Plane red envelope

Chapter 141 2 hours ago

Chapter 141 Two hours ago
Things went back to two hours ago.

Xinyue received a call from Fang Qiang after school, and he said that he would not come back tonight due to business.The girl was not very happy in her heart, but she didn't say anything.

After a hasty dinner, she went to Xinglin Hall to study medicine.On the way, I met Avril who was dying.

"Big sister, help...someone is chasing me..."

Avril Lavigne fell into a coma after saying these few words, and the kind-hearted Xinyue naturally rescued her, but her medical skills were only half-baked, so she could only ask Huang Bingkun from Xinglintang for help.

It turned out that Avril Lavigne sneaked out to play. Frederick was busy negotiating with the National Security Bureau Ninth Bureau, so he didn't pay attention.

However, Avril Lavigne's twenty or so werewolf bodyguards followed closely behind, so your little girl played at the beach for nearly two hours without any danger.

But at the moment when the sun was setting, the masters of the Inquisition arrived. Most of the twenty or so werewolf masters died in battle, but Avril escaped with the protection of the Holy Grail.

She eventually fled to the vicinity of Xinglintang where she was unconscious.At this time, Xinyue happened to pass by, so the scene just now happened.

Xinyue helped Avril up, although she was surprised by her appearance, she was not in the mood to care about it for the time being, because the current priority was to save people!
In Xinglin Hall, Huang Bingkun took Avril's pulse, frowning deeply.He had never heard of such a strange disease.

"Xinyue, go and boil a pot of hot water, it may be used later!"

"Okay, Grandpa Huang."

Xinyue agreed, and then boiled water in the corner kitchen.

At this moment, the door of Xinglin Hall was kicked open, and Wu Qihao and Liu Benchu ​​came hand in hand.

"You are... Junior Brother Liu?"

Huang Bingkun turned his head in surprise, and when he recognized who it was, he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"Thank you for recognizing me!"

Liu Benchu ​​sneered and said, "Second Senior Brother, I'm here to seek revenge on you today! Qihao, do it, break his legs!"

"Yes, Master!"

This Wu Qihao has won the true biography of Liu Benchu, and Huang Bingkun has no internal strength, so he broke the old guy's two legs as soon as he made a move. It can be seen that he has achieved a little success as a king kong stele breaker.

Seeing this scene, Xinyue in the kitchen immediately called Fang Qiang for help.

When Wu Qihao saw Xinyue calling, he thought she was going to call the police, but at the moment when he was about to hit someone, the holy grail on Avril's body suddenly shone brightly.Wu Qihao, Liu Benchu, and Huang Bingkun were suddenly pushed out of the door by a huge force.

Huang Bingkun was in a coma at that time, and Wu Qihao, master and apprentice, ran away rolling and crawling!

Xinyue in Xinglin Hall was stunned by the scene in front of her. She only felt that the cup floating in front of Avril was so beautiful, so she reached out and touched it lightly.


The moment her fingertips touched the wall of the cup, she only felt that her consciousness was suddenly taken away, and her whole head went blank. When she woke up again, she was already in Ryan's arms.


Not long after Wu Qihao and his apprentice escaped, a black shadow appeared in Xinglin Hall.This person is one of the killers of the Inquisition, and he has been chasing Avril's breath here.

An evil plan is hatched when he sees the heart moon on the ground!Since Xinyue's appearance is so similar to Avril's, his plan was implemented.

Heiying first planted a bomb in Xinglin Hall, and then dimmed the light in the front hall so that the color of Xinyue's hair could be automatically ignored.

After finishing the above, the black shadow picked up Avril Lavigne and disappeared into the night.He didn't go far, just quietly observed the movement in Xinglin Hall from 1000 meters away.

Not long after that, Fang Qiang appeared in front of Xinglin Hall, and the shadow in the distance pressed the bomb's start button without hesitation...


Soon after Wu Qihao and Liu Benchu ​​left, they heard a huge explosion. They both saw fear in each other's eyes. This world is too scary, so let's go home quickly!

In a dilapidated warehouse by the sea, Liu Benchu ​​took out his own diagnosis certificate and said to Wu Qihao: "Good apprentice, I have avenged my master today, even if I die, I will rest in peace!"

Wu Qihao accepted the diagnosis certificate with a puzzled face, he only felt that the words "advanced cancer" were so dazzling.At the same time, there was a sense of excitement in his heart.

The old guy is about to die, so the power of his whole body is his own?
"Master! You can't die!"

Wu Qihao knelt on the ground and wailed loudly, revealing his true feelings somewhat.But he underestimated Liu Benchu ​​too much. This old guy had been broken decades ago, so Wu Qihao's seemingly realistic acting skills couldn't fool him at all!

Liu Benchu ​​waved his hand impatiently and said, "Stop pretending here, don't you just want my sixty years of skill? Let me tell way! Hahaha..."


Wu Qihao was forced at that time, isn't the plot going right?If possible, he really wanted to remind the old guy to read the script, but the reality is much crueler!
"You fucking lied to me!"

Wu Qihao roared angrily, he really wanted to slap the old guy in front of him to death, but after thinking about it, he couldn't, because living like this is more painful for the old guy than dying.Besides, he was really reluctant to part with those sixty years of skill.


Wu Qihao forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart and said: "Your old man is dead anyway, why don't you give me the skills of more than sixty years, so that I can avenge you for you! That person is Situ Nan from the Qinggang, right?"

"Hahaha... so you still remember!"

Hearing this, Liu Benchu ​​showed a gratified smile, and Wu Qihao hurriedly continued: "How could I not remember! That old guy broke your legs, I will definitely avenge your old man, it's just mine Martial arts are not good, so..."

"So I'd better pass on the skills of the past sixty years to you, right?"

Liu Benchu's voice was full of mockery, because he didn't believe that Wu Qihao would avenge him.Besides, even if he really wanted to go, I'm afraid he still has more energy than he wants!Situ Nan had great strength more than ten years ago, let alone now, I am afraid that his powerful Vajra Palm has reached the peak!

Wu Qihao still did not give up, he was still making the last effort, he swore: "Master, I swear to God, as long as you impart all your life's skills, I will avenge you, otherwise I will die a terrible death! "


Liu Benchu ​​smiled rather bored, and suddenly he didn't want to play any more, so he said to Wu Qihao without hesitation: "Good disciple, in fact, I gave you my skills a long time ago! You really think that this King Kong Is palm so easy to learn? Or are you a rare martial arts genius? Let me tell you, those with mediocre aptitude can only achieve small success by practicing Vigorous Vajra Palm for at least three years! Haven’t you noticed that your martial arts has improved a little faster?”

 The story writes that all the foreshadowing is basically completed here, and the next is the really exciting story. Fang Qiang will travel to various planes to collect luck points.The infinitely cool pretense mode is about to start.In addition, the book is very compelling, and readers need to understand it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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