Treasure well

Chapter 131 The Evolution Element's Old Friend's House

Chapter 131 The Evolution Element's Old Friend's House
PS: Thank you very much for the tip of "588 starting point coins" from the "home ruffian" brother, and thanks to the two big brothers "Flowing Years" and "Book Friends 160117015048277" for their rewards!I am very grateful to the "three big brothers" for their perseverance during this time, thank you!Not a eunuch, nor giving up, because I don't have the capital!As for why it hasn’t been updated in the past few days, I didn’t want to tell you at first, but I was also very bitter in my heart. I wanted to talk about it, and I also wanted to give you an explanation, so that everyone can keep an eye on it. Please read this paragraph patiently.

I was cheated by a friend, a friend I trust very much, my heart is bleeding, I don’t want to have a second experience in my life, I can’t eat well, I can’t sleep well, I can’t play well, and I am watched and watched every day , no freedom, unable to go out of the house, although I have not received any personal attacks, but I am afraid every day and can't sleep all night.When I called, the phone was not on me. My mother actually understood everything. Later, when I called again, my mother was crying and pretending to be strong. She couldn’t sleep every night, but I couldn’t go back. She is worried about me every day, no internet, no TV, nothing.

The only thing I can do is to take classes and chat with them, I believe everyone should understand where I got into!Although I don't want to admit it, but there is nothing I can do. I was completely cheated by my friend!Yesterday, the two of them took me out and gave me lectures and training.I saw that there were too many people, and I refused to leave. I called my relative. That relative happened to be a policeman, and he had some rights and abilities. They had no choice but to let me come back!

On the way back, I called my mother. I couldn't help it. I cried in the car, and my mother cried too, but it's good to be back!One afternoon, although I spent all of it in the car, I felt surprisingly at ease. When I got home, the first thing I did was to kowtow to my mother, which made her worry and frightened these days.

My mother cried, and I cried too!I don't want to have a second time for the things in my life, and I will never forget them even after death. I should grow up in the future!

They also know that I am writing a novel. I don’t know if they are reading it. If I read it again, I want them to feel at ease. I will definitely do what I promised. The message was withdrawn. My brother is a policeman from the Public Security Bureau. And the message was that before I went out to play, I kept an eye out and left my friend's message to my mother.
I never want to go to that place again, and I don't want to think about that place again. I will say goodbye to that place and experience forever, as if I have never been there!If you see it, please rest assured, I have brought all the information and materials, from now on, let's go our separate ways!

I don't want to get in trouble!

I think everyone has understood what happened in the past few days. I will write a lot of code words and try my best to compensate you!

Bei Chenhai once again thanks everyone!Thank you for your perseverance and support all the way, and please be careful when you are away from home. I hope everyone is safe and well, and peace is blessing!Thanks!

······(Dividing line)

The room seemed very quiet, it seemed that there was only the ticking sound of the clock, and no one spoke, quietly waiting for Chu Yunqiu to finish reading the materials.

Looking at the content above, Chu Yunqiu felt a turmoil in his heart. Although he knew that the blood of the red-maned wild boar was extraordinary, he did not expect it to be so extraordinary. There was a paragraph in the report that contained such a sentence.

"From genetic testing and analysis, the genes of dozens of creatures such as wild boars, white elephants, buffaloes, wolves, and foxes have been detected on it, and there are more unknown genes, among which wild boars have the largest percentage of genes, followed by white elephants and rhinos ..."

Chu Yunqiu did not expect that the other party's blood contains so many genes, which is too much of a mishmash. He knows that there are wild boar genes, and it makes sense to have a pig face and elephant genes. The teeth are not wild boar teeth, but ivory. The skin is hard, maybe buffalo skin. The teeth are sharp, a bit like wolf teeth. As for the fox, Chu Yunqiu can't figure it out. There are also those unknown genes, are they unknown on earth or Extinct creatures?Dinosaur?Mammoth?Or is it really a dragon?
Chu Yunqiu couldn't figure it out, he could only say that the creatures in the other world are amazing, and the creatures in the world of Xianxia are even more bizarre!
The universe is huge and there are many worlds, I want to see it!
When you see the following paragraph, it is even more surprising!

"From the perspective of species evolution, this species carries the most primitive genes, and its blood contains a special substance. This substance has a great impact on almost all living things, including animals and plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates. The promotion effect can increase the chance of returning to its ancestors without any side effects, but this chance is extremely small. It is recommended to extract and use it after purification. The substance is temporarily named - Evolution!"

When Chu Yunqiu saw this, he couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, mother, the power of science is really not covered, and even this was detected.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know that the detection of this substance was due to Lu's father. Lu's father knew the changes of Da Wang and Xiao Wang, so he proposed a direction for biologists in this respect. After that, a special group was specially set up to study evolution, but unexpectedly, it really produced results!

