Treasure well

Chapter 122 The Land of Fallen Sky Ends at Yaotai (Part 1)

Chapter 122 The Land of Fallen Sky Ends at Yaotai (Part [-])

PS: Thanks to the big brother "Autumn God Light" for the reward, this time it is a cool time, and it will be released at three o'clock. I just hope that you can recommend, collect, and reward more!Grateful!

On this day, the wind is sunny, the sun is shining brightly, the sun is high in the sky, and white clouds are floating in the sky.

Under this beautiful scenery, a bright silver Audi is driving at a high speed on the highway.

In the driver's seat is a young man, wearing black sweatpants, a white shirt, a light blue running suit, a pair of white sneakers, and a white wearing a tennis hat and having bright eyes. Although he is not very shrewd, he looks very energetic.The young man's body is full of vigor and vitality. His wheat-yellow skin has a hint of bronze, and his muscles appear to be very strong. He has a majestic appearance and looks like a talented person.

This person was Chu Yunqiu, and he was on his way to the capital right now.The things that should be prepared have been fully prepared, and they are all placed in the bag of kits, so it is time to hunt for treasures.

Chu Yunqiu handed over the family affairs to Lu Zhiqing, and then handed over the outside affairs to my uncle, Liang Ganzhi and Gong Feng, asking them to help supervise and supervise the construction of the "nine-story ancient pagoda"!

After explaining some things clearly, Chu Yunqiu drove Liang Ganzhi's Audi out and headed for the capital!

This time, Chu Yunqiu had made a complete plan. If he didn't find it in half a month, he would just give up. He didn't have the time and energy to spend on a vague thing!

Therefore, Chu Yunqiu only had half a month for himself, and whether he would succeed or not at that time would depend entirely on God's will.

Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work, he will do [-]% of his efforts, and hope that God will give him that [-]% chance!

Ludong is not very far from Kyoto. It is separated by Jibei Province. It only takes a few hours by train, which is very fast!

Chu Yunqiu plans to drive there, firstly for convenience, and secondly for freedom. He can stop whenever he wants and leave whenever he wants!

Back in Kyoto, there is some smog in the air, making the sky look hazy and gloomy.

Fortunately, after the government's vigorous rectification, the situation is no longer as serious as it was a few days ago when I couldn't even see the road clearly. Of course, the smog is still there, but it's just not as serious!

It will definitely take a process to control the smog. Nothing can be accomplished overnight. They also need time to settle. I just hope that the smog will not become more serious as it is cured!

Looking at the scenery in front of him, although it was hazy, he could vaguely recognize what kind of building it was.Chu Yunqiu's eyes showed a look of reminiscence. He spent all four years in college here. Every building and every landscape here feels so intimate and familiar.

Chu Yunqiu didn't enter the urban area, because he had a mission, so he didn't turn in, but drove out of the urban area directly!
As the distance from the urban area gets farther and farther away, the smog becomes lighter.When he came to Xiangrui County, the smog in the air left only traces, as if the firecrackers had been set off during the Chinese New Year, Chu Yunqiu parked the car, found a cheap hotel, and stayed in it.

Cheap hotels are also relative, cheap compared to Kyoto, but relatively expensive compared to Ludong!
Chu Yunqiu returned to the hotel, took out the map and looked at it. It was very close to Baihua Village and could be reached by car in 22 minutes. However, Chu Yunqiu did not plan to drive there, but took the bus!
Baihua village and Chujiazhai are somewhat similar. Chujiazhai is surrounded by mountains and rivers, but Baihua village is not surrounded by mountains and rivers. Both are hilly and mountainous areas with mountains. Looking around, almost all of Baihua village's plantations are The birch trees are so densely packed that they become a sea of ​​trees.

Birch Village is a village of birch trees!
Chu Yunqiu got off the bus and asked an old man in the village, "Old man, do you know where Panlong Mountain is?"

The old man took a look at Chu Yunqiu, took the cigarette from Chu Yunqiu's hand, "Panlongshan, why do you ask him?"

"I heard that there is a place called Yaotai, so I want to visit it." Chu Yunqiu told the old man the truth. His destination was Yaotai, and he also wanted to ask the old man for information about Yaotai.

"Yaotai? Oh, I see, you are here to play too." When the old man heard about Yaotai, he suddenly realized.

"Yes", Chu Yunqiu nodded.

"Then you are looking in the wrong place. Yaotai is not in our Baihua Village, but in the Tianyun Village next door to us," the old man said.

Chu Yunqiu suddenly had a feeling of pain in his balls. It was a bad start. He had vowed to find the wrong place, but fortunately, there was indeed a place called "Yao Terrace".But what if the poem "If you don't meet at the top of Qunyu Mountain, you will meet at Yaotai under the moon" is not Yaotai?Chu Yunqiu didn't dare to think about it anymore, he didn't believe his luck would be so bad!
"Then uncle, do you know how to get to Tianyun Village?" Although there is the location of Tianyun Village on the map, how can he pay attention to the surrounding villages when he is so focused on Baihua Village?

"Tianyun Village is easy to walk. It's not far from our Baihua Village. Once you leave our village, climb over a mountain, and then walk forward for more than 50 minutes, you will see a small village. That's Tianyun Village. Village, but if you want to find Panlong Mountain, it’s easy to say. Panlong Mountain is the dividing line between our two villages. When you go to Tianyun Village, you will definitely pass by Panlong Mountain." The old man smoked the cigarette handed over by Chu Yunqiu. , happily.

Hearing the old man's words, Chu Yunqiu didn't know what to say, "What do you mean not far away, over a mountain? Then you have to walk for more than 50 minutes? Grandpa, may I ask how far is far in your heart!"

But Chu Yunqiu's eyes lit up when he heard what the uncle said later.

Panlong Mountain is actually the dividing line between the two villages, so Yaotai is also between the two villages, but it is just closer to Tianyun Village. Thinking of this, Chu Yunqiu is so happy, so he has found the right one!

Chu Yunqiu looked at the old man, sat beside him, and started chatting, hoping to get more useful information.

Tianyun Village is the village where the meteorite fell from the sky, and Yaotai is the location where the meteorite fell from the sky.

It was only after the meteorite fell from the sky and the phenomenon appeared, the meteorite was taken away by the emperor's troops and became a private property.The pothole left by the meteorite was built by local officials as an altar for the upcoming emperor to worship the sky.

Because it was a place where emperors worshiped heaven, the altar was built in a very luxurious and grand place, and was named Yaotai. Unfortunately, after the emperor worshiped heaven, this Yaotai was soon forgotten.

But people forget, nature has not forgotten, I don’t know if there is some special substance on the meteorite, or some magical rays emitted by the meteorite, the flowers are blooming around the Yaotai, and the spring returns to the earth, more than ten meters away from the Yaotai The distance of Yaotai is like returning to the spring in an instant, and it is incompatible with the surrounding barrenness. Since then, Yaotai has become famous!

But that was before, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, China was in turmoil, and the place was devastated by artillery fire, especially the people of Fusang, after hearing the magical story of "Yaotai", they directly demolished it, wanting to remove the precious things on it. Ship back to Fusang.

Since then, the surroundings of Yaotai have completely changed, the magical effects have disappeared, and many trees have been burned by artillery fire. Although after the founding of the People's Republic of China, trees were planted, but they will never reach the original level.

Therefore, the reputation of "Yaotai" is not obvious!
(End of this chapter)

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