Chapter 467 Disguised Raid
Before Batman could finish his opinion on Chen Lu, the meeting was interrupted by a loud noise above his head.He left to open the surveillance screen to see what happened, but what caught his eye was a troop he was quite familiar with was breaking through the gate of the secret base and rushing in.

That's Bunny Rabbit, the biggest masterpiece left by Wayne Group before it went bankrupt.

The Martian Manhunter naturally recognized this force, and he asked Batman: "Bruce, aren't those robots from your company? Are they out of control, or..."

"No, the Wayne Group has gone bankrupt, and I have destroyed all the Rabbits since that day." Batman gritted his teeth and watched the army of Rabbits pouring in, full of doubts in his heart like Martian Manhunter , "This is definitely not a product of the Wayne Group! Someone stole the drawings of Rabbitmen and remodeled them on a large scale!"

Batman's conjecture is undoubtedly correct. This group of rabbit men is only the same as the previous products of the Wayne Group in appearance, but its core is completely composed of steel suits.It can be said that this is an Iron Legion dressed in the disguise of Rabbit Men, and it has invaded Batman's secret base mightily.

Ye Yi and Robin, who were guarding the gate, couldn't figure out what was going on, and they were defeated by a round of missile salvos from Rabbitmen.The automatic turrets and laser devices installed by Batman in the base also started to fight back. Unfortunately, the technological content of these equipments is obviously a level behind that of Tony's new Rabbit Troopers. Spots, there is no ability to defeat them.

"How could these things be, aren't they from our side?"

When he first saw this group of Rabbitmen, Robin naively thought that Batman had brought some secret weapon, but what he didn't expect was a tricky enemy.With the strength of both he and Ye Yi, it was difficult to contend against this kind of enemy, so they had to retreat all the way to the meeting room deep in the secret base.

"Batman, what is going on with this Rabbit Men? Why did they appear here, and why did they come to us?"

Facing Robin's series of questioning, Batman waved his hands and explained: "Stop making noise! ​​That's the enemy's conspiracy. Someone created this army in the shape of Rabbit Men, and he wants to use them to deal with us... "..."

Speaking of this, Batman grabbed Martian Manhunter's shoulder as if realizing something, and said to him seriously: "Sean, this army is coming for you, you must leave here immediately!"

"Wait, Bruce, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm pretty sure I wasn't followed by anyone when I came here, and it's impossible for me to tell anyone about this meeting myself!" The Martian Manhunter seemed to have misunderstood Batman's meaning , He thought the other party was blaming him for bringing this group of Rabbit Men here.

Batman could only emphasize his tone and said: "Sean, I mean these people are here to kill you! We will help you stop them, and you go back to the Justice League headquarters immediately."

"Come to kill me?" Martian Manhunter relaxed after hearing this, and said contemptuously, "I'm only worried about you. If they are here to kill me, then let me see these rags What is iron capable of!"

Suddenly, a powerful mental impact erupted from Martian Manhunter. As one of the strongest telepathic abilities in the DC universe, he is not a weak person who needs the protection of others.The reason why he served as the interim leader of the Justice League after Superman's death is not just respect for character.

As long as the Martian Manhunter is willing, he can even easily wipe out the intelligent life forms of the entire earth in an instant. It doesn't take long to accumulate power, let alone rely on any brain wave booster. For him, this kind of thing is like drinking water as simple as that.But this time, his mental power attack hit a wall meaninglessly, because Chen Lu sent the most restrained opponent - artificial intelligence Jarvis.

As an intelligent program, even Martian Manhunter's telepathic abilities, however superb, cannot cause any disturbance to Jarvis, who is essentially a dead thing.Under the command of Jarvis, the Rabbit Troopers completely ignored the burst of mental power of the Martian Manhunter, and ruthlessly charged towards the meeting room.

"There's no manipulation inside!" Martian Manhunter inevitably felt a burst of frustration after his best move completely failed.It's just that his ability is far more than simple telepathy. Controlling other people's thinking is not something he likes to do. Subduing criminals with his body is the Martian Manhunter's usual method.

A Rabbitman rushed in front of the Martian Manhunter and threw the white phosphorus incendiary bomb that the Martian Manhunter feared most, immediately putting the Martian Manhunter in a sea of ​​flames.Lie Yan can be said to be the only weakness of the Martian Manhunter, but for Chen Lu, knowing one weakness is enough.

"Sean!" Batman also knew that the Martian Manhunter was most afraid of fire damage, so he quickly picked up the fire extinguisher and wanted to come to the rescue.But at this moment, a western giant dragon rushed out of the fierce flames first, and with just one breath, the raging fire was completely extinguished. On the wall of the secret base.

The Martian Manhunter's voice came out of the dragon's mouth: "If I was really so easy to be burned to death, I would have died dozens of times! You guys who play with fire, I want you to understand the anger of the Martians! "

This giant dragon was obviously transformed by the Martian Manhunter. In addition to the top-notch telepathic ability, the Martian Manhunter is most proud of this super transformation technique like 72 changes.Not only can he change into known living beings, but even imaginary creatures can also be constructed vividly.

Once again, the army of rabbit men poured a large amount of white phosphorous incendiary missiles at the dragon that Martian Manhunter turned into, trying to burn Martian Manhunter to ashes with an overwhelming flame offensive.But the Martian Manhunter was just a wing, and the unstoppable gust caused all the missiles to deviate from their orbits, only to explode on the wall of the secret base.The large sea of ​​flames ignited by the white phosphorus was also fanned back to the direction of the Rabbits by the Martian Manhunter.

The violent explosion in an instant overwhelmed Batman's secret base, and began to collapse little by little.The huge movement like the gate of hell inevitably attracted the attention of the outside world, especially the Justice League, which has been concerned about the movements of superhumans on Earth.

In a matter of minutes, the Justice League superhero team will be here to aid their leader, the Martian Manhunter.

(End of this chapter)

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