Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 69 Killian's Strength

Chapter 69 Killian's Strength
After realizing that the majestic and brave superhero in front of him is actually a disabled person like himself, Killian was very surprised, and at the same time, he felt a sense of admiration for heroes.For disabled people with limited mobility, even walking and exercising like normal people is a luxury, but this blind man in front of him has actually become a heroic superhero fighting for justice?

It must be too rare.

"Forgive my gaffe just now." Killian opened his hands and gave up the attack, and introduced to Daredevil friendly: "You are also a person who knows the pain of disability, and even now you are still in the dark. All along, I'm here for the hope of healing for people like you. We shouldn't be enemies, Daredevil, we should be friends."

Daredevil propped his body up with a long stick and stood up again. He gently wiped off the scorched cloth on his eyes, and responded indifferently: "No, if I need to use other people's lives to restore my eyesight The price, I would rather live in darkness for the rest of my life!"

As soon as the words fell, Daredevil took a step forward and picked up the long stick and slammed it at Killian's temple with all his strength. The heavy stick of unknown material rolled up a strong wind in the air, quickly drawing a red arc After taking shape, it hit Killian heavily on the head.A leg-weakening sound of skull cracking exploded in the night, and this sound usually represented the withering of a life.

"That's really, what a pity."

However, Killian, who had no convenience to take this heavy blow, was able to stand on the spot as if nothing had happened, only his head was tilted to one side by the long stick.He twisted his neck to straighten his head again, and then grabbed Daredevil and pressed him on the long stick at his temple. His fingers suddenly turned red hot, and a large amount of smoke slowly rose from between his fingers.

Daredevil hurriedly tried to pull the stick back, but his physical strength was not at the same level as Killian's. No matter how hard he tried, the stick would not move at all. The high temperature forced him to loosen his hands holding the stick.He opened his fingers to grab the stick, and there was already a scorched black mark on it.

Even so, Daredevil didn't have any thought of backing down. Having lost his weapon, he took another heroic step forward, hitting Killian's cheek with an unarmed punch with the sound of the wind.Hearing the muffled sound of "Peng", Killian still took the punch without dodging or avoiding it, his whole face was blown to one side.Seeing that the blow was successful, Daredevil hurriedly took advantage of the victory to pursue it, hitting Killian with a series of punches from left to right, like a boxer venting his anger on a sandbag.

Daredevil's father, who was killed by gangsters, was an underground boxer during his lifetime.

"Is it enough?" Killian asked with his face against the opponent's fist after Daredevil hit him hard on the nose again.

Only then did Daredevil realize that after killing all his attacks, Killian was still standing upright and didn't take half a step back!Then in the next second, he was kicked by Killian to a distance of more than ten meters, flew upside down and crashed into a garbage dump before stopping.Before Daredevil could straighten up, Killian hurled his staff like a javelin, past his cheek and pierced straight into the wall behind him.

This long stick has been burned into a scorching red by Killian's thousands of degrees of high temperature, as if it could turn into molten iron and sprinkle the ground at any time.

"See, this is the power of the Extremis virus. As long as we have it, we disabled people are no longer a vulnerable group that needs protection from others, and we no longer need to grovel to win sympathy from others

, do not need those hypocritical love and equality.We can earn the respect we deserve and take back what was lost. "

Facing Killian who loudly explained his ideals, Daredevil just sarcastically said: "No, what you get is not respect, but fear."

"That's better than discrimination!" Killian said grimly, pointing to Daredevil's blind eyes, he asked aloofly, "Didn't you ever wish that you could look at the one you love instead of just being blind?" Touch her cheek with your hand? Have you never longed to be like others overlooking the scenery from a high place instead of hearing the sound of the cold wind? Don’t you know how happy it is to open your eyes from the boundless darkness!”

"Yes, there is nothing happier in the world than this."

As a blind man, Daredevil can't deny that these things are his best fantasies about life—a life of simplicity and luxury.However, he still struggled to stand up from the rotten garbage, put his hand on the long stick that was roasted red, and assumed a fighting posture.

"But this kind of happiness," Daredevil's fingers were scorched black by the high temperature, and the air was confused with the smell of scalded flesh and blood.But Daredevil ignored the severe pain that reached his nerves, resisted the severe burns, pulled out the stick and held it in his hand,
"I never prayed!"

The fiery red stick turned into a dazzling rainbow and stabbed straight at Killian, tearing through the night and piercing through Killian's chest accurately, lifting him up and stabbing him into a concrete pillar without losing momentum. and hung Killian's body on it.After the successful thrust, Daredevil didn't stay idle, but casually grabbed the steel bars scattered nearby, and plunged them all into Killian's body, and was nailed to the concrete pillar by his limbs and body in a blink of an eye.

After all this was done, Daredevil gasped for breath while holding on to another pillar. The scars on his hands were shocking, basically declaring that his hands were completely useless.But Daredevil didn't feel the slightest regret. From the moment he became a superhero, he was mentally prepared for injury or even death. No matter how many times he went back in time, he would make the same choice.

"You are really blind, Daredevil, you can't see what is important." Killian, who was hung on the pillar, said with emotion.

"No, I can still see—justice."

"That's why I said you're blind!"

A burst of powerful flames erupted from Killian's body, turning him into a burning man of fire!The steel bars running through his body were instantly melted, and even Daredevil's stick was turned into a puddle of molten iron with his palm.

This level of attack is completely unbearable to him.

Daredevil struggled and clenched his fists trying to resist, but was knocked to the ground by Killian's slap.After suffering such a serious injury, although Daredevil's will to fight is still strong, his body inevitably collapsed early.

Then Killian took out an empty syringe from his waist, took out a tube of hot orange-red blood from his arm, stuck it on Daredevil's neck, and injected the blood rich in Extremis virus go in.

"When you have truly experienced the benefits of the Extremis virus, you will understand how important he is to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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