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Chapter 493 Legend of the Times

Chapter 493 Legend of the Times
496 chapter

ABC conjecture can be said to be one of Ueda Shinichi's most proud achievements.

At that time, it took him more than five years to write the 500-page paper.

The paper that proved the ABC conjecture was the most precious effort of Shinichi Ueda.

Although no one can prove that his theory is correct, no one can find out whether his theory is wrong or not.

Moreover, in terms of the ABC conjecture, after counting, only the method described in his paper is currently feasible, and other methods are all dead ends.

This has led Ueda Shinichi to often claim to be No. 1 in the field of ABC conjecture.

But now, what did he hear?
The content of Cheng Nuo's academic report this time is the proof of the ABC conjecture!
The first thought in Ueda Shinichi's mind was naturally absurd.

How can it be? !How long has it been?
It has only taken six months since Cheng Nuo proved the BSD conjecture.

Isn't it absurd to prove that the ABC conjecture is slightly less difficult than the seven major mathematical conjectures in six months?
You know, it took him five years to prove the ABC conjecture.

But soon Ueda Shinichi became terrified.

It took six months to prove the ABC conjecture. This kind of thing, put on any mathematician in the world, Ueda Shinichi thought it was impossible to happen.

But there was only one person, and that person was Cheng Nuo!

No one can imagine where the real limit of this monstrous guy is.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Cheng Nuo to do anything that seems absurd.

Taking a few deep breaths, Ueda Shinichi looked at the stage with red eyes, praying that the facts would not go in the worst direction for him.

If Cheng Nuo just had an idea of ​​proof and hadn't put it into practice, Ueda Shinichi could barely accept it.

But if Cheng Nuo really proved the ABC conjecture completely and completely, then...

Ueda Shinichi shook his head, no longer thinking about the horrible consequences.


Ida Ichiro also understood what happened, turned his head to look at Ueda Shinichi, his voice trembling slightly with fear.

"Hold on, maybe he's just trying to scare us on purpose." Ueda Shinichi said in a deep voice.


Standing on the stage, Cheng Nuo naturally took a look at the changes in the expressions of Ueda Shinichi and his brother.

"Hey, I told you not to come. If you insist on coming, I am also very helpless!"

With a mutter in his heart, Cheng Nuo smiled and began to make academic reports.

"Regarding the research on the ABC conjecture, my team and I started to carry out the research in May this year. After four months, we finally lived up to expectations and successfully proved the ABC conjecture. The following is our specific proof process. Please see .”

"I won't go into details about the specific content of the ABC conjecture, but what I need to mention is that in the ABC conjecture, counterexamples are allowed. That is to say, the product of the three numbers A, B, and C The result of multiplying the products of all prime numbers is not necessarily greater than C. Although counterexamples exist, the number of counterexamples is limited.”

"Friends who have a certain understanding of the ABC conjecture may know that because the ABC conjecture allows the existence of counterexamples, the proof process of the conjecture will be quite complicated. Even the method of checking one by one through supercomputing cannot be implemented. Therefore, me and my The team then discussed how to convert the ABC conjecture, which itself allows counterexamples, into a conjecture that does not allow counterexamples through certain transformations."

After hearing this idea, many mathematicians' eyes lit up.

Although Cheng Nuo's idea sounds far-fetched, it is theoretically feasible.

Once the ABC conjecture is transformed into a conjecture that does not allow counterexamples, many conventional methods can be used on this conjecture.

The difficulty of proof may drop to less than half of the original.

But in such a short time, have Cheng Nuo and his team really completed this step?
If Cheng Nuo could hear this question, he would definitely give a positive answer.

In the past four months, Cheng Nuo, Zhang Wei and others not only completed the conversion of the ABC conjecture, but also worked overtime to thoroughly prove the converted ABC conjecture!

On the stage, Cheng Nuo rolled up his cuffs, took a sip of mineral water, and continued talking.

"Everyone please see, first of all, we will generally meet the triples (a, b, c) that a, b, and c are mutually prime positive integers, a+b=c, c < rad(abc)...then At this time, q(a, b, c) < 1, and the case of q > 1 is really rare, and there are high powers of small prime numbers among the factors of these numbers."

"In the next step, we need to replace the product of abc with ε^(-ω)rad(n), and then use the formula... So far, the ABC conjecture has been converted successfully. This conjecture ① does not allow any counterexamples. The following is For the proof of conjecture ①, this is a concrete step..."

While listening, Ueda Shin wiped the sweat from his forehead with a wet towel.

Ueda Shinichi listened to Cheng Nuo's theories verbatim.

But the more he listened, the colder Ueda Shinichi felt.

The way Cheng Nuo chose to prove the ABC conjecture and the way he used to prove the ABC conjecture can be said to be two completely different directions.

Cheng Nuo's idea was to simplify complex problems by transforming the conjecture itself.

And he himself created a new set of mathematical theories and mathematical tools based on Abelian geometry to deal with the ABC conjecture.

Although he is confident in his method, in terms of academic level, it is enough to crush the proof method proposed by Cheng Nuo.

But what made him uncomfortable was that Cheng Nuo's method was much simpler and clearer than his.

This leads to the fact that most mathematicians in the world have no problem understanding Cheng Nuo's proof method.

But what about him...

How long will it take for his obscure paper to stop gathering dust?

Similarly, once Cheng Nuo's proof process was verified by the international mathematics community, the first mathematician to prove the ABC conjecture became Cheng Nuo, not Shinichi Ueda.

There is a huge gap between the first and the second in the field of mathematics.

The mathematician who was the first to prove the ABC conjecture will be remembered.

but the second...

Hehe, under the rolling of the long river of history, who will remember.

Ueda Shinichi felt ashamed.

Decades of hard work, at this moment, all come to naught.

Before that, when people mentioned the ABC conjecture, the first thing that came to mind was definitely his name Ueda Shinichi.

But in the future, ABC conjecture will become inseparable from Cheng Nuo.As for him, he is just an important character in the background story.

"Master, senior brother..." Ichiro Ida licked his dry lips and said with a pale face.

The corner of Ueda Shinichi's mouth was full of bitterness, "Ichiro, we have lost. A complete defeat!"

"Cheng Nuo will definitely become a legend of this era, and none of the people who compete with him will be defeated by him. We are just one of them."

(End of this chapter)

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