universal data

Chapter 89 Bai Yan is a Good Comrade!

Chapter 89 Bai Yan is a Good Comrade!

"According to my data analysis, the arm lengths of these three suspects are fundamentally different from those of the robber. Therefore, among the three suspects identified by Detective Bai, there is no number two we mentioned. Robber!"

The calm tone echoed in the office.

Captain Yang swallowed his saliva, and his tone was full of surprise, "Young man, you... how do you know so much?"

Looking at Cheng Nuo's appearance, he was only a high school student at best!

Unexpectedly, it was such a high school student who was taken aback by Captain Yang's analysis just now.

Cheng Nuo analyzed every piece of data with reason and evidence, and couldn't find any flaws.

"Basic operation, basic operation." Cheng Nuo smiled lightly as if you don't want to make a fuss, "This is just the basic operation of Xueba."

"Basic...basic operation!" Bai Yan's face froze.

If this is still a basic operation, then are we policemen still not graduated from primary school? !
Excuse me, can you pretend to be reasonable? !

After being demolished by Cheng Nuo twice in a row, Bai Yan's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

What if Cheng Nuo was wrong?

But the key question is...

Whether it was the first teardown or the second teardown, Cheng Nuo's reasoning was flawless.

Even Bai Yan, who claims to be a detective, actually agrees with Cheng Nuo's judgment deep down in his heart!

Bai Yan, who was thinking about life, raised his head, and suddenly saw Cheng Nuo looking at him with a smile on his face.

In an instant, a bad premonition rose in Bai Yan's heart.

Seeing the eyes of the two meet in the air, Cheng Nuo grinned at Bai Yan, "Detective Bai, my reasoning is over, and it's your turn as a detective. With Detective Bai's ability, you should Is there anything else I want to add to my reasoning?"

Bai Yan: "..."

Mom sells batches!Is there anything I want to add that you haven't figured out yet?
You have completely rejected the three suspects I found.What else can I add!
Bai Yan walked to the whiteboard helplessly, he could only cover up his embarrassment with a laugh.

"Hahaha, since this classmate has already said everything I want to say, I won't add anything. How about... let's see the last robber!"

Fortunately, Captain Yang and Jiang Lan were the only listeners, and Bai Yan was glad that he didn't lose too much.

Bai Yan knew that if he continued to struggle with this issue, he would definitely not be able to please him.So the topic jumped directly to the last robber.

Under the last robber, Bai Yan posted two photos.

"This robber..."

Just as Bai Yan started talking, he subconsciously glanced in Cheng Nuo's direction, and saw that Cheng Nuo had already raised his hand, looking eager to try.

What the hell! ! !

In Bai Yan's mind, ten thousand muddy horses galloped by in an instant!

Break the stage! !Let's tear it down again! !
You can just tear it down, Bai Yan said that he is used to it...

But why don't you wait for me to finish speaking, okay? !
You're like this...I'm really ashamed!
Bai Yan had mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, and he stopped in the middle of speaking.

Unexpectedly, before Bai Yan could speak, Cheng Nuo took the initiative to speak, "Detective Bai, do you think it's time for me, Edogawa Nuonan, to make an appearance?"

Bai Yan: "..."

Are you a detective, or am I a detective? !

Bai Yan said that his self-esteem had suffered an unprecedented blow and he urgently needed relief.

Bai Yan didn't say anything, and gave Cheng Nuo the position in front of the whiteboard.

Cheng Nuo also stood in front of the whiteboard unceremoniously, cleared his throat, and spoke.

"Let's talk about the third robber!"

This photo shows the robber standing in front of the ATM machine to withdraw money.

"Generally speaking, the distance from the center of the ATM screen to the ground is 120 centimeters. In the photo, the robber and the ATM machine are in the same plane. The distance from the center of the ATM screen to the ground is the height of the robber..."

After a long period of professional data analysis...

"From the above, it can be concluded that the two suspects found by Detective Bai are not the robbers themselves!" Cheng Nuo said loudly.

Bai Yan stood aside with tears streaming down his face.

Actually, it’s good that you know, needless to say so loudly (grievance) (grievance)~~
"My reasoning, Detective Bai, from your professional point of view, I don't know if it's right?" Cheng Nuo asked with a "sincere" smile.

Bai Yan nodded numbly.

He is really afraid of this kid now.He dismantled himself three times in a row.But I couldn't find any words to refute!
This feeling... very aggrieved!

A talented police detective who has been in the industry for four years is actually no match for a high school student who is just as strong as he is!
And it was the kind that was rubbed against the ground!

With a click, Bai Yan's self-esteem was shattering piece by piece.

But the pride of being the most talented police detective in Dongshan Province prevented Bai Yan from admitting defeat so easily.

Bai Yan settled down, and a smile uglier than crying appeared on the corner of his mouth, "This student Cheng Nuo is indeed a talented young man. How about it, do you have the ambition to apply for the police academy? Don't worry about being bullied in the police academy." And so on, when the time comes, I will take the initiative to apply to be transferred to the police academy as an instructor. I will definitely give Cheng Nuo your 'meticulous' care!!"

Hey, wait until your kid goes to the police academy.See how you suffer under my capture!
"Police Academy?" Cheng Nuo shrugged, "Sorry, not interested."

Cheng Nuo looked deeply into the distance, "My goal is... the stars and the sea!"

Bai Yan: "..."

Since Cheng Nuo is not planning to go to the police academy to accept his training, ah... no, it's teaching, teaching!Bai Yan's unwillingness to admit defeat immediately came to the fore!

Young man, vigorous and vigorous!Not easy to admit defeat.

Bai Yan smiled coldly, "Classmate Cheng Nuo, since you analyzed it so thoroughly just now, do you now know where the three real robbers are?"

Cheng Nuo's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had been worrying about how he could see the surveillance cameras around the area where the incident happened.

Bai Yan knew that he was dozing off, so he rushed to bring the pillow over!

Comrade Bai Yan is indeed a good comrade who cares for the people! !

Cheng Nuo took the opportunity to continue, "Detective Bai, what you said is wrong. I haven't seen the surveillance video of the surrounding road conditions, how do you know that I can't find the three robbers?"

"Okay!" Bai Yan slapped his palm, and he couldn't control his thoughts after comparing with Cheng Nuo.

"I don't take advantage of you either. The videos of all the surrounding road conditions are here. You can watch them as you like! I don't believe that you can find the robbers before me!" Bai Yan said as he patted his computer, his nostrils upturned.

"What if I find the robber before you?" Cheng Nuo frowned.

According to the plot, is it time for Bai Yan to make a bet with himself or something?

"It's not that good!" Bai Yan said naturally.

Ga? !

Cheng Nuo was taken aback, I'm sorry, the script is wrong!

"Anyway, I won't make any foolish bets." Bai Yan shrugged. "Ten bets and nine loses, I don't want to set a flag!"

"Uh..." Cheng Nuo was helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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