Chapter 95
Chen Lu ignited a lot of blood flames from his hands and feet, and quickly flew into the air under the propulsion of the flames, just like the propelling aircraft on Iron Man's mecha.In fact, Chen Lu also used the metallization ability to simulate the mini jet propulsion designed by Tony, and then flew up with the blood flame as fuel.The speed is even faster than that of Iron Man, but at the same time, the consumption is extremely huge. It can consume the biological energy in Chen Lu's body if it lasts for half an hour at most.

The sand man obviously didn't like this kind of little bugs that would fly around. He opened his huge palm that could crush a car like a children's toy car, and slapped Chen Lu vigorously with a bad breath and a terrifying gust of wind.He stuffed his whole body into the palm and slapped it hard into the metal inner wall, scraping a deep long hole in the steel wall.

But immediately, flames as bright as fresh blood burst out from between the fingers of the sandman's palms pressed against the wall, and the extremely high temperature instantly melted the sand into diamond-like crystal glass, and the crystallized glass flowed down the sandman's palms. It spread upward, and was soon swallowed half of the arm.

Looking in through the transparent glass giant hand, I saw Chen Lu pull out the Edman alloy samurai sword and swiped it vigorously. A large number of cracks burst open on the fragile glass, and it quickly collapsed and collapsed, setting off a wave of glass on the ground. Heavy rain.For the nearly immortal Sandman, this is actually just a loss of a little sand, but it takes more than ten seconds to rebuild an arm.

This is a precious gap.

"Killian, do it!"

While Chen Lu was yelling, Killian deftly circled behind the Sandman on the Green Goblin's flying skateboard, and the mechanical arm on his shoulder was fully powered, bursting out a dazzling orange-red death ray, slowly falling on the ground. Drag to draw a semi-circular arc.Seeing this, Chen Lv drove Xueyan down until he was close to the ground to fly at an ultra-low altitude. He stabbed the Edman alloy samurai sword wrapped with vigorous bloodyan into the ground until the handle, and melted the metal with high temperature. The ground also formed a semicircle. The arc track is dragging.


Even if the sand man became less clear-headed, he could still realize what the two men were planning. Just as he was about to raise his remaining left arm to hit the two nasty bugs hard, he was immediately caught. Lei Ting manipulated Doctor Octopus's three mechanical tentacles to jump onto his body and entangle him tightly.Each steel tentacle that can withstand 8 tons of strange force will inevitably be gradually deformed and damaged under the terrifying power of the sand giant, but it has indeed successfully delayed the attack of the sand man.

Taking advantage of the gap created by Thunder, Chen Lu and Killian successfully boiled a huge circular red circle on the ground that was big enough to hold the sand man's whole body.Due to the further melting of the high temperature, the floor finally couldn't bear the super high weight of the sand giant, and collapsed along the circle drawn by Chen Lu and Killian.Sha Ren just broke free from the control of the mechanical tentacles, and immediately fell into the big hole with his feet empty. There was a loud "plop" and a wave nearly ten meters high was rolled up, drenching everyone near the big hole. .

Water, this is the lifelong enemy of Sandman.Once the sand manipulated by the sandman gets wet, it will completely lose control. It cannot change its shape or restructure its body, and can only let the water wash away its whole body.Before completely falling into the sea, the sand giant's only remaining left hand still held the ground of the isolated island prison, so that the sand man would not fall into the water all over.However, this part of the sand was also completely wet by the seawater splashed by his body, and it could not return to its original body before it dried out.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of Dr. Lizard. He was able to hold down the Winter Soldier and the Crossbones, but after he found himself alone in the cannon fodder team, he quickly lost the battle due to timidity. It's been a long time.Just as he flicked his tail to distance himself from the Winter Soldier's Crossbones and was about to escape, he turned around and saw that Chen Lu's Adamantium alloy katana was already on his neck.

Dr. Lizard returned from his original lizard form to a human form, and timidly asked Chen Lv: "Can we talk?"

Chen Lu glanced at him indifferently, and drew the knife neatly, and Dr. Lizard's head was thrown high and then fell to the ground amidst the splash of blood.Chen Lu swung the knife to the ground again, and the blood on the blade formed a blood line on the ground, and there was no trace of blood on the silver knife.

Seeing that his cannon fodder team had been wiped out, General Ross, who could only hide in a hell-like nuclear explosion shelter, closed his eyes in despair, took a deep breath, and now the communicator sighed: " On August 2009, 8, New York time, the Lone Island Prison was declared broken, and the assailant was a joint force of the Hydra organization and the scientist organization AIM. In order to avoid some extreme situation, apply for the adoption of the Thunder Project SC13 emergency protocol, and request a reply as soon as possible.”

On the other side of the communicator came the instant message reply from the current President of the United States. The president's tone was calm on the surface, but there was a trace of uneasiness in it:

Among the U.S. military, only nuclear-weapon-level force is allowed to be used with the personal approval of the President of the United States.And in this isolated island prison, there is indeed such a powerful monster whose strength reaches the level of nuclear weapons—the abomination.

The chains of pure Adamantium alloy that bound the abomination were untied layer by layer, and this terrifying monster was walking towards freedom step by step.In the end, this super monster with gray skin, fin-like bony spurs on its back, and as strong as the Hulk stood in front of Chen Lu.With a ferocious face and a tense body, there was a strong hostility all the time.

"Ross, you are finally willing to let me out! I said a long time ago that you will definitely do this!" Hate took exaggerated steps arrogantly, walked to the nuclear explosion shelter where General Ross was, and spoke hoarsely. the voice spoke to him.

General Ross looked at the loathing coldly, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes: "I just don't want you to fall into the enemy's hands. After all, you were once an excellent soldier. I made you, and I know which situation You're more dangerous."

"I will no longer be controlled by anyone! Anyone!"

Hate roared and slammed his fist on the door of General Ross' refuge room. The thick door that even the red tank could not break open was easily crushed into a discus under the seemingly careless punch of Hate.It is worthy of being a terrifying monster with power equal to or even surpassing that of the Hulk, and the power of a single blow is terrifying.

 There is another update in the early morning, thank you for your support and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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