Treasure well

Chapter 12 The Miracle of Well Water Chasing Dreams

Chapter 12 The Miracle of Well Water Chasing Dreams

Chu Yunqiu looked at a Lala seedling under the wall, poured out a jar of well water in his hand, then found another Lala seedling, and poured out a little water from the plastic bucket without daring too much water. Many, and then quietly waiting for the arrival of the next day.

Chu Yunqiu was also very uncertain as to whether it was just like his own guess, and the result could only wait until the next morning.

In the early morning, Chu Yunqiu walked out of the room with two panda eyes, and yawned a lot. Last night, he was too preoccupied and couldn't fall asleep, so he kept holding back until morning.

Chu Yunqiu put on his coat and walked into the orchard.

"Oh, I'm going", the situation was more serious than he had imagined, and the two Lala seedlings had mutated.

The Lala seedling that watered the small porcelain altar became abnormally thick, the vines were as thick as a child's arm, and when Chu Yunqiu came in, one of the Lala seedlings squirmed over, trying to wrap itself around Chu Yunqiu.

Chu Yunqiu was stunned in place, motionless, until the vine crawled under his feet, and then he came back to his senses, this vine actually had intelligence, and the mutation was too cruel, Lalayang looked like a child She seemed to be snuggling up beside Chu Yunqiu.

Chu Yunqiu stretched out his hand and stroked it lightly. He actually had a thought that he could control. It was too real. Feeling the pull in his hand, Chu Yunqiu let it go back.

As for the second Lala seedling, it was even more ruthless. The entire yard was directly captured and became its territory. Compared with the first one, this one was obviously not intelligent, but it was luxuriant and green. It has crossed the barriers of time and seasons, and seems not to be affected by external factors.

Chu Yunqiu can be sure that his guess is correct, "Soil is a thing of virtue. It carries the universe, breeds all spirits, and has the ability to inspire spirits. There is nothing wrong with it. But plastic buckets can overcome the barrier of time. How is this possible? What’s the matter? Could it be that the things planted with this kind of water can increase their age?” Chu Yunqiu was puzzled for a while, but he knew that he had work to do now, and it was really hard for him to clean up all the seedlings in the yard alone. Forced children.

Chu Yunqiu yawned while cleaning the yard. As long as he found the main vine, everything would be fine. Chu Yunqiu piled all the vines in the corner.Now Chu Yunqiu has a general understanding of the function of well water. With such miraculous well water, Chu Yunqiu would be a fool if he didn't use it.

Moreover, there were so many dead fruit trees in the yard, occupying space, he had to ask someone to clean them up.

Fortunately, the funds are strong now, and after discussing with their parents, the two elderly people should support themselves.

Now that he has decided to do it, Chu Yunqiu will not hesitate, he clenched his fist tightly, and went back to make up for it first.

After hearing their son's decision, Chu's father and Chu's mother were almost angry to death. Chu's father was smoking a cigarette with a sad look on his face. Chu's mother directly picked up the broom to fix this unsatisfactory son.

"Son, you say you, an undergraduate college student came home to farm, what do you let the villagers think, where is the face of your father and your mother, we both worked hard to support you to go to school, for what, why not I want you to stand out, so you're better off, just go home and farm, what's the use of raising you, I might as well have let your sister go to school, you really pissed me off." The broom in Chu's mother's hand hit Chu Yunqiu directly. body.

Chu Yunqiu didn't say a word, he couldn't tell the secret of Baojing to the elders, he was innocent, but he was guilty of pregnant Bi.

"Dad, Mom, I know I have let you down, but I can assure you that I will succeed."Chu Yunqiu remained motionless, allowing Chu's mother to beat and scold him.

"Okay, let me tell you why. With your education and talents, it's not difficult to find a good job, not to mention your uncle's help, why did you choose this path?" Panicked, after finally confessing a college student, he went home to farm.

