Chapter 287-Awakening
"Warning, the current space-time retrospective space is about to collapse."

"Warning, the current space-time retrospective space is about to collapse."

"Warning, the current space-time retrospective space is about to collapse."

Bai Jie's eye corner assist system flashed three emergency reminders in a row, and an unparalleled aura erupted from Bai Jie's body, blasting the surrounding sea water into a huge space, and the strong air bubble resistance formed a strange vacuum area around him.

Bai Jie hugged his head, the right side of his brain hurts, he doesn't know what to do.The strong stinging pain made Bai Jiesheng feel worse than death, wishing he could kill himself.

"Alarm, the host has abnormal consciousness, and the system enters the mandatory sealing seal the host's brainwave activity to reduce the fluctuation of the host's brain domain. Connect to the main system and exit the current space-time retrospective."

Circles of ripples emerged from Bai Jie's body. Bai Jie had no idea that he had opened a space door for himself this time without resorting to any means.

"Return to the target world and release the mount Xiaobai. The main system is connected and enters the system hosting stage."

Bai Jie is now like a puppet, his whole body is controlled by the system.So much so that Xiaobai looked at Bai Jie uncertainly, and when Bai Jie rode on him mechanically, allowing him to quickly enter the first city, Xiaobai immediately drove Baijie straight to the mayor's building, not caring what happened along the way. turmoil.

"Roar, Roar..."

Xiaobai drove Bai Jie to a sudden stop, and Bai Jie, who was under the custody of the system, immediately ordered: "Wrong, go to the power ancestral hall."

"The lord is back? Over there, it seems to be the ancestral hall of the power?"

Along the way, more and more people noticed that Bai Jie was abnormal, and they thought something serious happened!

"What happened to Bai Jie?"

After a month of long-distance travel, Xiong Ying has initially grasped the beliefs of a village.Today, I came back to seek help, but I saw Bai Jie's abnormality immediately.It's a pity that she can't enter the ancestral hall of the power, so she can only watch Bai Jie awaken the power to protect the immortal Huo Fengqimei at the door.

Through Bai Jie's mouth movements, Xiong Ying was startled, and found that Bai Jie actually said that something happened to him, and he had to take advantage of the power ancestral hall to recuperate for a while.

"All members of the Yanhuang faction have obeyed the order. In the near future, anyone is strictly ordered to approach the ancestral hall of the faction. The city defense guards pay attention. Anyone who approaches maliciously will be expelled."

Bai Jie never issued any form of ban. Once this order was issued, the remaining personnel in the entire First City exploded.

In the blink of an eye, the news of Bai Jie's closure of the ancestral hall of the forces was transmitted through the power bracelet and the power channel simultaneously, causing the entire Yanhuang faction to panic.

"Don't make random guesses, it's a good thing."

Facing the suspicion of the members, the system controlled Bai Jie to explain: "Do your own thing."

Above the sky, inside the evolution manager's palace, Wu Meng simultaneously received the instructions from Bai Jie.But he didn't have time to talk to Bai Jie at all, because, in another 10 minutes, a group of special personnel was about to usher in the Earth plane.

He has to fully grasp the authority of the earth plane in these 10 minutes, so that he can gain the initiative in the next action. It can be said that everything is rushed, and people are not prepared at all.

"The opportunity has come, it's time for us to go out."

"Haha, our people are here."

"Damn, the people who come here are really fast."

"Troublesome, the most complicated situation has emerged."

At the same time, the hidden characters in various places showed different moods.

"Hey, even though I knew he would break the deadlock, it's too fast, right?"

Huo Wu walked out of the necromantic space helplessly, and a primitive army quickly gathered behind him.

"Wow, woof..."

During the gathering of the primitive troops, thousands of mutated dogs gathered as the sound of barking continued.

"Let's go, let's go to that kid."

Huo Wu waved his big hand, and his whole body was already floating towards the first city where Bai Jie was located, so that the little milk dog in the place name couldn't catch up with Huo Wu's floating speed no matter how hard he chased.

"Damn it, why did this guy cause such a commotion?"

Sitting on top of her coffin, the Queen of Ghosts angrily tore the iron chains that imprisoned the coffin, and bound her soul into the corpse. The robbery cloud that never appeared.

The mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building, Bai Jie didn't know that the fun he provoked was beyond heaven.

At this moment, Bai Jie felt that all the pictures he had seen in the enchantment of the witch formation came alive, and a large number of memories that did not belong to his life appeared in the right brain area.

Thanks to the successful emergency upgrade of the main system, the storage space doubled several times in a row.But in the custody of Bai Jie's body control authority, the memory recovered by Bai Jie is simply too huge, forcing the main system to compress all of it in one go.But even so, Bai Jie's recovery of consciousness has already far exceeded the compression speed of the main system. Seeing that the internal storage space is about to be full, Bai Jie's head suddenly went blank, and he fell into a self-hibernation protection state.

"Huh, I'm exhausted. What stimulated this guy to restore the memory of his previous life? No, more than one life's memory. The compressed memory belongs to at least eight people, spanning nearly 54 billion years."

"Damn, why are some memories so consistent with the time of my collapse?"

After the main system retrieved all the memories recovered by Bai Jie, it suddenly understood why it was retrieved across space.

It turned out that all of these were guided by Bai Jie's soul power, allowing him to search across several universes.

But with Bai Jie's current abilities, how could he do that?
"No, it can be done. Those lunatics have already left him helpers and countless soldiers on the Earth plane."

The main system thought of the key to the problem, and there was a short calculation gap in the core program.

"Roar, Roar..."

Xiao Bai surrounded Bai Jie, licking Bai Jie's face with his tongue constantly.Bai Jie, who was licking the tip of his tongue like an undercut, turned his body over and put his hands on his head to prevent Xiao Bai from continuing.

Outside the ancestral hall of the power, the city guards who received the order sealed the ancestral hall of the power tightly. Everyone watched Huo Wu floating from the sky nervously. Knowing that the opponent's ability value surpassed their own, they still raised their weapons one after another.

"Don't worry, I'm not an enemy. Speaking of which, we're still on our own!"

With a flash of Huo Wu's body, she had already entered the interior of the ancestral hall and arrived beside Bai Jie, which shocked the immortal Huofeng Chimei who was guarding Bai Jie.When he saw Huo Wu, Immortal Huofeng Chimei didn't know what to call Huo Wu in front of him.The blood information told her that the seniority of the woman in front of her was terrifying.

"Don't worry, I won't harm him. Speaking of which, I should also thank him for lighting the totem flame! Otherwise, how can I recover my strength? By the way, who manages the group now? Help me pass the news , let’s say that Huo Wu is back.”

(End of this chapter)

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