Chapter 81 Death Ray
After arranging Tony's work, Chen Lu then met the new member of his zombie army——Dr. Killian.Today's Killian has lost the violent temperament he had before, and has regained his stability and focus as a researcher.When Chen Lu saw him, he was concentrating on beating on a mechanical experiment table, and there was a long-lost smile on his face. This is the smile from the heart of an inventor when his work is progressing. .

Unexpectedly, Killian has such a simple side. He may indeed be a paranoid villain, but it is undeniable that he is also a successful inventor.

"Ah, it's you. Well, what should I call you now? Just like that short-haired chick?" Killian sensed Chen Lu's aura, turned around and asked Chen Lu.

"My surname is Chen."

"OK, Chen. Although I'm not very reconciled, it seems that I'm in your hands this time. But you can actually get Tony, and I really have to accept it. I'm trying to get revenge on the arrogant When I was with him, the mighty Tony Stark had already become someone else's subordinate, you made my approach very naive."

"It doesn't matter, everyone has a naive time, and I also have the experience of being dazzled by hatred and ruining big things." Of course, Chen Lu was referring to his revenge on the group of gangsters who killed him at the beginning. Resisting the urge not to kill that group of scum, I'm afraid there won't be such a severe situation today.

Soon Chen Lu's eyes were attracted by the strange machine on the table. He pointed to this machine-like thing and asked Killian: "What are you messing with? I remember giving you The assigned task is the research work of Extremis virus, does it have anything to do with this instrument?"

"Oh, of course." As soon as he talked about his invention, Killian, like all scientists in the world, immediately became excited. He attached the mechanical arm to his left shoulder and let it start upward, which looked like It is the same as the third hand protruding from the shoulder, and there is a laser cannon launcher in the center of the palm that is almost exactly the same as the palm of Tony's Iron Man mech.

"This is inspired by Tony's design of a laser pulse cannon that can directly absorb energy from the Ark reactor. This robotic arm can directly absorb the high-temperature energy in the impoverished organisms, convert the energy into thermal energy and emit laser light. like this!"

The mechanical arm on Killian's shoulder suddenly opened its fingers, and the red energy quickly gathered in the palm, and a dazzling bright red laser shot out, cutting straight across the ground leaving a red-hot straight line.One second after the thermal laser dissipated, a small explosion occurred in the burning line, burning the solid concrete into loose sand.

"This is a death ray formed by the high-temperature energy of the Extremis virus. I can guarantee that the power will not be inferior to Tony's laser pulse cannon. The guy who is shot by the thing will be able to see God immediately." Killian proudly Pointing to his mechanical arm, he said that with such powerful destructive power, he does have the capital to be proud of.

With this death ray move, Killian can be regarded as freed from the shackles of high-temperature abilities that can only be used in hand-to-hand combat, and it can be said that he has become a glorious mage full-time.With the strong cooperation between him and Tony, it is estimated that there will be more terrorist machines that can exert the greater potential of the Extremis virus.Able to play, carry and develop, Killian is really a rare talent.In the next action, Chen Lu will also rob more powerful villains like Killian.

"Complete the production line of this mechanical arm as soon as possible, we will need this. And get your combat equipment ready, I need you to participate in this jailbreak operation."

"Prison robbery?" Killian heard of this for the first time, but he consciously told him that what Chen Lu was planning was definitely not a trivial matter, "Which prison are you planning to go to?"

"Of course it's—the tightest one in the world."

8:13 am on August 6th. Hydra secret research and development base in Sokovia, Eastern Europe

The leader of Hydra, Baron Strucker, is looking at the black market businessman in distress. As the leader of a super villain organization, he is naturally able to break through the strict customs and leave the United States to come to this place due to the severe situation in the United States. He can also accurately know the location of his secret base. The background of this black market businessman in front of him is definitely not simple.

"Mr. Baron, I'm just doing things for others, and I hope you don't embarrass a small person like me too much." The black market businessman sat on a luxurious reception chair, surrounded by a large group of elite soldiers of Hydra, even in winter. Soldier and Crossbones are standing by.As long as Baron Strucker has this idea, the helpless black market dealer will be torn to pieces in an instant.

Baron Sterak glanced at the things on the table. There was a blue sci-fi helmet and a tube of bright red blood. These two things were the so-called "commodities" brought by black market merchants. What mass-produced items are available everywhere.He frowned and asked the black market dealer: "Then tell me, what did you bring here? Who sent you here? Why do you know this place? If you tell half a lie, today You can lie down and go out."

"It's really terrible. I thought it would be an easy job. I just said that the high price is too outrageous just to send something." Glancing like hell but without showing the slightest panic on his face, he reached into his coat as if to take something out of his pocket.

"Don't move!" The soldiers behind him warned loudly, pointing their rifles at the black market dealer's head, but Baron Sterak raised his hand to stop them.The black market merchant calmly took out three metal balls, threw them lightly and rolled them onto the table.The three small balls rolled around, and quickly arrived at the designated position as if they were spiritual. The three points formed an equilateral triangle, and together emitted a white light to the center.

Immediately afterwards, a colorful three-dimensional projection of a human figure appeared in the air. The moment Baron Sterak saw the appearance of this person, most of the doubts in Baron Sterak's heart dissipated, because the projected figure was——

Scientists recruited from HYDRA later formed a branch - the leader of the scientist organization AIM Aldrich Killian.

At least for now they still think so.

(End of this chapter)

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