"Dad, Mom, listen to me. I took a look at our village yesterday. It is especially suitable for the development of tourism. From Yueming Bay in front to Qianshan, it can be said that the scenery is beautiful and beautiful. I have been to Jiuzhaigou. Here we are It’s not worse than there at all. Why has it become a famous tourist attraction in the world, but our Chujiazhai can only hold back in a small place. I want Chujiazhai to go out, let the world know about it, and make it a place for the whole world. I know that there are many difficulties in tourism, vacation, and leisure resorts, but now the state strongly supports college students to start their own businesses, and the government encourages the development of the tourism industry. In addition, I have funds and a road. I believe I can do it. If I listen to In your words, yes, I can find a good job, but so what, I get a salary of several thousand dollars a month, and I either repeat the same thing every day, or just do nothing. Even if I succeed, it is just a better job. Foreman, what's the use, money, our family is not short of money, 100 million is enough for our family to live on, it's just for the sake of fame and face, but when I succeed and lead the villagers to prosperity, no one will be grateful to us, Dad, Mom, please believe me, three years, I only need three years, I can't make any achievements in three years, I promise you, go to work obediently, then marry a wife and have children, and support you until you grow old," Chu Yunqiu said He is speaking from the bottom of his heart, he also has aspirations, he also has ambitions, and he wants to realize his ideals.

When he was in middle school, talking about the Chu Family Village, no one else knew where it was, and he felt sad. At that time, he secretly decided that he must make the Chu Family Village famous all over the world, but as he grew older, he finally understood How difficult is the dream, he can only bury it in his heart and dare not mention it.

But now, that precious well seems to have given him the confidence to realize his dream. Now that he has hope, why not pursue it. Only the weak can follow in the footsteps of others. What he wants to do is to be a strong man and become a pioneer.

Father Chu and Mother Chu were silent, and looked at their son in a daze, "Okay, three years will be three years, your mother and I will wait for you for three years, but when the time comes, no matter how big the grievance is, you will have to smash your teeth and go to him." Swallow it, it's your own decision."

"Dad, don't worry, if I can't make achievements, I will listen to you and mom for everything in the future." Chu Yunqiu put his future on it.

"Okay, Mom and Dad promise you, I hope you don't forget today's words", strict father and loving mother, Father Chu hopes that he can play the role of strict father, and don't let his son be complacent.

"En", Chu Yunqiu nodded heavily.

Chu's mother stood up and walked into the bedroom, "Son, this is the 80 you gave. It was originally reserved for you to marry a wife. Now it seems that you have to wait. There is still 20. Parents don't need it. You use it first, this is the passbook your parents have saved up for so many years, and it was originally used for you to marry a wife, you take it out and use it first, work hard, mom believes you can succeed." Mother Chu looked at her son and pulled Chu Yunqiu's hand.

"Mom", Chu Yunqiu's tears fell directly, seeing his parents worrying about him, he felt distressed, and after struggling for a while, he decided to tell the truth to his parents, "Mom, I don't need it, really, originally I don’t want to tell you yet, but I really don’t want you to worry about me anymore, but after listening, please keep calm and don’t spread the word, okay?” Chu Yunqiu wiped away his tears, there is no one in the world who doesn’t love their children If they are not their parents, they are also their own parents.

"What's so mysterious?" Mother Chu sat beside her son.

" fact..."

"What are you hesitating for? Speak straight up and let go of your fart." Father Chu doesn't like this. You call a big man and talk like a woman. What are you doing?

"I found a daughter-in-law at school. I was afraid that you would disagree, so I never dared to tell you. Moreover, I didn't make 100 million, but [-] million. I was afraid that your hearts would not be able to bear it, so I never dared to tell you. ", Chu Yunqiu said all of it out of his father's mouth.

"What did you say? You found a daughter-in-law? How is she like, where is her family, how old is she, and is there a photo?" Chu's mother's eyes lit up, she looked at her son in surprise, and after asking questions, the latter words were directly followed by him. I ignored it.

"En", Chu Yunqiu nodded, took out his mobile phone, and opened the photo album, which was almost full of sweet group photos of the two of them, all over the campus, and there were some photos of their daily life.

Mother Chu took the phone and looked at each one, "Oh, this girl is so handsome."

Father Chu's eyes showed longing, and in the end he sat beside Mother Chu, looking at his future daughter-in-law.

"Son, are you two living together?" Mother Chu looked at her son in surprise.

Chu Yunqiu blushed and nodded, "It's been a year."

"Okay, son, what's the name of this girl, and when are you going to get married?" Mother Chu couldn't help but smile.

Father Chu also grinned.

PS: I dare not ask for a reward from all brothers, but ask all brothers for a recommendation!Grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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