Chapter 81
In the urban area of ​​Miancheng City, Liu Fei and Lei Peng's forces have undergone double integration, and their personnel are approaching the thousand-person mark.

The increase in the number of subordinates made Lei Peng's heart magnified a lot.He feels that even if the military has several thousand more people than him, it is not as elite as he is now.The personnel in his hands are all members who have reached the height of 0-level 17-point ability value.And he is about to succeed in persuading that plane wandering coach named Wan Li to join his forces.

At that time, he can use Wan Li's teachings to make all his subordinates advance successfully, and they will no longer be subject to the improvement points of their ability values.

"Lei Peng, the head, feet, and abdomen of zombies cannot be used to make steamed meat. You have to ask the people below to collect the meat from the thighs and arms. Otherwise, the entire pot of meat will be discarded."

Liu Fei was furious and said to the high-spirited Lei Peng: "If you eat this kind of meat, you will be poisoned immediately. In this way, our reputation will be completely ruined."

"What a mess, these bastards. I know, we only have this source of income, and we can't let them ruin it randomly. The meat of the mutant beast can be used anywhere, right?"

Lei Peng glanced at the steamed meat brought by Liu Fei, feeling sick to his stomach for a while.I thought to myself, I absolutely cannot eat these strange foods at will.Otherwise, he would absolutely collapse and lose his mind.

"The meat of mutated beasts can be found anywhere. However, you'd better tell them not to take back the rat meat. It's okay to eat rat meat alone, but if it is mixed with corpse meat, it will intensify the toxins in it. Also Yes, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to process, and it is not rich in nutrients.”

Liu Fei carried the discarded mixed corpses in his hand to the aisle: "If you have a chance, you can catch some mutant beast cubs and raise them. These mixed corpses are harmful to the human body, but they are the best food for them."

"Understood, I will draw attention."

Lei Peng sent Liu Fei away, and continued to talk to the leader of the faction who came over: "Well, our faction has strict requirements on food safety. Food that is not suitable for us humans will never be spread. You are all the leaders of one side of the forces, and our ugly words are in front of you, and you have heard what you said just now. No rat meat, no corpses other than the arms and thighs of zombies. You can take any other mutant beasts. "

"The method of sharing is based on our purchase price, or split in half after making it into food. There are various transaction modes, and we try our best to satisfy everyone. After all, we are not the military, let alone the government army, so we don't need to be so strong. As long as everyone in the transaction is comfortable, it's not impossible for me, Lei Peng, to suffer a little loss."

Lei Peng would not feel distressed about buying and selling without money, and being a white wolf with empty gloves.As the saying goes, in the early stage of power, we must focus on development and make friends. He, Lei Peng, is a character who has read the Three Kingdoms a hundred times.He is ruthlessly proficient in black-bellied science and calculation.

Outside the Yingbin Restaurant in Miancheng, there stood nearly a hundred neatly dressed soldiers with bayonets in their waists and skill cards in their hands.

Under the watchful eyes of these soldiers, one after another small faction leaders walked into the welcome restaurant with their heads lowered and their waists hunched tremblingly.

"The owner of Shrimp Street, Zhang Jun, is here."

"Hurry up and send the boss Wang Hu to Miancheng."

In the lobby on the second floor of Yingbin Restaurant, there are ten tables of wine and food.

As the soldiers signed up, nearly seven seats were already full.The leaders of these forces who sat in were smearing friendship with each other and speaking hypocritically flattering words.

"Commander Lei, what's the matter with your military department and government departments? Didn't you agree to develop independently and ignore the development of other forces? Why this time, you have all the big and small forces in our city The leaders have invited all of them over?"

Miancheng has a population of nearly 30 more than Qiancheng.The urban area is not like Qiancheng is divided into several areas, the actual area is much larger than Qiancheng.Not to mention, it is close to Wucheng, the provincial capital, and there are many supporting enterprises in the surrounding area.There was no burst of da da flower scene like Qiancheng. The survivors in the entire city were nearly [-] people scattered in different areas.

But this is the case, the consequence of the large population base is that the residual food in the city is consumed in large quantities.All known supermarkets and convenience stores have been evacuated.

As for going to Wucheng to gather large troops, they don't yet have the ability to pass through the level 3 biological gathering area outside the city boundary.

"Uncle Lei, I think we are in the same family. Let me tell you the truth! The living supplies of our military department have been unable to make ends meet, and there is no way to provide extra food to the outside world. I am anxious to come here this time. It is definitely not an annexation of all forces. Instead, we need to work together to open a safe path to the grain and oil management office. Otherwise, we who have no food source will starve to death sooner or later.”

The voice of Lei Rong's words was neither too loud nor too soft, and it seemed to calm the hearts of the leaders of the forces.Facing the lack of food, they are also anxious and ruthless.However, the warehouse of the grain and oil management office has been completely occupied by blackened zombies, and they dare not go there easily.

"Lei Peng and Liu Fei are here at Auto Repair City."

"The Fuwa Food Department has arrived."

Inside the noisy welcome lobby, there was a sudden burst of appetizing meat aroma.Just look at Lei Jun, Liu Fei, and Xiang Jun, who came with them, carrying six large buckets, and took out the delicious meat in them: "Everyone, I, Lei Peng, came a little late. The food here is our Liu Da's. The chef made it himself, it is absolutely safe and non-toxic food. You think that if you hunted and killed mutant beasts, except for rats, you can bring them to my Lei Peng Auto Repair City to exchange for corresponding items."

"Lei Peng, come and sit here!"

Head Lei Rong stretched out his hand and called Lei Peng to his side and introduced him: "This is Uncle Lei, so you don't need me to introduce you specifically?"

"No, no need. Uncle Lei is a well-known big entrepreneur in Miancheng and even the whole country. In the future, I will ask Captain Lei and Uncle Lei to support us a lot, and we can run a small business without deception."

Lei Peng went to Lei Rong's side and found that the people from the government army hadn't come yet. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Commander Lei, why didn't I see the people from the government army come?"

"The virtues of that group of people, you just need to know it in your heart. Our military headquarters has a lot of mutant beasts and other kinds of food. I wonder if we can ask Chef Liu to help cook and marinate? The benefits are [-]% of all the ingredients. How about one? No matter how many, there is nothing we can do. After all, our army still has to supply those ordinary people for free.”

"It's easy to say. At a critical moment, if the army hadn't stepped forward, how could I, Lei Peng, gather a group of little brothers so quickly? Isn't it just to deal with some food, I promised Captain Lei."

 Happy new year, there is another chapter tonight, it should be very late.

  Well, seeing how hardworking I am, please ask for a recommendation ticket and a red envelope for the new year!Cute= ̄ω ̄=

(End of this chapter)

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