Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 50 The Secret of the Virus

Chapter 50 The Secret of the Virus

"Okay, now let's refocus our attention on the virus." After hurting Nick severely, Hank returned to his own work again, "While studying how to eliminate this virus, We also discovered some incredible properties of it. One of the most surprising to me is that this virus can activate the X gene in the human body."

"X gene? You mean the gene that allows those mutants to acquire superpowers?" The members of the World Security Council present naturally knew about mutants, and immediately understood the meaning of the term Hank said.

The X gene is a special gene exclusive to the Marvel world. It exists in almost all human beings, but not everyone can make the X gene express and function, that is, for most people, it is a kind of recessive gene.But there are a few people, the X gene will function as a dominant gene in their body, so that they can acquire some kind of supernatural ability, such people are called mutants.

It can be said that the X gene is the source of mutants' superpowers, and non-mutants also have this gene, but they cannot express it.

"Yes, during the human experiments on death row prisoners, every X gene in their bodies showed signs of being slightly activated, but none of them turned into ordinary zombies before the gene mutation was completed." Hank said indifferently He talked about inhumane topics, but obviously his behavior has been acquiesced by all the council members present.

"So you guess, this virus may create zombies with mutant abilities?" a council member asked.

"It's absolutely correct, it's just that we haven't realized it yet." Hank shrugged and spread his hands helplessly.

Although Hanke couldn't find an example, Chen Lu knew it well.His research has unlocked an important secret for Chen Lu - the superpowers of the mutated infected person do not come from the zombie virus itself, but from the activated X gene in the infected person!

This means two things: 1. All non-mutant infected mutated infected will activate the X gene and gain a superpower. 2. All mutants infected by mutants will not get new abilities.

This can be regarded as a great benefit that the Marvel world has brought to Chen Lu. Since the virus has the ability to activate the X gene, it means that he has the ability to mass-produce mutants.

The best targets, of course, are non-mutant superheroes who are bound to become Mutant Infected!Each of them may awaken powerful superpowers and become Chen Lu's excellent weapon.

If Magneto, Professor X and other mutated infected with fourth-level mutant strength appear, it will definitely greatly reduce the pressure on Chen Lu to fight against the incoming human coalition forces.

For a moment, Chen Lu seemed to see a glimmer of hope for victory.

In fact, this news is both joyful and sad news for everyone in the council. On the one hand, human beings may soon face a group of zombies with mutant abilities. On the other hand, the zombie virus obviously has a very considerable weapon potential.

Once this virus can be brought under control, it will definitely be research that can significantly change the current international situation.

"Hank, I know your discovery is very important, but at the moment we must focus on the vaccine." Among the group of people, Nick was the first to react, and ordered Hank sensibly: "If the zombie crisis cannot be obtained Solve it, it is meaningless for us to study this virus more thoroughly.”

Everyone agreed one after another. Those who can hold high positions are naturally not short-sighted.Seeing that his major discovery could not be taken seriously for the time being, Hank shook his head and sighed: "Well, I just want to remind you that the virus has this function, and you have the final say on how to use it."

Immediately, his projection disappeared into the conference room, and he probably went back to continue his research.After watching Dr. Hank leave, Nick also announced to other council members: "Our plan will be sent to you in the form of a proposal. Today we have other things to discuss, what do you think?"

"Well, Mr. Director, I look forward to your good news."

"Good luck, Nick."

The holographic projections of everyone in the World Security Council flickered and disappeared one by one, and soon only Nick was left in a conference room in Nuo Da.

"X Gene, this is not easy." Nick sat on the seat with his stomach alone, muttering thoughtfully to himself with his chin in his hands.

"Hey Nick...uh, am I late?"

The door of the meeting room was kicked open. It was Iron Man, who was also the chief advisor of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Tony Stark broke in. In his position, he should have attended the meeting just now.

But Nick saw through his little thoughts at a glance, tilted his neck and sarcastically said to him: "You didn't come late, the meeting just ended, anyway, you can't listen to it when you come, right?"

"Hehe, Nick is the only one who can endure those idiots pointing fingers." Tony sat down on the chair opposite Nick indifferently, looked out the window and asked, "I just saw some of your men carrying boxes of nuclear weapons. The radioactive waste is out, what are you doing?"

At this point today, Nick had no choice but to confess to Tony: "Go and provide some news to those crazy reporters. There is no evidence for a nuclear leak, you understand. Don't worry, I will let them pay attention not to hurt the innocent."

Tony's expression gradually became serious, and he asked with a little anxiety: "Is the nuclear bomb really going to be used this time? Or, you are ready to use the nuclear bomb."

"We are all ready to use the nuclear bomb in an instant." Nick corrected, he also sighed heavily, and clenched his fists with both hands, "It's just that we don't want to see it."

The two fell into a long silence. They both understood what it means for New York to be destroyed by a nuclear bomb. This large-scale attack is likely to be their last chance.

"Okay, so I suggest you prepare for the worst." Tony took a deep breath and said, he took out a microcomputer and displayed a map of Queens on it, "Our Stark Industries Several large-scale nuclear explosion shelters have been built near Queens. Although most of them have been abandoned for a while, it is estimated that it can accommodate the little army you have assembled. If the situation develops to the worst point, let those who have no time to retreat Let the soldiers hide in first."

Nick smiled, reached out and pushed Tony's computer away, and said seriously: "Thank you for your kindness, Tony. But I believe that with our assembled strength, we will never lose this time. You must know that last time you fought back in New York. When the aliens invaded, the required troops were not even one-tenth of this time."

(End of this chapter)

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