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Chapter 79 Let me do it! (Please recommend!)

Chapter 79 Let me do it! (Please recommend!)

"Okay, since everyone understands this question, let's look at question 5 next."

Cheng Nuo looked around the class and said with a faint smile.

"Come on, students who got the fifth question right, please raise your little hands!"

More than 30 people in the class raised their hands reluctantly.

"Alright then, Jiang Qingqing, since you did it right, let me tell you about your problem-solving steps."


For the next few questions, Cheng Nuo completely repeated the previous steps.

Let the person who did it right raise their hands first, and then pick one of them and explain the steps of solving the problem.Then I asked very kindly if I didn't understand.

If so?very good!After class, just ask the classmate who gave the lecture a question!

The current mood of the whole class is really crap!
Your sister, Old Tang asked you to substitute for the class so that you could give us lectures.

But you are fine!Except let's raise our hands and do a roll call.Just nothing.We did all the crazy things about the lectures!

You said, what is the use of you as a substitute teacher! !

As I said before, if you can do it, go ahead, but if you can’t, don’t beep!
But according to Cheng Nuo's way of playing, to be honest, I can really get in!
In a burst of complaints from the whole class.Cheng Nuo came to the last question.

"Come on, the students who got the 21st question right raise their hands." Cheng Nuo asked.

Silence... no hands raised.

But it's true that it wasn't the whole class who deliberately opposed Cheng Nuo.But it's true... nobody gets it right!
To be precise, apart from Cheng Nuo, none of the 50 people in the class got the last question right.

Looking at the scene where no one raised their hands, Cheng Nuo was indeed a little bit embarrassed.

So he turned his eyes to Mu Leng for help, "Mu Leng, you..."

"Don't look at me, I didn't do anything right." Mu Lengqiao rolled his eyes, not giving Cheng Nuo any face.

Cheng Nuo was startled, and a faint awkward atmosphere filled the air.

"Ahem." Cheng Nuo coughed a few times, and strode up to the podium.He let out a long sigh, "Oh. There's no way, I wanted to hide the truth, but I didn't expect that in the end, I would still be required to appear!"

"Students, please keep your eyes open, don't blink, and see how the teacher and I solved this problem with a few easy steps." Cheng Nuo picked up a piece of chalk and said.

The students were speechless for a while, but they were curious whether Cheng Nuo could explain this question clearly.

It is not a skill to make it, but it is a skill to be able to explain someone who can't understand it!
The last question is a question about elliptic functions.The topic is not difficult among all the finale questions, but it is not easy either.It is even more difficult to do it right without losing a single point.

Cheng Nuo listed the graphics and known conditions on the blackboard.Then I found an open space on the blackboard, and while writing eloquently, I explained to the students while leaning sideways.

"The first question is very simple. If you ask for the elliptic equation, just look at which ones are known and which ones are unknown in the elliptic formula, and then..."

C'mon, c'mon, in just two to three minutes, Cheng Nuo explained this question clearly.The students under the podium also nodded secretly, expressing that they understood.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Nuo threw away the chalk with only one tip left, picked up a new one from the chalk box, turned his head and wrote a big "two" on the blackboard!

"Next, let me tell you about the second solution to this problem."

The ... the second solution!

After listening to Cheng Nuo's words, the students all opened their mouths in astonishment.

There is a second solution? !

Cheng Nuo ignored everyone's astonished gazes and continued to write while speaking.

By the time the second solution was finished, the entire blackboard had been completely filled by Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo erased the left half of the blackboard where the first solution was written, and wrote the word "three" on the top.

No way! !There is a third solution!

Everyone felt numb.For them, if they can come up with a solution, they are already at the level of academic masters.

But Cheng Nuo was lucky, he came up with three solutions at once!It's just... so terrifying!
"Let's look at the third solution." Cheng Nuo smiled faintly, and wrote the third solution on the blackboard.

At this moment, the bell for the end of get out of class just rang.

"Okay, that's the end of today's class." Cheng Nuo threw the chalk on the podium, tapped the blackboard with one hand and said, "Actually, I have come up with five solutions to this problem. Due to time constraints, only I can tell you three kinds. If you are interested, you can ask me after class!"

"Okay, I'll be here today, get out of class is over!"

Everyone was still shocked by the five solutions Cheng Nuo said.So when they heard Cheng Nuo's "get out of class end", except for a few people, almost all the people in the class stood up reflexively and shouted neatly.

"goodbye teacher!"

In an instant, everyone's face darkened again!

"The sun is so bright, and it's raining from the west! I don't know when my sister's sweetheart will return!..."

After school in the evening, Cheng Nuo, who was in a good mood, rode his bicycle and walked into the Zhuyuan community humming a little song.

When Cheng Nuo passed by the second floor, he was relieved to see that the door of Fang Lian's house was locked.

Thinking of that delicate brooch, Cheng Nuo was heartbroken again...

Low-mouthed, it's all the fault of low-mouthed people!

While thinking this way, Cheng Nuo walked into the house.

But as soon as he opened the door and walked in, Cheng Nuo felt something was wrong with the atmosphere in the house.

"Still no clues?" Cheng Nuo, who was changing shoes at the door, heard his father sigh.

"Stop talking, it seems that Xiao Nuo is back." Jiang Lan whispered softly.

The two stopped discussing immediately.

Cheng Nuo frowned slightly, and walked into the living room with his schoolbag.

"Xiao Nuo, you're back!" Jiang Lan forced a smile from the corner of her mouth. "Come on, sit down first, I'll get you a glass of milk."

Jiang Lan got up and walked to the kitchen.Soon, a glass of milk was placed in front of Cheng Nuo.

"Thank you mom!"

Cheng Nuo thanked him and drank the whole glass of milk in one go.

Since both Cheng Yuanjin and Jiang Lan had something on their minds, they were in no mood to speak.The atmosphere in the entire living room fell into a strange dullness.

There is only one TV, playing the evening news.

Cheng Nuo was also very puzzled, what was it that caused the two of them to look so sad.

Cheng Nuo couldn't help asking, "Mom, did something happen?"

Jiang Lan forced a smile, "It's okay, don't you still have homework to do, go back to your room and do it quickly."

Obviously, Jiang Lan had no intention of telling Cheng Nuo about it.

Cheng Yuanjin also chimed in, "It's really nothing. Even if there is something, the two of us can solve it!"

Cheng Nuo sighed, and just as he was about to get up and go back to his room, a news broadcast on the TV attracted Cheng Nuo.

"The following news will be broadcast. At seven o'clock this morning, the Qingcheng Bank on Minjiang Branch Road was robbed..."

(End of this chapter)

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