universal data

Chapter 96 Fight hard, Sao Nian!

Chapter 96 Fight hard, Sao Nian!

"Student Gao Yuan, we all stand at the door. Why, don't you know where we go in?" Cheng Nuo said with a smile.

Gao Yuan's face darkened, he turned around, took out the key from his pocket, and opened the door reluctantly. "Okay, come in."

Cheng Nuo smiled and walked into Gaoyuan's room with Guan Cheng.

Gao Yuan's parents are not there, only Gao Yuan is alone.

"What do you two want to drink?" Gao Yuan asked as he walked towards the refrigerator in the living room.

Cheng Nuo leaned on the sofa, looked at the environment in Gao Yuan's house, and said with a smile, "It's hard to see that Gao Yuan is so kind. Bring me a drink. Brother Guan, how about you?"

"Be the same as him." Guan Cheng seemed a little cautious.

"Come on, then."

Gao Yuan took out three bottles of Fanta from the refrigerator and threw each of Cheng Nuo and Guan Cheng a bottle.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you. This is Guan Cheng, my buddy. Brother Guan, this is my classmate, Gao Yuan." Cheng Nuo introduced them to each other.

"Hello." Guan Cheng said politely.

"Well, hello." Gao Yuan responded lazily.

"Cheng Nuo, how did you find me here?" Gao Yuan was still in a daze.

It stands to reason that not many people know his home address, and Gao Yuan said that he couldn't accept the fact that Cheng Nuo suddenly appeared in front of him.

Originally, I was happy today and wanted to play with a basketball, but why did I meet Cheng Nuo, a guy he didn't want to see!I feel bad and want to cry!

Facing Gao Yuan's question, Cheng Nuo was silent for a second or two, "If I say that there is a dark power guiding me to this place! Would you believe me?"


I believe in hell!Can you make this reason any more unreliable? !

Gao Yuan looked at Cheng Nuo who was sitting across from him with resentful eyes.

"By the way, Gao Yuan, let me ask you something. Do you know the people who live downstairs?" Cheng Nuo didn't forget the business of this trip. He didn't come here to tease Gao Yuan, but to arrest the three robbers. by law.So take the initiative to ask Gao Yuan about the situation.

In his opinion, Gao Yuan lived above the robbers, so he should know something about the situation downstairs.

Gao Yuan was at a loss and didn't understand the purpose of Cheng Nuo's question, but he answered honestly, "Are you talking about the couple downstairs, or the four brothers."

Cheng Nuo: "Those four brothers."

Gao Yuan: "Oh, you said there are four of them! The four of them moved downstairs to our house about half a year ago. Three of the four are in their 30s, and the other looks about our age Boy. According to my mother, the four of them seem to come here from other places to work. But I don’t look like it.”

"Those who come to Qingcheng to work from outside can afford such a good house. And I see that they almost rarely go out and stay at home almost every day. In this situation, how could it be that they come from other places to work!"

"Then how is your relationship with them?" Cheng Nuo sat up straight and asked.

Gao Yuan shrugged, "It's the normal relationship between upstairs and downstairs, the kind where you can know each other and say hello. My mother took me downstairs to walk through the doors a few times, but the attitudes of the four of them seem to be different. It's very repulsive, and every time I leave without waiting for a long time."

"Then did you notice anything... unusual about them?"

"Is there something unusual?" Gao Yuan pondered for a moment, "It seems that there is really one, that is, the youngest person among the four I see. In the past six months, I have never seen him go out. And every time I see him He, he is always sitting in front of the computer and typing something."

Cheng Nuo frowned, and had some guesses about the boy's identity.

"By the way, call Captain Yang first." Cheng Nuo said, patting his head.

I was too patronizing to talk to Gao Yuan just now, but I forgot about it.

"Hey, Captain Yang, it's me. I'm Cheng Nuo. We just met this morning. ...Yes, yes, it's me. Captain Yang, I've found where the robbers are hiding. You can bring someone over here. ...Don't believe me, I'm sure it's the three of them! ...The address is on the 6th floor of Building 15, Sunshine Community...What? It will take you a while to get here?...Well, okay, I'll think of a way Delay for a while.”

Cheng Nuo hung up the phone, frowned and fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, Cheng Nuo's eyes fell on a toy pistol on the TV box!

A smile appeared on the corner of Cheng Nuo's mouth, "Student Gao Yuan, I have a great opportunity for you here, can you...can you help me?"



5 minute later.

In the aisle on the 6th floor of Building 14, Sunshine Community.

