universal data

Chapter 12 Shocking Old Tang

Chapter 12 Shock Old Tang
5 minutes later……

Old Tang looked at Cheng Nuo standing in front of him with a dazed expression.

This guy is so unreliable. Even if he really doesn't know how to do it, he still has to pretend to do it for ten or ten minutes before he comes to see him again.Is it really okay to admit that you can’t do it after only 10 minutes?

"Okay, if you can't do it, then you can't do it. This question is really too difficult for you. Go back, I don't want to pursue this matter any more. Remember, don't think about these crooked ways in the future. "Old Tang waved his hand and said with deep helplessness in his tone.

Cheng Nuo was at a loss, when did I say I couldn't do it?Could it be that I lost my memory.

"Teacher, I don't think I said I can't do this question, right?"

"If you know how, why don't you do it, why come to me?" Old Tang picked up the thermos cup and took a big gulp of tea.

"Because... I'm done!" Cheng Nuo said as a matter of course.

Pfft~, Old Tang couldn't hold back, and the tea in his mouth sprayed out directly.

finished? 5 minutes?Does this kid think it's fun to joke with himself? !
Old Tang took out a tissue and wiped his wet neckline, then looked Cheng Nuo suspiciously up and down again. "You said you were done?"

"Yes, eh, right here." With that said, Cheng Nuo handed the answer he had written to Old Tang.Old Tang frowned and took it.

One minute later, Old Tang looked at Cheng Nuo standing in front of him for the third time today.There was shock and disbelief in his eyes.

Old Tang had already read Cheng Nuo's answer.All right!There are no flaws in the steps and answers to the questions.Even in some places, the steps given in the standard answer are more concise.

5 minutes!You know, it only took 5 minutes from the time Cheng Nuo got this question to when he showed it to himself.

When Old Tang got this question, it took more than half an hour to finish it.

At the beginning, Old Tang was still a little complacent, after all, he was the only teacher in the mathematics group who could solve this problem within an hour.

But now compared with Cheng Nuo...

It’s simply not on the same level!

"Did you really suddenly become enlightened?" Old Tang, who had been silent for a long time, spat out these words leisurely.

"Uh...you can understand it this way." Naturally, it was impossible for Cheng Nuo to tell Old Tang that he had supernatural powers.

Old Tang also seemed to think that this explanation was the most reasonable, as for supernatural powers, it was not realistic at all, okay?What do you think about reading novels?

"Hey, it's a pity." Old Tang sighed, "If you had done it earlier, you could still catch up with the math competition and get a rank in it, and you could get a lot of extra points in the college entrance examination."

"However, it's not too late. Based on your current grades in other subjects, plus mathematics, you can maintain your current state. If you get a score of 140 or more, you are very confident in key undergraduate courses!"

"Uh... Teacher, can I intervene."

"Well, let's talk." Old Tang's shocked mood finally calmed down. He leaned back on the chair comfortably and drank tea in small sips.

"Actually, it's not just mathematics, I also suddenly became enlightened in physics and chemistry..."


"Go, hurry up, go back to the classroom and study!"

If he continued to chat with Cheng Nuo, Old Tang felt that he was going to have a heart attack sooner or later.With a wave of his hand, Cheng Nuo was driven away.

Cheng Nuo was so happy that Old Tang drove him away.Smiling and waving to Old Tang, he walked into the physics group classroom next door.Then, under the puzzled eyes of the physics teacher, I bought a few sets of test papers.In the same way, Cheng Nuo got several sets of chemistry test papers.

Cheng Nuo also figured out that the most important thing for him right now was the college entrance examination.Even if he has superpowers, as far as Cheng Nuo knows so far, he only has superpowers.

The whole world has not yet become the era of supernatural powers for all people. Huaguo is still that Huaguo, and the social order is still that social order.The only thing that changed was Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo, who has super powers, does not want to learn from Superman and take on the important task of saving the world.

In other words, with his small body, he can neither fly into the sky nor escape from the ground. How can he be a bad guy?It would be nice not to be beaten by bad guys.

Whether it was for himself or for his parents, Cheng Nuo had to prepare well for the college entrance examination in more than a month.

I'm Cheng Nuo, but I'm going to become a top student in the future... a man!
Cheng Nuo, who had searched the physics and chemistry groups, returned to the classroom with a stack of test papers.

As for the math group... let's forget it first.Cheng Nuo wisely chose not to look for Old Tang again.


Cheng Nuo and the others continued their evening self-study class until ten o'clock in the evening.

One by one, exhausted students filed out from the school gate.

Cheng Nuo was in pretty good spirits.Although Cheng Nuo played a total of two sets of physics and two sets of chemistry in one night, his brain cells did not die that much.

Again, as long as everything related to data is nothing to Cheng Nuo.

Riding on the bicycle, the car accident that almost killed him in the morning still left Cheng Nuo with lingering fears.

Cheng Nuo didn't dare to ride too fast to avoid such an accident from happening again.

When I got home, the light was on in the living room, and it seemed that my mother had returned.

"Mom, I'm back!" Cheng Nuo shouted.

"I heard it, don't be so loud, the whole corridor can hear it." Cheng Nuo's mother Jiang Lan smiled and cursed and handed Cheng Nuo a glass of milk.

Cheng Nuo glanced at it and found that not only his mother came back today, but his father Cheng Yuanjin was also sitting comfortably on the sofa reading the newspaper.

It's rare for Mom and Dad to come back so early!

Here is a brief introduction to Cheng Nuo's family situation.

Cheng Nuo and his family consist of three members, Cheng Yuanjin, Jiang Lan, and Cheng Nuo.

His father, Cheng Yuanjin, is the finance minister of a top [-] company in Qingcheng.And his mother, Jiang Lan, is the vice president of Qingcheng Bank, a local bank in Qingcheng.

Generally speaking, Cheng Nuo was born into a relatively wealthy family.

Logically speaking, Cheng Nuo had no shortage of money to spend.However, the reality is just the opposite.

Apart from the five yuan in his pocket, Cheng Nuo was really penniless.

Cheng Yuanjin and Jiang Lan deal with money all day long, and have seen many examples of rich people turning bad.

When a man has money, he turns bad!This is the belief that Jiang Lan abides by.She didn't want to let her son develop a habit of spending money recklessly.

As a result, Cheng Nuo's pocket money was reduced from five hundred a month to only one hundred a month.

Jiang Lan properly "kept" the tens of thousands of New Year's money when Cheng Nuo was young, saying that it would be reserved for Cheng Nuo's future marriage.However, according to my estimation, it is unlikely that I will get this money in my life.

That was my first pot of gold!I earned it by being cute and shameless.

Fortunately, Cheng Nuo was still a high school student, so he didn't have much money to spend, and one hundred a month was barely enough.

But what if my mother still limits my spending after I go to college?
One hundred dollars a month's pocket money besides meals?This is also a yarn!

Don't doubt, with my mother's temperament, maybe I can really do this thing!

 New books please collect, please recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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