Treasure well

Chapter 108 Spring Fragrance Manyuan Magical Monster (Part 1)

Chapter 108 Spring Fragrance Manyuan Divine Martial Monsters (Part [-])

PS: Thanks to the two big brothers "Autumn Divine Light" and "Shanxi Old Demon" for the reward, Beichen will take it as a New Year's Day gift, thank you two big brothers for the reward!Taking advantage of the time today, fulfill the promise made last time, add a new chapter, three more today!Brothers, please don’t be stingy with the recommendations, collections and rewards in your hands. To be honest, the reward of "10 starting coins" can make Beichen happy for a long time. This is your affirmation of Beichen!Keep coding, there will be a second update in the evening!

Chu Yunqiu stood in the yard and couldn't help but smile when he heard Gong Feng's words, "Brother Feng, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, but don't worry, if you want to eat, I have plenty here."

"Brother Chu, I knew you were a good buddy. By the way, my brother asked me to thank you. If you need help in the future, just tell him. He thought I didn't know. He was thinking about it. The wild pork in your hand, when you want it for you next time, you can open your mouth to ask for it," Gong Feng said to Chu Yunqiu.

"Uh..." Chu Yunqiu's cold sweat broke out straight away. It's the first time I've seen a cheating father. Although it's the truth, you're too outspoken. If your brother knows If you talk about him behind his back, I don't know if you will be beaten to death!
"I understand, but I can handle this enough," Chu Yunqiu said to Gong Feng.

"Well, I'm hanging up. Those two goblins are still waiting for me?" Gong Feng finished speaking to Chu Yunqiu and hung up the phone.

"Little fairy?" Chu Yunqiu's head was full of question marks, who is it?After two seconds, Chu Yunqiu understood who it was, "It's the sisters Uemura Miko and Uemura Ayako, hey, these guys really know how to play", Chu Yunqiu shook his head, envious and jealous!

Chu Yunqiu closed the door of the old house from the inside, released Dawang and Xiaowang, and let them walk around in the yard. Dabai and Xiaohei flew in the sky with huge wings, and a long chirp echoed. In the sky, except for the relatively calm creatures in Chu Yunqiu's family, the other families are all screaming, as if they have encountered some natural enemy.

The current Dabai and Xiaohei are not the same, full of kingly and domineering demeanor, looking down on the sky!

Daxue was so excited, he kept jumping around in the yard, as if he was exercising his muscles.

The little white fox jumped out of the house and ran to Daxue's head. The little white fox was the one that had changed the least in the house. Its appearance had hardly changed, but its hair became softer and brighter. From the outside, it looked like It's like there is no change, in fact, it's not that they haven't changed, but they have evolved in their minds!

Became smarter.

Chu Yunqiu shook his head and didn't care about the little guys, just let them cause trouble.

Chu Yunqiu passed the orchard and looked at the fruit trees in the courtyard. Fruits had already begun to bear on them. Under the irrigation of the water from "Treasure Well", the fruits were obviously larger and more abundant than others.

Chu Yunqiu inspected the orchard for a week. Every fruit tree is full of fruit, which is very gratifying. Chu Yunqiu can be sure that this summer and autumn will definitely be a harvest season!
At least there is no need to buy fruit, the fruit of my daughter-in-law, little sister and little girl, I absolutely can’t eat it!
Then, Chu Yunqiu came to the backyard, which was full of vegetables. Except for winter vegetables, there were basically vegetables in the other three seasons. They looked very attractive, and the fruits were huge. Chu Yunqiu ate vegetables , are basically picked in the vegetable garden.

Chu Yunqiu came to the wall and looked at the gourd vines all over the wall. Gourds hung on it one by one, just like the gourd vines in "Gourd Baby", very beautiful.

Chu Yunqiu's hand gently touched it, and it felt hard and very beautiful. The gourd is not only a good container, but also a good handicraft, and the gourd has many children, which means "many children and many grandchildren." ", and the internal capacity of gourds is often commensurate with "infinite", so gourds represent "broad-mindedness". The so-called prime minister's belly can punt a boat, so some literati like to grow gourds to show the world that they are capable of hosting people. Measure and think big!

