Chapter 57 Goodbye, Iron Man
Seeing that Tony was still unable to make up his mind, Chen Lu pressed him further and said, "Tony, you are not as selfless as you imagined. After all, you are just a selfish mortal. You don't have to Always make sacrifices to save the world, because after all, unlike Captain America, what you do is not for justice, but for self-satisfaction."

"I have worked desperately to maintain world peace. I have spared my life to save tens of millions of people in New York. You say I am self-satisfied?" Tony turned to Chen Lu with a smirk and asked back.

"Of course. You said you have maintained the peace of the world? I don't deny it." Chen Lu raised the Ark reactor on the table, pointed at it and smiled at Tony: "But you are sure that the value of this thing is only worth you wearing a mech everywhere." Punish evil and eradicate adultery? No, no, as long as you want, your mind can make this world more than just world peace. Ark reactor is a brand-new energy technology, relying on this technology, human beings can solve many problems that were impossible before. Crises resolved. I mean, many crises that threaten the survival of the human species, aren’t these more important than world peace?”

"Even if you are willing to hand over the mecha technology to the United States, it is feasible to unify the world without war. Wouldn't that be better than the current 'peace'? But you don't want to do this, you always have to monopolize this technology, and you know it’s not right, and justice is just an excuse for your own selfishness.”

"As for your... risking your life, I prefer to say that it is self-destructive. You told me that you knew that you had made a big mistake and that you knew the pain that the arms you sold had brought to the world. So you What you long for in your heart is redemption, and the best expression of this redemption is self-sacrifice. You don’t risk your life to protect the world, but you think it’s better to die vigorously like this. Yes, it’s the same as suicide volunteers.”

"So!" After finishing the lengthy lines, Chen Lu walked up to Tony's side again, leaned against the muzzle of his raised gun, and asked word by word with his hands outstretched:

"Want to make the world a better place, or want to be the person who makes the world a better place, which one are you?"

"I, I..." Tony's fingers trembled more severely, shaking at the same distance as his heart, he gritted his teeth thinking about what to refute, but in the end he couldn't say a word.


The pistol was slammed aside, hit the ground hard and rolled over for weeks.

"...I'm a selfish person." Tony said with his eyes reddened and his facial muscles twitching.The belief he had always insisted on was worthless all over the place, and his will was shattered bit by bit.

"But I still want to be a hero!"

Just when Chen Lu thought he had succeeded, Tony used all his strength to spit out these words from his mouth.

"I'm not a good person, but I will still try my best to do good things. Is it wrong?" After facing his heart directly, Tony did not fall directly like Hawkeye, but instead rebounded from the bottom , Rediscovered his faith.

"No matter what, I don't want to disappoint my parents' expectations of me." After saying this, Tony's expression gradually became more relaxed, as if the prodigal son had found his way home.

"Hahaha... not bad, not bad."

Seeing that Tony has the courage to admit that he is not a good person, even Chen Lu has to admit his inner strength.But it's a pity that Chen Lu still has a trump card in his hand that can make Tony fall. This kind of trump card has already shown its power in the original movie plot.

"Then do you know how your parents died?" Chen Lu suddenly changed the topic, and followed Tony's words to bring up the topic of his parents.

Tony was a little uncomfortable with this sudden change, and he was stunned for a second before replying blankly: "Car accident."

"Do you really believe?"

Before Tony could react, Chen Lu inserted a memory into his mind through the spiritual link, bringing him back to the 'car accident scene' in 1991.

"What is this?" Tony could feel that he was sitting on a special motorcycle, chasing the car in front of him at full speed, and the car being chased was his parents!

"The memory of the Winter Soldier, read it honestly." Chen Lu's voice rang in his ears.

So next, Tony used the No.1 perspective to truly experience the process of a Winter Soldier killing his parents.The steel prosthesis in his right hand punched his father in the face, smashing his entire face until he died.Then he took out his mother and twisted her throat with his bare hands.

Even for strangers, it is an extremely cruel process, but the victims Tony experienced were his parents.

"Oh, vomit—" Just after recovering from the memory of the murder, Tony vomited profusely, as if he wanted to turn his stomach over.

At this time, Tony looked at Chen Lu with fear and loathing as if seeing a demon, and a weak voice came out of his throat: "What are you trying to tell me?"

Chen Lu smiled, handed the phone to Tony and said, "It's nothing, I just want to tell you that Captain America knows about it."

Tony's eyes widened in surprise, he immediately grabbed the phone and dialed Captain America's number.

Soon, Captain America's voice came from the phone: "Hello, Tony? It's rare for you to call me."

"Captain, who killed my parents?" Tony asked straight to the point.

"Uh...Damn it..." Captain America on the other side of the phone immediately understood the seriousness of the matter, hesitated for a while before saying in a low voice, "It's the Winter Soldier."

Now Tony knew that all the memories he experienced just now were true, and extreme anger filled his whole body in an instant, and he blushed and yelled at the phone microphone: "Why didn't you tell me from the beginning!"

Captain America knew from his tone that the situation was getting worse, but he still had to explain to Tony: "Listen to me, Tony. There are clues from S.H.I.E.L.D. that the Winter Soldier was brainwashed and manipulated by Hydra It's just an American soldier, we don't know his true identity yet, so we can't conclude that he must be guilty, we need to investigate..."

"I don't care, he killed my mother!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Tony hung up the phone.He has calmed down again, which is a sign that his anger has reached the extreme but he is no longer mad.

"Don't worry, Captain America just fulfilled his obligations as a superhero." Chen Lu smiled and patted Tony on the shoulder, seemingly comforting but actually fanning the flames.

"Fuck superheroes!"

Tony's phone shattered to pieces on the floor.

[You have surrendered the zombie hero: Tony Stark.The hero will not be able to defy any orders you give from the spirit link unless its consciousness is completely dead. 】

Goodbye, superhero named Iron Man.Now there is only one hated Tony Stark left in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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