universal data

Chapter 66 I Will Not Allow You To Die!

Chapter 66 I Will Not Allow You To Die!

Stone A weighs 408.35 kilograms, falls at a speed of 35.57 m/s, a distance of 100.54 meters, an acceleration of 1.35 meters per square second, and a position of 65.01 degrees on the upper left...

Stone B weighs 324.15 kilograms, falling speed is 40.51 m/s, distance is 130.87 meters, acceleration is 3.25 meters per square second, position is 38.57 degrees on the upper left...

Best evasion plan: move 5.24 meters to the left!

On the mountain road, Cheng Nuo wiped the mixture of sweat and rain from his forehead, looked at the two boulders passing by, and took a deep breath.

This was not the first time Cheng Nuo had calculated the data of falling rocks to avoid the danger of being hit head-on by the rocks.

Cheng Nuo, whose brain is like a supercomputer, can accurately judge the location of the stone through various data of the stone in an instant, and the brain automatically chooses the best avoidance plan.

Half an hour has passed.

Cheng Nuo also went from the previous altitude of 1011.58 meters to 800.45 meters above sea level.

The main reason is that a lot of time was wasted in order to avoid the stones that would hit from time to time along the way.In addition, some of the stone steps on the mountain had completely collapsed under the torrential rain, and Cheng Nuo had to go around.

The landslides are continuing, with stones falling with increasing frequency.

Fortunately, however, the overwhelming torrential rain finally showed signs of stopping.The momentum of the raindrops is gradually slowing down.

"Cheng Nuo, where are we now?"

Suddenly, Mu Leng's weak voice came from behind Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo's face lit up with joy, he turned his head and asked, "Mu Leng, are you awake?"

"Yeah." Mu Leng made a nasal sound, and his eyes fell on Cheng Nuo, who was only wearing a shirt on his upper body and his lips were white from the cold.

Mu Leng opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but found that his voice was already choked. "you……"

Cheng Nuo didn't seem to notice this, and put Mu Leng on the ground carefully, touched her forehead, and glanced at the data by the way.

Body temperature 37.5 degrees Celsius, heart rate 65 beats/min...

Well, it seems that the high fever has subsided.

"Come on, just in case, take another antipyretic." Cheng Nuo took out the mineral water and the antipyretic from his backpack.

Mu Leng's heart warmed up, his eyes slightly bent, as if stars were shining in his pupils, becoming the most beautiful scenery in the dark night.

"Cheng Nuo, thank you."

Mu Leng smiled, as gorgeous as a hundred flowers blooming.

Cheng Nuo's eyes froze, and he couldn't help being dumbfounded... I didn't expect that Mu Leng, who had always been icy, would look so good when he smiled.

Although the rain became smaller, it still did not stop.The tendency towards landslides is getting worse.There is no time to lose.

After Mu Leng finished taking the antipyretics, Cheng Nuo squatted down with his back to Mu Leng.

"Are you...?" Mu Leng was puzzled.

Cheng Nuo took it for granted, "Of course it's behind your back, isn't it always like this just now?"

Mu Leng is a girl with strong self-esteem, which is also related to her cold personality.Mu Leng had long since let Cheng Nuo go down the mountain with his back on his back.And along the way, he was bothering Cheng Nuo.

She knew very well that if it wasn't for her, Cheng Nuo might have gone down the mountain safely by now.

She was like a burden, constantly dragging Cheng Nuo down.By carrying him on his back, Cheng Nuo's chances of encountering danger will increase exponentially.This is not a simple ordinary dilemma, but a fate between life and death.

Someone once asked when can the real human nature be tested?
The answer is between life and death!

Before, Mu Leng's impression of Cheng Nuo had always been lustful, bragging, taunting, aggressive, mischievous, ignorant... Uh, well, let's talk about it first, otherwise it would be a thousand words I can't finish writing.

But now, Mu Leng's impression of Cheng Nuo changed greatly.

