two guys on his shoulders, and the little guy from back then has grown into the huge monster he is now.

Damn, it grows faster than taking hormones.

"What's the situation?" Chu Yunqiu patted Dabai's head, turned his head and saw Shen Qingwen lying on the ground with his hands covering his head, he was a little puzzled, it's all because it happened so fast, yes, it's all because it happened too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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