Chapter 55 Situation Reversal
Tony's fighting skill system is a fighting program compiled by researching and referring to the movements of a large number of well-known fighters in the world, which makes him in the state of Iron Man possess superb skills proficient in various fighting techniques, and also makes him a A powerful fighter with unpredictable moves.

Even if Chen Lu acquired Hawkeye's unarmed combat ability, he still couldn't beat him.

"Are you tired? I haven't had enough fun yet." Tony moved his joints and shouted heartily.But I have to admit that he is stronger in fighting skills.

Among the Avengers, the only one who can surpass Tony's fighting system in fighting technology is Captain America, who is good at almost all martial arts in the world.

But the good news is that Chen Lu doesn't necessarily have to surpass him in fighting skills.

Ten times the Iron Fist!
Chen Lu's metallization ability finally successfully combined with Hawkeye's unarmed combat ability, and he slammed an extremely violent blow at Tony.Tony hadn't realized the terrifying power contained in this punch, so he still casually clenched his magnetic gloves and greeted him.


The metalized iron fist crushed Tony's fist mercilessly, and the titanium alloy armor turned into a pile of scrap iron in front of ten times the surging power of the iron fist. It shows the fate of this mantis arm as a cart.

[Your ten times iron fist caused 25 points of typhoid to Tony Stark (23% of the total health), and Tony Stark entered a state of comminuted fracture of his left hand]

This is the first time that Chen Lu successfully broke through the defense of Iron Man's mech and caused damage to Tony's body!

Since the fighting skills are not comparable, then simply use force to break the skill!
"Jarvis!" Tony shouted holding back the severe pain, and now he couldn't maintain his composure, "Start the motion analysis system!"

Of course, Chen Lu would not give him this opportunity. After he got the punch, he immediately posted it up and attacked frantically, and kicked Tony's calf quickly at the right time.

Kick ten times harder!
Chen Lu's foot tore off a large piece of armor from Tony's mecha, exposing the flesh and blood under the mecha.If it wasn't for Tony's quick reaction to complete the dodging action, otherwise this hard kick would definitely smash his leg bones together with the mecha.

"Analyzing motion..." On the display screen under Tony's mask, Chen Lu's every move was recorded in a freeze frame, using the powerful computing power of the supercomputer to analyze the next move.

"Come on, Jarvis!"

Chen Lu grazed Tony's mask with another punch, and the strong wind made the display screen in front of Tony blur for a while.After the parry action lost its effect, Tony was completely suppressed by Chen Lv. No matter which fighting technique he switched to, he couldn't cope with this brutal and pure fighting style, and he was beaten helplessly.

At the same time, Tony didn't realize that from the moment the hand-to-hand combat started, Chen Lu had been generating some small metal particles between his fingers and stuffing them into the gaps of his mech continuously. There are dozens of them.

"The motion analysis is complete, and the prediction program is started." After a very long few seconds, Jarvis finally sent the good news.

"Okay, let me teach you what a fist is." Tony easily dodged Chen Lu's punch, and returned to the previous relaxed state.

Suddenly, Tony's movements became indescribably dexterous, as if he could predict the future, he easily dodged every attack launched by Chen Lu.In an instant, the situation was reversed again. Chen Lulian became very uncomfortable when he met Tony, but the opponent could accurately find the flaws in his movements and counterattack.

This is another big killer of Tony - the action analysis system. He can use the super computer chip in the mech to perform a large number of calculations in a short period of time. It only takes a dozen seconds to perfect a person's fighting habits. Structure and analysis, to achieve the effect of seeing and dismantling moves that can almost predict the future!
In the final battle in the movie "Captain America 3: Civil War", Tony even relied on this system to knock down Captain America, one of the strongest fighters in Marvel, in hand-to-hand combat.

Now Chen Lu couldn't hurt a single hair of Tony even if he had all his brute force.

"You did a good enough job, but it's a pity that the opponent is me."|
Tony kicked Chen Lu in the abdomen, leaving a huge dent in his body, and his internal organs were trampled to pieces, and he flew upside down more than ten meters away.

The advantage that Chen Lu had established just now was easily broken like a beautiful bubble.

[The remaining biological energy is less than 10%]

At this moment of the fierce battle, Chen Lv didn't even have enough energy to recover from his own injuries, so he could only drag his disabled body, holding the ground with difficulty, and forced himself to stand up.

Tony was also aware of the decline in him, and proudly declared his victory: "Your self-healing ability is only at this level, do you want to continue fighting, kid?"

"Of course." Chen Lu snorted coldly, his eyes still sharp.

"Then let me warn you first, I'm not the kind of person who can't tell the difference." Tony approached Chen Lu step by step, stretched out his arm and grabbed Chen Lu by the throat, pushed him against the wall and lifted him up.


A sound like sand falling sounded from inside Tony's mecha.

"What sound?" Tony asked Jarvis suspiciously.

"Sir, I guess some foreign matter has entered the inside of the mech." Since Jarvis did not have an internal scanning function, he could not report exactly what happened.

"It's okay." Tony shook his head contemptuously, and gave instructions reflexively: "Start the fire extinguishing procedure and flush out the foreign objects."

at last!

Tony hadn't realized the reason for the faint smile on the corner of Chen Lu's mouth. Suddenly, sharp flames spewed out from every gap in his Iron Man mecha, and the intense high temperature drove all the circuits of his mecha from inside. Burn it all down!
Facing the completely unresponsive mech operating system in front of him, Tony didn't even have time to express his surprise, and was stabbed into the Ark reactor in the chest by Chen Lu.

[Your stabbing with a long knife caused 135 points of damage to Tony Stark (132% of total health), and Tony Stark entered a state of heart defect. 】

[Tony Stark died]

Iron Man's mecha was still burning, and wrapped in powerful flames, the steel monster fell powerlessly.

This powerful superhero who has been suppressing Chen Lu and proudly used the mecha's function to push Chen Lu into a desperate situation time and time again has finally declared his death.The power to destroy the world has gained a capable man, and the superheroes who protect the world have lost the world's greatest weapon inventor.

(End of this chapter)

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