Cheng Nuo, Guan Cheng, and Gao Yuan carefully leaned on both sides of the robber's door.

"Genius doctor, isn't it too risky for us to do this?" Guan Cheng asked worriedly.

Cheng Nuo patted Guan Cheng on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Brother Guan, there is nothing we can do. The police will not arrive for a while. We can only rely on us during this period. Moreover, there is a reward of 10 yuan for anyone who provides clues." . So, for 10 yuan, for future glory and wealth, work hard, Sao Nian!"

Guan Cheng: "..."


Is this a matter of 10 yuan?This is a question that may cost you your life!
"Wait for me first, I'll observe the enemy's situation first." After finishing speaking, Cheng Nuo lay on the peephole at the door and looked into the house vigorously.


Could it be that my memory of knowledge points is wrong?Can’t the peephole only allow you to see from inside the door?What are you doing looking in from the door so seriously? !
It is true that peepers cannot see from the outside of the door.

But, don't forget, Cheng Nuo turned on the perspective phone!Although it's just a data pivot, it's always useful.

The 50-meter data perspective is enough to deal with this situation.

The location data of the four people in the room appeared in Cheng Nuo's eyes.

The distance is 11.24 meters, the direction is 35.87 degrees north by west...

The distance is 12.10 meters, the direction is 33.28 degrees north by west...

The distance is 10.54 meters, the direction is 30.65 degrees north by west...

This is the position of the three robbers at this time.

Moreover, depending on the situation, the three of them are currently eating around the coffee table in the living room.

In addition to these three people, there was another person in the data in Cheng Nuo's eyes.

The distance is 16.28 meters, the direction is 11.35 degrees north to east, the height is 170.35 cm, the weight is 60.24 kg, ... the age is 19 years old!
If it's correct, this is the boy Gao Yuan was talking about.

Cheng Nuo turned his head and made an OK gesture to the two of them, and winked at Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan stepped forward bravely, and slowly knocked on the door of the robber's room.

"Who is it?" A heavy voice came from inside.

"It's me, Xiao Yuan upstairs." Gao Yuan swallowed nervously.

"Oh, come right now."

The distance is 9.25 meters, the distance is 5.27 meters...

In the data in Cheng Nuo's eyes, a person was getting closer and closer to the door, obviously coming to open the door.

And the person who came to open the door was none other than the tall, thin man Cheng Nuo had been following before.

The caliber is 7.62 mm, the overall length is 195 mm, the weight is 850 grams, and the bomb capacity is 8 rounds...

Well, good, the gun is still on the lanky guy.The plan went exactly as expected.

According to Cheng Nuo's plan, if the person who opened the door was a tall and thin man with the gun still on his body, they would choose to force it.

But if not, the three of them would definitely run away.

Facing the armed robbers, the three had almost no ability to resist.


The door was quickly opened, and the tall and thin man saw Cheng Nuo and Guan Cheng standing behind Gao Yuan. He was puzzled for a while, and then suddenly smiled, "So you are Xiao Yuan's friends."

Gao Yuan suppressed the tension in his heart, and forced a smile on his face, "Yes. Uncle Zhou, they are my classmates."

"By the way, what are you doing?" the tall and thin man asked curiously.

Cheng Nuo raised his head, looked at Guan Cheng silently, and grinned at the tall and thin man, "Of course...something happened!"

As soon as Cheng Nuo's words fell, Cheng Nuo, Guan Cheng, and Gao Yuan made their moves as swiftly as a cheetah.

Before the tall and thin man could react at all, he pushed the tall and thin man to the ground.

Cheng Nuo put the toy gun from Gao Yuan's home against the tall and thin man's forehead and shouted loudly, "Don't move, police!!"

At the same time, Gao Yuan and Guan Cheng worked together and took out the pistol from the tall and thin man.

And what happened here has long alarmed the other two people who were eating in the living room.

Both of them looked at Cheng Nuo and the others at the door in astonishment.

The pistol that threatened him the most was taken by his side, and Cheng Nuo immediately became confident.

While holding a toy gun against the tall and thin man's head, he said to the two people sitting on the sofa in the living room, "We are the police. You are involved in a bank robbery. Please arrest them quickly!"

"Oh, the police?"

Suddenly, the middle-aged man who was obviously the eldest of the three who was sitting in the middle of the sofa showed no signs of fear.

He got up and stood up, and calmly took out a pistol from under the sofa cushion. The black muzzle... Slowly aimed at Cheng Nuo!
(End of this chapter)

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