Compared with chrysanthemums, Chu Yunqiu likes bamboo, gourd and lotus more.Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan.It stands to reason that people like Chu Yunqiu who like the country should like chrysanthemums, but Chu Yunqiu doesn't play cards according to common sense. He likes green bamboo, gourd, lotus, etc. He likes the straightness of green bamboo, which gives people a delicate fragrance when he was alive , and the bamboo leaves can also be used to make tea. After death, the green bamboo body can be used in many ways.

Green Bamboo is dedicating herself during life and after death.

Chu Yunqiu likes gourds purely because he was influenced by his childhood. For example, gourd babies and some mysterious old beggars. In the movie, there are many scenes of such an old beggar. They wear tattered clothes and rely on begging for a living. They are born, but they have very powerful kung fu, which is unfathomable. They hang a wine gourd with them, as if they are playing in the world, and they teach the protagonist very powerful kung fu. There are also some wine and sword immortals, the gourd is okay Transformed into a very powerful magic weapon.

I like lotus purely because I think it is beautiful and holy, it emerges from the mud but not stained, it is clean and not demonic, there is no reason for too much!
Chu Yunqiu inspected the backyard for a week. Among them, the most precious one is of course the ancient Bodhi tree, which is as big as a canopy and blooms with golden light. It seems that there is an ancient monk meditating inside. It is very sacred!
Chu Yunqiu walked out of the courtyard. At this time, the two little turtles were still basking in the sun in the courtyard, while the pangolin was playing with its brain under the cherry blossom tree beside it, unrestrained and free.He found a wide place, took out the Qiankun bag from his inner pocket, and gently opened the golden rope at the mouth of the Qiankun bag. A thing the size of a small pea ran out of it, swelled in the wind, and then turned into a The huge thing fell into the yard.

Fortunately, the front yard of the old house is big enough, otherwise it might not be possible to let go of this thing.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the huge monster in front of him, and couldn't help frowning. What is this thing?He couldn't understand it.

Bull head, tiger body, eagle wings, fish tail, and horseshoes.

On this peculiar creature, there are a pair of huge horns growing on its head, which reflect the sunlight and look very smooth. Unlike other horns, this pair of horns are cyan, and it is azure, and the horns are outside. Very slender, the bull's head has closed eyes and a huge bull's mouth.The body of a tiger has the same hair and stripes as a tiger, but it is much longer than that of a tiger, like the hair of a long-haired rabbit. It feels very soft and comfortable to the touch, very warm and comfortable, without the spines of the red-mansled wild boar. The hands were not that hard either. Chu Yunqiu felt the sensation coming from above, making people unable to help lying on them.

If this tiger skin was made into a carpet, it would be priceless!

Chu Yunqiu wanted to pull out a tiger hair, but found that he couldn't pull it out. He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. His current strength is not the same as before. After practicing the "Zhenwu Xuanjing", Chu Yunqiu's strength has multiplied Growing up, now one arm can lift a bag of flour very easily, but it can't pull out a tiger hair, it's incredible.

Chu Yunqiu returned to the house, took out a fruit knife, and wanted to cut off a handful of tiger hair, but something even more embarrassing happened. Chu Yunqiu cut for a long time, but no hair was found.

Chu Yunqiu was so speechless, his hands were sore.Chu Yunqiu divided the long hair in his hand into two halves, and changed his target to this half.

But something even more embarrassing happened to him, and he still couldn't cut it off, so Chu Yunqiu divided it into two again!
It continued to decrease indefinitely. At the end, Chu Yunqiu looked at the two tiger hairs in his hand and burst into tears, "My God, what the hell is this, steel wire?"

Chu Yunqiu wanted to cry, but he had worked hard for so long, so he had to persevere, so Chu Yunqiu turned two tiger hairs into one, took a fruit knife, and kept cutting on it.

Hard work paid off, Chu Yunqiu finally cut off a tiger hair, looking at the tiger hair in his hand, Chu Yunqiu was so excited, heaven, earth, thank you for your help.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the fruit knife in his right hand, which was already covered with scars.

Chu Yunqiu shook his head. During this period of time, he has already used up two fruit knives. He put the fruit knife away carefully. This thing has been opened. There is a chick at home, so she can't let her get it!

Chu Yunqiu looked at the tiger fur in his hand, he didn't expect such soft hair to be so tough, even stronger than steel wire.

Chu Yunqiu put the tiger fur aside and looked at the creature's tail!

(End of this chapter)

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