If Chu Yunqiu knew, he didn't know what he would think, but at this moment, he fell into deep confusion. "It said that the chance is very small, but why did Big Wang and Xiao Wang all return to their ancestors successfully?" Chu Yun Qiu asked himself secretly!
Suddenly, Chu Yunqiu's brain flashed, Da Wang and Xiao Wang are different from other creatures, they drink the water of "Baojing" every day, and the water of "Baojing" can promote any living things, maybe , It is the magical effect of the water of "Baojing", which enhances the effect of "evolutionary elements", and coupled with the stimulation of red-maned wild boar meat, can achieve immediate results.

After reading the report, Chu Yunqiu never imagined that "blood" would have such a miraculous effect, second only to the water of Baojing!

And in the following paragraph, it records the future development prospects of "Evolution Element".

"According to scientific research, it is speculated that this evolutionary factor can inhibit the carcinogenesis of cancer cells, and it can also delay the vitality of cells and prevent them from aging, so as to achieve the effect of increasing lifespan..."

Chu Yunqiu was silent. Is this why the creatures in the Xianxia world live so long? (Pure bullshit!)
"I've finished reading." Father Lu saw that Chu Yunqiu was a little silent and interrupted Chu Yunqiu's thoughts.

"En", Chu Yunqiu nodded, and put down the document in his hand.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Father Lu looked at Chu Yunqiu.

"Very shocking", Chu Yunqiu told the truth.

"Indeed," Father Lu nodded, "not to mention other things, let's just talk about the biological research on evolutin. Our country and people can benefit a lot from it. If the research is successful, we may win the Nobel Prize in Biology. , Even if it is a team, the gold content in it is huge." Father Lu smiled lightly!
People in the world pursue fame and fortune, this is an eternal truth, and "blood" is in their own hands, those who have been famous all their lives will definitely find themselves one after another, after all, they won the Nobel Prize in Biology , but there is a chance to leave a name in history!
Chu Yunqiu couldn't think of this, but it was enough to leave this kind of matter to Lu's father, he didn't believe that the other party would harm him.

"Well, Dad, you can just deal with this matter." Chu Yunqiu nodded.

Father Lu suddenly sat beside Chu Yunqiu at this time, "Xiaoqiu, Dad asked you, can you give me some more blood, the previous ones have been used up because of research."

"Uh..." The corners of Chu Yunqiu's mouth twitched involuntarily. Unexpectedly, Father Lu would come up with such a trick suddenly and come up with his own ideas. He nodded helplessly, "Yes."

After Chu Yunqiu walked out of Lu's father's house, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Facing Lu's father, he suddenly felt Alexander. !
Chu Yunqiu looked at the night sky outside, and called the head of the house and the others.

The place to eat has already been booked, which is the "Old Friends' House" that everyone frequented during college.

The Home of Old Friends is located more than 200 meters east of the school, with a moderate distance. More importantly, the prices inside are very reasonable, and the dishes are delicious. Although the environment is not quiet, it is also very quiet. So when they were in college, the six brothers chose to have dinner at the "House of Old Friends" every time they had dinner together, which carried a lot of their joy and memories.

Chu Yunqiu drove directly to the old friend's house and waited for them to arrive in the box!

Before eight o'clock in the evening, the crocodile and the mouse walked into the box.

"Long johns, have you ordered? Remember to order a chicken stew, I haven't eaten for a long time, I'm panicking", the crocodile said, licking his lips, looking impatient!

Chu Yunqiu rolled his eyes at the crocodile, "Look at your greedy bear, can you have the temperament that college students should have in the new era?" Chu Yunqiu said with great contempt.

"What, why don't I have the temperament that a college student should have in the new era?" the crocodile shouted loudly.

"Qiuku, I'll sit next to you." The mouse sat beside Chu Yunqiu with a smile on his face.

"Where are the She Zhang and the others? Why didn't you come with you?" Chu Yunqiu asked the crocodile.

"It'll be there soon, and I've told them the name of the box, we'll just wait." The crocodile looked at the menu, as if he was picking out his favorite dish.

After finally getting a chance to kill Chu Yunqiu, no matter what, he must make Chu Yunqiu bleed!

As soon as the crocodile finished speaking, the door of the room was opened, and a person walked in.

"Long trousers", seeing Chu Yunqiu, the visitor immediately shouted!
"Viagra", Chu Yunqiu showed surprise on his face, stood up hastily, and hugged Hu Shengwei tightly!
Although the six brothers in the dormitory have a very strong relationship with each other, compared with the other five, Chu Yunqiu and Hu Shengwei have the best relationship.

It can be said that the relationship between the two people is definitely quite iron.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Chu Yunqiu looked behind Hu Shengwei, but there was no one there.

"Wait a minute, she's going to the toilet, you know, women are always in trouble for a few days", Hu Shengwei gave Chu Yunqiu a look that you understand.

"Oh," Chu Yunqiu suddenly realized, "there are indeed such days. It seems that we need to pay attention to our ordering today."

"No, just don't let her eat at that time, and don't make her drink alcohol, so as not to torture me when I go back," Hu Shengwei said bitterly.

"What are you talking about?" At this time, a woman walked in from the door!
(End of this chapter)

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