Chapter 502 Fusion Black Lamp
Chen Lv finally breathed a sigh of relief after the Black Death Emperor personally smoothed out the explosion caused by the Parallax Demon.After activating the time manipulation ability several times in a row, even with the support of the time gem, Chen Lu felt as weak as if his body had been hollowed out.Being able to use the attack launched by the parallax demon to destroy himself undoubtedly saved Chen Lu a lot of effort.

Otherwise, if he really wanted to continue to confront the Parallax Demon head-on, even with the power of Doctor Strange and the artifact of the Time Stone, Chen Lu couldn't guarantee that he would be able to outsmart him.After all, the strength of Parallax Demon can basically touch the edge of the multiverse level, and if Chen Lu himself puts aside the time gem, it is only the destructive power of the universe level.

But in any case, it is still an undoubted fact that he defeated Parallax Mohar. Now the Black Death Emperor has no other candidates to lead the Black Lantern Army. The next person to control this army of the dead is Chen Lu.

The pure-minded Black Death Emperor didn't make any pretensions, a mass of black matter condensed on his bone-only palm and turned into a black light ring with strange patterns, and gently pushed it towards Chen Lv.

The light ring was put on Chen Lu's finger by itself, and the moment the light ring was fixed between his fingers, an ominous force rushed into Chen Lu's body that was nearly exhausted of energy, like the zombie virus that used to make Chen Lu Ritsu's body has undergone obvious changes.

At this moment, Chen Lu felt his heart beating rapidly, as if every cell in his body was throbbing restlessly. A large number of old cells withered and died at every moment, and then regenerated under the energy of the lantern ring.

Flesh, Chen Lu from the earth, wake up!

Chen Lu understands that this is Heideng Dengjie resurrecting himself into a Heideng corpse. After all, Chen Lu is essentially a zombie virus individual with self-consciousness. It is not wrong to say that it is a dead human being. It is completely possible to become a Heideng corpse. potential.

But this kind of change is not what Chen Lu wants. His plan is to control the black lantern, not be dominated by the black lantern!

So while the Black Lantern was still transforming his body, Chen Lu did not hesitate to activate the time pause to completely stop this transformation.The light of the black lamp ring was condensed in the air, and the energy of the black lamp could not spread another half inch in Chen Lu's body.

Although the entire death world was stagnated by time and space like the black lamp energy in Chen Lu's body, the Black Death Emperor, as a multiverse creature, would still not be affected by the time law of a single universe.Therefore, the Black Death Emperor looked at Chen Lu curiously and asked him why he refused his gift.

"Why reject the power of the black lamp? Isn't this what you want?"

Regardless of the sweat falling from his head, Chen Lu replied with a sneer, "I'm not refusing, I just want to get it in my own way!"

After taking a deep breath, the zombie virus in Chen Lu's body suddenly became vigorously active. This evolutionary body that combines the three powerful biological viruses of the original zombie virus, Extremis virus, and black light virus poured in and was eroded by the energy of the black light. Among the withered cells, the power to replace the black lamp repaired the cells first.

After the cells filled with black light energy are rejuvenated, these active viruses turn their targets to black light energy, which is a foreign body that invades the body, and the phagosomes that incarnate as white blood cells open their bloody mouths and pour out a lot of black light energy. devoured up.The energy of the virus and the black lamp complemented each other and quickly fused together in Chen Lu's body.

The Black Death Emperor couldn't understand Chen Lu's behavior. Apart from the power of the white lamp, he had never seen any other power that could effectively dispel the energy of the black lamp.What's more, Chen Lu's move was not to expel the power of the black lamp from his body, but to fuse this power with his own body?

Even so, the Black Death Emperor did not intend to stop Chen Lu's actions. He was also curious about how far the leader of the Black Lantern Legion he had chosen could transform the power of the Black Lantern.

After the Parallax Demon was eliminated by himself, Chen Lu also expected that the Black Death Emperor would not attack him, so he boldly did such a behavior under his nose.It's just that the difficulty of fusing the energy of the black lamp is still beyond Chen Lu's original expectation. The tenacity of this unruly power of death is far greater than the difficulty of fusing any kind of zombie virus before. After all, the power of the black lamp itself is death. The symbol of far flying past biochemical weapons can be compared.

After the stop effect of the Time Gem went into cooling down, a larger amount of black lamp energy poured into Chen Lu's body strength that had just completed a part of the fusion, causing the balance of confrontation to tilt sharply in the direction of failure.

Chen Lu has already mobilized every virus molecule in his body. Even if he ordered it to reproduce at a high speed, it could not compare to the energy pouring in continuously from the power of the black lamp.Obviously, this special black lamp ring bestowed by the Black Death Emperor contains almost endless black lamp power, and it will never stop until Chen Lu is transformed into a black lamp corpse.

Beads of sweat dripped from Chen Lu's forehead. Originally, he expected that after he left the world of death, he would slowly study how to fuse the Heidengdeng ring on hand. He didn't expect that the Heidengdi gave him this Such a big gift made it impossible to handle it for a while.

Seeing that the erosion rate of the black lamp energy in his body is further accelerating, and there is a tendency for the fusion of countless zombie viruses to directly transform him into a black lamp corpse, Chen Lu had no choice but to take out the trump card that he has not used for a long time. The artifact that can make wishes come true.

ether gem.

Chen Lu cut his wrist open with his fingers, and an erratic cloud of dark red liquid emerged from the wound. This was the reality-modifying Infinity Gem that nearly squeezed out the god king Odin.Making a wish on an ether gem always requires paying an incalculable price, but right now Chen Lu doesn't have much choice.

"Help me fuse the power of the black lamp!"

As soon as he uttered his willingness in a concise and concise manner, Chen Lu felt that his body was rapidly aging, his skin was shriveled and fragile as paper, and his bones became as weak as dry wood.

Aging, this is an impossible thing for Chen Lu, who has become a virus individual, and this kind of thing can only mean one thing - the ether gem is quickly draining the last trace of biological energy in his body, and the consequences It is to make Chen Lu, the undead, finally fall into a permanent shutdown without fuel.

The dry tongue can no longer make a sound, and the brain lacking energy is gradually stopping functioning. Chen Lu still underestimated the consumption of the ether gem, a sharp tool that can modify reality. It is hard to call it a wise behavior to make a wish .

Fortunately, Chen Lu himself was not the only one who could pay the price.

(End of this chapter)

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