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Chapter 69 Chapter 7~71 Self-help (please collect!)

Chapter 69 No.70~71 Self-help (please collect!)
"Cheng Nuo, I've had enough rest along the way, and I'll walk the rest of the way by myself." Mu Leng said reluctantly.

Cheng Nuo panted heavily and nodded slowly.

This time he didn't show machismo, he was really tired, no matter what, the dog's life is the most important...

The two rested in place for five to six minutes.

"Let's go, we'll be rescued soon." Cheng Nuo helped Mu Leng up and said, looking up at the dark night sky.

The mobile phones of the two of them had already been scrapped under the torrential rain.

Even now, the signal on the mountain is restored, and the two cannot send a signal for help to the outside world.

Therefore, going down the mountain has become the only solution for the two of them.


After half an hour...

Cheng Nuo and Mu Leng looked at the platform at an altitude of 400 meters, which had been crushed by rubble, and the collapsed platform could be called devastated. Their eyes were full of shock.

The road around the mountain that went down the mountain had also collapsed in all directions due to the crushed stones, and it was obviously impassable.

In order to attract more tourists, when the platform was first built, it only considered the ornamental value, but did not consider the safety issue.

So... About one-third of the entire platform is in the air, and the bottom is not supported by rocks.This also led to the rapid collapse of the platform due to uneven force during flash floods.Even the road around the mountain collapsed in part.

This is not good news for Cheng Nuo and the others.

The road around the mountain was cut off, which meant that it was impossible for someone to drive up the mountain to rescue them.

And in the eyes of the two, the starting platform is still slowly and gradually collapsing.

Don't stay here for long!
Cheng Nuo turned his head and smiled wryly at Mu Leng beside him, "It seems...we still need to go down."

Mu Leng's face was pale, and he supported his body with a branch he picked up from anywhere, acting as a trekking pole.She also smiled bitterly, "Then continue walking. However, if you go further down, there will be no stone steps."

Mu Leng was right. The stone steps of Luoshan Mountain were built from a height of more than 400 meters above sea level.

Further down, there are undeveloped primitive forests, with lush trees and jagged rocks, and there is not even the simplest mountain path.

Cheng Nuo shrugged and sighed, "That's okay, the only way to be safe now is to leave this mountain range."

Under the flash flood, no one can guarantee that a certain place is absolutely safe.


Fine raindrops kept patting on the two of them.

Even an iron man can't handle it after several hours of washing under the heavy rain.So... Cheng Nuo followed in Mu Leng's footsteps and caught a cold...

The head is dizzy, and the footsteps are vain.I felt better after taking some antipyretics.

The altitude is 324.58 meters, the air quality is 11, the temperature is 19 degrees Celsius, the air relative humidity is 96%, the ultraviolet index is 0.02, the atmospheric pressure is 101.211 kPa, the wind speed is 2.54 m/s, and the rainwater density is 0.10 kg/m[-]...

In the mountain forest at an altitude of more than 300 meters, Cheng Nuo and Mu Leng walked down the mountain carefully, leaning on a wooden stick, walking slowly.

The mountain road without stone steps is not so easy to walk. In some places, the inclination angle exceeds [-] degrees. In addition, the ground is wet and slippery. If you fall, you may fall directly down the mountain.

"Cheng... Nuo, how long will it take for us to get down the mountain?" Mu Leng panted heavily, dripping with sweat.

Cheng Nuo said in a comforting tone, "Soon, there are still more than 200 meters left, and we will be able to walk down the mountain."

Seeing Mu Leng like this, if Cheng Nuo told her the actual height of more than 300 meters, Mu Leng might not continue to walk.There was no way, Cheng Nuo deliberately shortened the distance by 100 meters.

Sure enough, after hearing Cheng Nuo's words, Mu Leng felt hopeful again, "Okay, then let's continue down."

An hour later...the stop and go, the two came to a boulder at an altitude of 250 meters.

At this time, the rain had completely stopped, but the mountain torrents were still spreading on a small scale, and the two of them rested here temporarily.

Suddenly, the two heard muffled humming sounds not far away.

Cheng Nuo turned his head.

Stone No. 1 weighs 201.35 kilograms, falls at a speed of 28.85 meters per second, a distance of 518.44 meters, an acceleration of 2.98 meters per square second, and a position of 65.01 degrees on the upper left...

Stone No. 2 weighs 283.15 kilograms, and the falling speed...


It turned out to be a few pieces of rubble. Cheng Nuo calculated the trajectories of the rubble, and when he found that they could not threaten the safety of the two of them at all, he turned his gaze away.I secretly said in my heart that fate is great.

Although the two of them are in very poor physical and psychological conditions at this time.

But still the same sentence, the sooner you go down the mountain, the sooner you will be out of danger.

After the two rested here for a period of time, they continued to walk down the mountain supporting each other.


And at this moment, on the other side.

In less than 10 minutes after the flash flood erupted, the government had sent troops to Luoshan for rescue.

At the same time, the major media also got the news and rushed to report.Quickly hit the headlines.

After all, as a famous scenic spot in Qingcheng, the occurrence of flash floods in Luoshan is not a trivial matter.

It is not only the natives of Qingcheng who are affected.

During the May [-]st period, there are many tourists who go to Luoshan Mountain to climb the mountain.


Cheng Nuo's home in Zhuyuan Community.

Cheng Yuanjin leaned comfortably on the sofa, held a cup of tea, and watched the Qingcheng Evening News on TV while drinking.

"Now there is an urgent news. At [-]:[-] this afternoon, a huge flash flood occurred in Laoshan, a famous scenic spot in our city, causing a large area of ​​the mountain to be destroyed! The number of casualties is unknown at present! It is estimated that the number of casualties will exceed three digits. Next, please read the detailed report of our reporter!"

The teacup fell and shattered on the floor tiles.

Cheng Yuanjin's hands kept shaking, and his voice became extremely hoarse.

He shouted to his wife who was cooking in the kitchen, "Xiaolan, did Xiaonuo say that she went hiking in Luoshan today?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Jiang Lan came out wearing an apron and holding a spatula in her hand.

Cheng Yuanjin said nothing and just pointed at the TV.

The voice of the reporter on the TV came to Jiang Lan's ears without saying a word, "Hello everyone, I am at the foot of Luoshan Mountain now. It is reported that due to the mountain flood, the entire foot of Luoshan Mountain has been completely blocked and no one is allowed to enter! and……"

When the words "Luoshan" and "mountain flood" came to Jiang Lan's ears, Jiang Lan's face was pale with fright.

"Xiao Nuo..." Jiang Lan's voice was filled with tears, "Xiao Nuo just went to climb Luoshan today. It was the backpack I packed for him."

"Then hurry up and call and ask if he has gone down the mountain?" Cheng Yuanjin straightened up and said anxiously, with an anxious expression on his face.

"Oh..." Jiang Lan wiped away her tears, hurriedly took out her mobile phone, and called Cheng Nuo.

After ringing for a long time, still no one answered!
The phone in Jiang Lan's hand fell to the ground.

The husband and wife looked at each other with deep worry and pain in their eyes!


 Thanks to "Century Black" for the reward of 500 starting coins, thanks to "Book Friends 161028235413752" for the reward of 200 starting coins, and thanks to "mori unlimited" and "Xiaoxiao Moxie" for their rewards of 100 starting coins each!

(End of this chapter)

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