Chapter 505 New Agenda
At this time, the news that Cyborg met Dr. Manhattan, who was disguised by Law Firm Chen on Apocalypse, also spread to the earth through the undamaged black box, and spread on the earth through unknown channels.Most of the people who had just ended the Darkseid War witnessed the scene where Steel Bone was instantly killed by Chen Lu, who was projected by a quantum body, on Apocalypse.The overwhelming strength gap and the signature action of exploding from the body made them have no doubt that it was done by Dr. Manhattan.

For a while, the people began to talk about this powerful figure who "suddenly" appeared.Many Americans of the older generation who have heard the stories of the previous generation of superhero watchmen can’t help but recall the huge shadow that under the threat of Doctor Manhattan, people had to put aside all prejudices, and even the United States and the Soviet Union had to end the Cold War and join hands to resist.

The headline of the newspaper the next day was—"The monster that threatens all mankind appears again!" "

Although due to Chen Lu's news blockade, most people don't know that Dr. Manhattan's strength is far superior to Darkseid's, but as long as they hear that his power can easily cause millions of deaths The United States and the Soviet Union at the two levels of the Cold War had to join forces to fight against each other on their own, and they knew that the comer was by no means an ordinary person, at least a threat no less than that of Darkseid.

However, the earth that has just experienced the invasion of Apocalypse has almost no energy left to deal with this monster whose strength is still bottomless. As the main force against Apocalypse, the Amazons and the Atlantis army have suffered heavy losses. The two leaders, Wonder Woman and Aquaman, were both wounded and did not return, and Batman's coalition army broke another general with steel bones.Therefore, in the Justice League, no one has the confidence to say that they can solve this crisis.

Therefore, whether to find a way to negotiate or firmly arrest has become the focus of debate.

"Unlike Darkseid, he was at least once an Earthling." Atom Man Ray Palmer appealed his opinion at the Justice League meeting, "So I think at least he is not unable to communicate, and he also helped us before. Defeated Darkseid, right? So as long as we can talk to him, maybe we can resolve some misunderstandings."

Immediately, Captain Fantastic stood up and objected: "Please don't ignore the fact that he once took millions of lives and then left. I can't let go of such a villain at all. As you can see, Cyborg didn't ask him at first. Make any aggressive behavior, but he was brutally killed immediately. Dr. Manhattan is a heinous villain, an enemy we should deal with with all our strength!"

"But I have to say that we can defeat Darkseid only if he appears. To put it bluntly, Darkseid is dealt with by him."

"That doesn't mean he has good intentions for us. Who knows what his purpose is?"

"I think he should have killed us all at the time if he had been malicious."

"How does that explain his merciless treatment of Cyborg?"

Chen Lu, the only one who knew the answers to all these questions, sat in the middle of the conference room without saying a word. He knew that under such circumstances, his own words would completely determine the direction of the Justice League's actions. This is what he has been working hard all the way. results.But Chen Lu is not in a hurry to let the Justice League express its position, because he still has to wait for the attitude of Batman.

The point of this plan is not what attitude the Justice League adopts, but that the route decided by the Justice League must be different from that decided by Batman, so that Dr. Manhattan can see what kind of malice humans have towards him .

It can't just be as simple as the United States and the Soviet Union joined forces to deal with him. It is too simple for human beings to work together for a while.

On Batman's side, they naturally also received the bad news that the steel frame was torn apart on Apocalypse.The black box that can be brought back may mean that Cyborg may still recover, but this possibility is only theoretical, and no one can guarantee that Cyborg will appear intact.

After losing the Cyborg, Batman was left with only two students, Nightwing and Robin, and a group of new superhumans recruited into the group.Under Chen Lu's deliberate manipulation, they were portrayed by the media as true heroes who contributed more than the Justice League in the Darkseid War, but Batman himself knew that most of these people were far from superheroes Far, not to mention the comrades in arms who can satisfy him.

In their conference room, the quarrel was much more intense than that of the Justice League, and the excited young people almost fought with each other.It's just that compared with the Justice League, they are more worried about the strength of Dr. Manhattan. Most of these young people who are extremely inflated by the media's high praise are calling for revenge for Cyborg.No matter how powerful Dr. Manhattan has been and how much of a threat he may be, they are not taken seriously by this group of newborn calves.

Fortunately, in this camp, Batman still has the authority of saying nothing, so he just waved his hand, and the crowd temporarily fell silent.Unlike this group of young people who can be easily fooled, Batman quickly discovered the problem.

"The Doctor Manhattan in the black box video is somewhat different from the information I got on Earth before."

Batman pressed the remote control, and the scene of Cyborg being crushed with a wave of his hand played repeatedly on the screen.

"Dr. Manhattan's ability should be to decompose a person from the inside into a pile of elementary particles. Muscles, bones, and internal organs will all be shattered in an instant, leaving only a puddle of plasma at most, not even a trace of broken bones. "

Then he held up the steel bone black box transported back from Apocalypse. This mechanical structure is as big as the palm of Batman: "The ability that appears in the video is more like tearing the steel bone from the body, and then Scattered and crushed part by part, so that the black box is left and sent back. The two look very similar, but there is an essential difference in ability."

Ye Yi immediately realized: "In other words, that's not the real Doctor Manhattan?"

Robin Damian also muttered: "But no matter how you look at it, this guy is still that blue bald head. There is absolutely no second person in the world with this appearance."

"It is true that Dr. Manhattan's quantum body is almost impossible to imitate, but it is also true that he did not show complete quantum decomposition ability in the video." Batman tried his best to remain objective and said that he could calmly analyze the death of his former comrades-in-arms. Let the group of new superhumans who followed him feel a chill.

"So right now we have to figure out the situation before deciding whether we should be an enemy of Dr. Manhattan."

(End of this chapter)

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