Chapter 98 Security Authority
After installing the tympanic communicator, Hill took out an electronic chip card from the suitcase and handed it to Chen Lu.This is a blue electronic card with the eagle logo of S.H.I.E.L.D., other than that, there is only a functional barcode on it.

"Would you mind explaining what this is?" Chen Lu asked looking at the small blue card.

While closing the suitcase, Hill explained: "The S.H.I.E.L.D. Level 2 Security Authorization Authentication Card. Anyone who holds it is basically a full-time employee of S.H.I.E.L.D. You can investigate information through S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Level 2 Security Protocol Or go in and out of the area. Show it to senior U.S. military officers and they can also verify your identity and provide assistance. Your rank is at the rank of major in the U.S. military, but ordinary soldiers will not know it.”

Chen Lu once learned from Hawkeye that the security authority of S.H.I.E.L.D. is divided into five levels. At present, Chen Lu's level 2 security authority can only find some superficial S.H.I.E.L.D. information and access to some well-known restricted areas. ——For example, the White House in the United States, the SHIELD Tri-Wing Building, etc.Captain America, on the other hand, has a higher level of level 3 security authority, and can roughly understand some classified information, as well as enter and exit some sensitive areas-such as the Insight Project, Island Prison and the like.

The senior agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., such as Hawkeye, Hill, and Black Widow, and Tony, the S.H.I.E.L.D. security consultant, hold level 4 security clearance, and can basically learn most of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s confidential information, and access to the outside world is not easy. Confirm the existence of sensitive areas that no one even knows about - such as the Illuminati Project, Area 51, etc.

The highest level 5 security authority is held by the current Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, and the current President of the United States, that is, the highest level of management in the United States will be granted this authority, and they can freely visit all strategic areas and other areas. Sensitive data, among which there are naturally many government scandals that are enough to cause a worldwide sensation, such as the Hope Town experiment, the real Apollo program, etc.As for the black light project pursued by Law Chen, only those with this level of security authority are eligible to obtain it.

In short, it is beneficial and harmless for Chen Lv to raise this level of security authority. While getting closer to the black light virus, it will also make it easier to enter and exit some sensitive areas for follow-up operations. Security authority, the leak of US confidential information alone can cause a bloodbath.

"Come with me, you still need a battle uniform before officially joining the battle, otherwise our agents will evacuate you as a civilian."

Hill's words interrupted Chen Lu's thinking, and led him to move to the bottom of the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier.After a while, Chen Lu followed Hill to a room that looked like an armory. The walls were covered with all kinds of strange weapons and firearms. He took a closer look at the bows and quiveres that Hawkeye commonly used, and "Revenge" The bazooka-sized giant gun that Agent Coulson used to aim at Loki in League of Legends 1 is also listed here. I have to feel that the weapon technology level of S.H.I.E.L.D. is indeed a level higher than that of the normal army.

"Okay, Chen, stand on it."

Hill pointed to an instrument that looked like a 3D printer in the center of the room and said, it seems that SHIELD's way of changing clothes is not going to go the usual way.So Chen Lu walked into the center of the printer, and a blue light slowly descended from the top of his head.The moment the light touched Chen Lu's body, a specially-made costume quickly formed, replacing his clothes from head to toe.

This is a set of gray-black tactical stealth suit. Each joint has light armor but basically does not affect normal actions. There are several slightly concealed equipment hanging slots on the clothes, which can carry multiple pieces of special equipment without looking bloated. There is also a mask-style mask that covers the face very intimately, so that no one can see his true face clearly.

After putting on this suit, Chen Lu's whole demeanor changed into the low-key, calm and reliable agent aura similar to the protagonist Sam Fisher in "Split Cell"—may disappear at any time, but He can appear in the most critical places at any time, a secretive and deadly mysterious killer, sometimes even his teammates can't realize his existence.

Hill looked Chen Lu's outfit up and down, and said with satisfaction: "I heard that you have received the killer training of the Winter Soldier, so I think this tactical stealth suit will suit you very well. It looks really good. Of course, this thing is not only It's just good-looking. The interlayer of the clothes has Kevlar material that can defend against small gun bullets. There is also expanded polytetrafluoroethylene interlayer and nano-scale graphite powder coating, which can block heat rays and radar radiation. There is scrap metal in front of you."

"This is indeed what I need." Although he had long expected that the fake killer identity would make S.H.I.E.L.D. arrange himself in the direction of covert operations, Chen Lu did not expect to get such an excellent stealth item. For Chen Lu, who intends to let the two sides fight each other and fish in troubled waters, a stealth suit that can disappear from the battlefield at any time is really a wonderful match.

"If I sneaked, how would you find me?" Chen Lu asked again tentatively in order to understand the extent of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s surveillance of him.

"There is GPS positioning on the communicator, we can determine your location at any time." Hill replied very simply.

Then there is no problem. It should be very common for the communicator to malfunction a little during the fierce battle.

"Also, bring this." Hill put a special dagger with a long handle and didn't look too sharp on the table, and said to Chen Lushu: "This is a non-lethal stun dagger, usually it doesn't directly The enemy is stabbed to death, and the moment it touches the opponent, it can release a paralyzing electric shock to stun it for a long time. I don't mean to completely prohibit you from killing, but... Please try not to kill, at least The captain is more taboo about this, he may prefer to save people than to kill people."

"I understand." Chen Lu took the stun dagger and stuffed it into the dagger hanger at his waist. For people who don't need to be infected, this weapon can just use this weapon to kill them.Killing has always been a means rather than an end. Chen Lu himself is not a bloodthirsty person. After the grim situation caused by the retaliatory killing of those gangsters, he has become more cautious about using deadly force.

Of course, Chen Lu would never hesitate when he needed to kill someone.

"That's all I need to remind you. You can choose any weapon here. After 10 minutes, all combat personnel need to gather in the landing pod. Get ready to make a fuss, buddy." Hill dropped these words , left the arsenal.

(End of this chapter)

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