Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 500 Escape from the Green Lantern Universe

Chapter 500 Escape from the Green Lantern Universe
"Hmph, after all, it's just a shoddy universe constructed with green light energy, which is far from the level of creation!"

Realizing that his attack was effective, Chen Lu swung the magic sword in his hand again, preparing to tear the cage that imprisoned him with a stronger impact.Now Parallax Mohal, who created the entire Green Lantern universe, couldn't sit still at all, and had to interfere with Chen Lu's actions no matter whether his power was restored or not.

Immediately, countless figures manifested with green light energy appeared around Chen Lu. Just like before, there were as many parallax demon clones as stars, and each of them manifested different weapons to attack Chen Lu together.

However, Chen Lu, who was possessed by Doctor Strange, was not so easy for the enemy to encounter. With the shining of the Time Gem, time stopped in an instant.The universe created by Parallax Magic Hal is completely frozen, and all clones cannot move.

Afterwards, Chen Lu drew the runes with both hands, causing a huge magic circle to spread rapidly around himself. The magic that originally required a long time to chant was performed without pressure with the help of the time gem, and it was completed in a short while. Large cast.

Then time starts to flow again.

The parallax demon avatars who had just come to their senses hadn't realized what was going on before they were enveloped by the golden light erupting from the magic circle under their feet.What happened next was like a shadow meeting a strong light. All the parallax demon clones were wiped out under the huge magic power, and were directly evaporated without leaving a trace.

After spending such a huge amount of magic power, what Chen Lu had to do was of course not just destroying the clones of the parallax demons. After the golden light burst out from the magic circle dispersed the clones of the parallax demons, it quickly condensed into a beam of light with a diameter the size of a planet. Rush to the end of the Green Lantern universe in one fell swoop.

The terrifying magic power exploded heroically on the invisible dimension wall, and the universe created by the parallax demon Hal soon became full of cracks under Chen Lu's bombardment.In the end, a breath of death poured into this universe completely composed of green light energy, making Chen Lu understand that he had opened a little way back to the world of death.

Of course, Hal, the parallax demon, would not let Chen Lu do whatever he wanted in the world he created. He couldn't help but put his hand into the Green Lantern Universe, and pressed his finger in Chen Lu's direction as if strangling an ant.

In this universe made of pure energy, Parallax Mahar, the only arm of matter, suddenly appeared.For a moment, this hand is as sacred and huge as the hand of God. If this hand is understood as the size of a normal human arm, then the galaxies in the Green Lantern universe can only be said to be a bunch of microorganisms, and Chen Lu, just It can only be regarded as an elementary particle in this pile of microorganisms.

Although he can't tell exactly how he was locked up here, Chen Lu can fully understand that his body size has now been shrunk by hundreds of millions of times by Parallax Mohal in order to enter this green light universe.Now, with the size gap between the two sides, just a little breath raised by the parallax magic nail can tear himself apart.

So Chen Lu immediately paused the time again, jumped onto the arm extended by Parallax Mohal, and sprinted all the way to the root of the arm.Obviously, the shrinking effect of Parallax Mohal on Chen Lu's body can only take effect in this green light universe, otherwise there is no reason not to use this ultimate move to decide the outcome in the first place.

However, this gigantic arm is so long that even with the high-speed flying ability endowed by the magic floating cloak, Chen Lu still feels that he is climbing an endless ladder.On the way, he tried several times to use the teleportation ability of the Rubik's Cube to reach the destination directly, but it was still in vain because the coordinates could not be determined.

"How long does this guy's hand have to be!"

Chen Lu also knew that the actual problem was not how long Parallax Mohal's arms were, but that he was being shrunk down to an outrageous level.If I force myself to say it, Chen Lu's whole body may not be as big as a neutron in the real world. To climb from Parallax Mohal's fingertips to his shoulders is naturally a distance like a natural moat.

Soon the time-stop effect of the Time Gem went into cooling down, and Parallax Mohal also regained his freedom of movement. He immediately noticed Chen Lu's intention to leave the Green Lantern Universe along his arm, and the powerful Green Lantern energy started again in a single thought. obstruction work.

This time, the energy of the parallax demon's green light turned into an endless fleet of space fleets, attacking Chen Lu who was running on his arm, and the green energy beams mercilessly hit his skin like a storm, without any intention of throwing a mouse at all. .

Chen Lu could also understand why Parallax Mohar could be so confident, because at this size, the damage he caused to his skin was not even enough to tickle, or even penetrate his skin.But to Chen Lu, every bombardment of these fleets was an overwhelming explosion, even with the magic floating cloak as protection, it was extremely annoying.

"If this goes on, even if we stop sometimes, we won't be able to reach the finish line!" Chen Lu, who was suppressed by the gunfire, couldn't help complaining that he was really struggling in Parallax Demon's home court.

Finally, when the cooldown of the time gem was over, Chen Lu couldn't wait to activate the time stop again, and the countless bombardments blasting at him finally stopped temporarily.But if you just use this opportunity to hurry, you will soon fall into the quagmire of being blocked by countless fleets.

So this time, Chen Lu found a way to open up a new path.Relying on the invincible high-frequency chop, he vigorously tore open the ground under his feet, that is, the skin of Parallax Mohal.Among the gushing blood, the bloody flames all over the body got in, and penetrated deep into the flesh of the Parallax Demon.

Compared to Chen Lu's current body shape, even a tiny blood vessel in Parallax Demon's body seemed as wide as a whole galaxy.Chen Lu was carried on a red blood cell, and used the high-speed flow of blood to quickly move within Parallax Mohal's body.Compared with relying on one's own ability to move, this way of hitchhiking is undoubtedly much more efficient.

Another advantage of doing this is obvious. The artillery fire of the Green Lantern Fleet, which was in the way of Chen Lu, failed to follow up into the parallax demon's body, and Chen Lu's way forward was unimpeded.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Lu can flex his muscles for a while.

The blood inflammation fueled by blood rapidly spread in the blood-filled blood vessels, turning the original sea of ​​blood in the blood vessels into a sea of ​​flames.Under the propulsion of the flames, Chen Lu rushed forward at a faster speed, all the way to the depths of Parallax Mohar's body with sparks and lightning.

At this time, Chen Lu's goal is not only to rush out of the Green Lantern Universe, but his end point will be the gathering point of blood in Parallax Demon's body - the heart!
(End of this chapter)

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