Cheng Nuo, uh... he's a good guy! (Didi, Mr. Cheng Nuo, you have received the good person card from Ms. Mu Leng, do you sign for it? Cheng Nuo: MMP)

To sum up, Mu Leng was not going to drag Cheng Nuo any longer.

Mu Leng pulled the corner of his mouth and forced a smile, "No need, Cheng Nuo, I can go by myself."

With that said, Mu Leng supported the rock wall and stood up.Just about to take a few steps, I felt a deep soreness from my limbs.

Mu Leng's body went limp for a while, and he slumped down again.

"Hey, look, you still..."

Boom boom boom——!Rumble——!
Cheng Nuo had just finished speaking, when he heard the violent impact of stones, and the whole ground began to shake slightly.

"What's going on?!" Cheng Nuo looked around in confusion.

Suddenly, Cheng Nuo's eyes froze...

On the mountain where Cheng Nuo was, the rocks shattered suddenly, as if struck by a giant.

The rocks shattered into pieces rolled towards the two of them with overwhelming power.

Looking at the number, there are thousands of rock fragments, forming a circle, covering almost all positions of the entire mountain peak.

bang bang bang-

The stones are densely packed, just looking at it like this makes people feel weak in their calves and feel hopeless in their hearts.

Cheng Nuo tried hard to calm himself down.

"Mu Leng, come up quickly!" Cheng Nuo said anxiously.

"No no no." Mu Leng shook her head, tears filled her pretty face. "Cheng Nuo, let's go. You still have a chance to escape by yourself. If you carry me on your back, neither of us can escape..."

Mu Leng's face was full of tears, and he said as if he was confessing his last words, "Cheng Nuo, if you see my parents, tell them for me, in the next life, I..."

"Go to the next fucking life!" Cheng Nuo yelled angrily, waking Mu Leng awake.

"You are my candidate for Cheng Nuo's future wife, so I won't allow you to die!" Cheng Nuo smiled wildly and said loudly, "Even if I die today, I won't allow you to die!"

"Cheng Nuo, you..." Mu Leng's brain short-circuited for a moment.

Cheng Nuo squatted in front of Mu Leng and said loudly, "Don't you you you, come up quickly!"

By coincidence, Mu Leng climbed onto Cheng Nuo's generous back.

Cheng Nuo raised his head and looked at the crushed stones, with a trace of hysterical madness in his eyes, "Don't worry. We won't die...No!!!"

Stone No. 1 weighs 438.35 kilograms, falls at a speed of 39.85 meters per second, a distance of 108.84 meters, an acceleration of 2.25 meters per square second, and a position of 65.01 degrees on the upper left...

The No. 2 stone weighs 324.15 kilograms, the falling speed is 40.51 m/s, the distance is 130.87 meters, the acceleration is 3.25 meters per square second, and the position is 38.57 degrees to the upper left...


The No. 32 stone weighs 324.15 kilograms, the falling speed is 25.36 m/s, the distance is 100.87 meters, the acceleration is 4.32 meters per square second, and the position is 22.33 degrees to the upper left...

In the first group, various data of 32 rocks appeared in Cheng Nuo's brain.

To calculate 32 sets of data at once and calculate the avoidance plan requires a huge amount of calculation.

Time was limited, and Cheng Nuo couldn't afford to count slowly, so Cheng Nuo's brain could only run at full speed.

Two seconds later, Cheng Nuo's brain calculated a plan to avoid the 32 pieces of rubble.

After 1.2 seconds, it moved 1.25 meters, with a direction of 11.2 degrees north by east. After 2.1 seconds, it moved 5.24 meters, with a direction of 33.68 degrees south by west...


Ask for recommendation, ask for collection! !

 Thanks to "Anyang Guige", "Ning Mengxuan", "Xingchen Qinghuo", and "Little Xiaoxia" for their rewards of 100 starting coins each! !grateful! !
(End of this chapter)

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