Treasure well

Chapter 146

Chapter 146 The Bamboo Bridge Connects the Black Karst Cave (Third Watch)

PS: The third update is over, and the promise is fulfilled!My head is not working anymore, it hurts so much, it seems to be splitting open, I need to take it easy first!come on!

Flower and Fruit Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave!
The Milky Way waterfall pours down, and the sun shines on the censer with purple smoke!
Around the Shuilian Cave, there were crowds of people, lined up in long lines, looking at the scenery inside, waiting quietly.

Although the space of the Water Curtain Cave is not small, it is limited and cannot accommodate so many people. Therefore, passengers who enter the cave have five to 10 minutes to take pictures inside. After this time, although they will not be forced to Sexual expulsion, but the staff inside will kindly remind: "Give the tourists behind one more chance".

The space is only so big, if the tourists in front take too long, the tourists behind may wait an extra time.

At this time, the Water Curtain Cave is still free. If it becomes a fee, it will definitely not be like this again, and the rules will definitely change.

Besides, if it really becomes a charging item, tourists will not be allowed to wait outside for such a long time.

Chu Yunqiu didn't chat with Gong Feng for too long, and walked forward alone.

When he heard the sound of the waterfall, Chu Yunqiu knew that his destination was coming soon.

After walking dozens of steps, turning a bend, a not very high waterfall was revealed in front of Chu Yunqiu's eyes. The gurgling water flowed down from above, which was very clear. Pearls washed out one by one from below, and then gathered together. Into the depths of the deep pool.

No one knows the depth of the deep pool.According to the old people in Chujiazhai, there is at least a depth of tens of meters, that is, if you fall into it, you will basically die.

Fortunately, around the deep pool, there are a few protruding stones, like a bridge, building a road.

For those who are timid, I would advise you not to go there. If the calf trembles at that time, the sacrifice may be a life.

On both sides of the waterfall, although there are some trees, they are very sparse, one tree in the east and one tree in the west, thinner than the hair on the old man's head, basically stones.

When Chu Yunqiu walked closer, he saw a brand new stone bridge spanning the deep pool.

To be precise, it is a stone arch bridge, and it is simulated in the form of bamboo. If you don't look carefully, it looks like a bamboo bridge.On the bridge, there are bamboo joints, bamboo leaves, and some branches.The guardrails on both sides are also made of bamboo simulations, as if a dozen bamboos are united, with branches connected to branches, leaving no space, just to prevent some children who like to play from falling.

The other end of the stone arch bridge is connected to the stone platform in front of Shuilian Cave. Because the water flow is not so fast, the erosion effect of the water flow is almost negligible, and not many anti-erosion measures have been taken.

The entire stone bridge is divided into left and right parts. The right half is for people entering, leading to the entrance, while the left half is for people exiting, connecting to the exit. Although it is not very wide, it is not very narrow either. .

Chu Yunqiu was at the back of the crowd. With so many people, he was too embarrassed to ask for any privileges.

Waiting is the most boring time, so Chu Yunqiu picked up the phone and called Lu Zhiqing.

When Lu Zhiqing heard that Chu Yunqiu had returned, she was so excited, she wished she could drive down the mountain immediately, but Chu Yunqiu stopped her.

There is plenty of time in the evening, so don’t be in a hurry.

The crowd moved forward slowly, and finally, Chu Yunqiu came to the Water Curtain Cave.

Chu Yunqiu hung up the phone, put his hands on his head, and broke in instantly.

The water flow is slow, the amount of water is not much, and the speed is fast, so only a small piece of hands are wet, and the rest of the place is basically not affected.

After Chu Yunqiu entered the Water Curtain Cave, he did notice some changes. Beside him, at some point, a wooden fence was added, which divided the entrance into two, with the entrance on the right and the exit on the left. , a very narrow stream flows out of it and converges into the deep pool outside.

Inside the entrance of the cave, there were several staff members, wearing yellow coats and hats, with work badges on their chests. They were supervisors.

The crystals on the ground and the cave above form a unique style, which can be said to be unique and unheard of.

On the top of the crystal, there are labels with serial numbers written on them to avoid man-made damage.

Chu Yunqiu and the staff present basically knew each other, said a few words casually, and then followed the crowd and walked forward. In the Water Curtain Cave, except for the beautiful crystal and the dreamlike Apart from the stalactites, only the mysterious toad can arouse the interest of others.

The Water Curtain Cave is very large, but it is not enough for so many people. Chu Yunqiu came to the place where the toad and turtle rested, and as expected, a wooden fence was pulled up on the outside.

The space left for Toad Turtle is very large. In addition to the small pool where he eats, there is still a large space.

But the toad tortoise is too big, so he has a personality that doesn't want to exercise. He lies on the ground, closes his eyes, and sleeps there. He doesn't care about everything around him.

Even if you feed him out of good intentions, he will be very disdainful, because he doesn't like it at all.

Except for the white jade fish in the pool, only the water from the precious well and the meat of the beast brought by Chu Yunqiu could attract his attention, and other foods were like dung in his eyes.

So after every day, there will be a lot of food still on the ground inside the wooden fence, and then cleaned up by the cleaning staff.

Gradually, after everyone knew that the toad and turtle looked down on them, they would no longer waste food.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the toad and tortoise lying quietly on the ground, sound asleep. The people outside kept taking pictures with their mobile phones and cameras. Some people even asked to go in and take a look, but they were refused by the staff .

Now is not the time, when all the safety facilities and back-up facilities are complete, and after the system is formulated, everything will be opened to the outside world.

Chu Yunqiu did not squeeze into the crowd to watch, but wandered around in the Shuilian Cave. When he walked to the back of the Shuilian Cave, there was a dark cave entrance, like a man-eating beast, with his eyes wide open. giant mouth.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know where it led inside, because he had walked a certain distance at that time, and he didn't dare to go any further, and he felt scared.

Moreover, Professor Chen Guobin and others also wanted to investigate it at the time, but in the end, because the equipment failed, it was nothing.

This place is very mysterious. I don't know where it leads. It seems that other changes in the cave are related to this dark cave entrance.

But this time, the entire entrance of the cave was blocked!No entry is allowed, it's too dangerous inside!
Chu Yunqiu was wandering around, but the tourists around him were not so leisurely and took pictures one after another.

I couldn’t take a photo with the giant toad turtle, but I should be able to take a photo of the colorful scenery, beautiful stalactites, and dreamy crystal pillars.

Chu Yunqiu listened to everyone's praise of Shuilian Cave, and his heart was full of pride. This is his hometown. One day, the name of Chu Family Village will be like Jiuzhaigou, resounding throughout the land of China. !
(Brothers have any good suggestions you can put forward! Learn from each other!)

(End of this chapter)

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