Chapter 465
As Chen Lu continued to accelerate, more and more speed force attached to him, and finally turned into red and yellow lightning and wrapped Chen Lu, making his speed finally break through the barrier of light speed.

"Is this what it feels like to travel faster than the speed of light?"

Even with Kuaiyin's reaction speed, Chen Lu still feels that everything around him is gradually becoming blurred, which shows that he has slowly surpassed the speed limit of this dimension and entered a broader time dimension.

Until now, Chen Lu still doesn't know why the Speed ​​Force transformed by The Flash is attached to his enemy. Perhaps this energy itself will chase extremely fast objects.In short, relying on this energy that can make people move faster than the speed of light, Chen Lu successfully broke the limit of Kuaiyin's super speed, and crashed into the time dimension that can travel through time and space.

As soon as he entered this dimension, Chen Lu felt that the speed force in his body immediately stopped growing and was rapidly consumed. This caused his speed to drop from several times the speed of light to barely surpassing the speed of light, and he would be expelled in a short time. The category of the time dimension.

"There is no way, after all, it is not the energy that can be produced by oneself. To achieve this level is the limit."

Chen Lu understood that he had to hurry up, the speed force he had absorbed was not enough for him to move freely between time dimensions like The Flash.Chen Lu had no choice but to immediately find the timeline where he came from before, and rushed in that direction with all his strength.

The yellow-red lightning wrapped around Chen Lu gradually became weaker, and the repulsion of the time dimension to Chen Lu continued to intensify. Chen Lu took out the time gem to escort his progress, but in this grotesque space, he still gradually lost its way.

"Trouble, how on earth does The Flash maintain a sense of direction in a place like this?"

Unlike the first time he entered the time dimension, this time Chen Lu didn't have the specific goal of The Flash to move forward.The speed force left in his body is only enough to open the space-time wormhole again, and if he goes in the wrong direction, he may not have a second chance.

Fortunately, in this dazzling space, a wormhole opened by the speed force flashed before Chen Lu's eyes.He immediately understood that it was the tunnel that the Flash had opened in the first place, and that if he just rushed through it, he could return to the original point in time.

So Chen Lu activated the last supernatural speed force in his body, and rushed towards this gradually shrinking wormhole at the fastest speed in his life.

In the underground laboratory of the Stark Tower, a red lightning bolt appeared out of thin air, rushing out from another dimension as if to tear apart the space.Then, surrounded by lightning, Chen Lu's figure gradually appeared.

After seeing the familiar scene in front of him, Chen Lu finally breathed a sigh of relief, he finally returned to the correct timeline.As soon as he relaxed, he felt his feet limp and fell to the ground. Not only the speed force, but also the biological energy in his body was almost exhausted.

I don't know how long it took before Tony came into contact with the laboratory's blockade and walked in. Looking at Chen Lu's embarrassed look without surprise, he asked, "How, have you dealt with that annoying fly?"

"Flies?" Chen Lu said with a wry smile, "If he was a fly, I'm afraid I can't even compare to maggots."

After all the tricks were exhausted, the Flash was able to beat Chen Lu so badly, and almost killed Chen Lu in one fell swoop. This was enough for Chen Lu to realize how far behind he was in terms of hard power compared to these Justice League giants. .

Tony said as if he had nothing to do with himself: "I've done everything I can for you. If you can't win at this level, don't blame me."

Although Tony's black technology is very powerful, it still looks a bit small under the super power of the Justice League giant.Chen Lu can use these technologies to weaken the strength of powerful enemies to a certain extent, but it is too far to achieve the immediate and fatal effect of kryptonite on Superman.

Therefore, Chen Lu still has to further strengthen his own strength. The speed force he accidentally obtained this time is a good opportunity.

A red-yellow electric light was generated at Chen Lu's fingertips, and he said to Tony: "Help me study the characteristics of this energy, and use it to strengthen it if possible."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Lu went into a crash state due to the exhaustion of biological energy in his body, and unreachable drowsiness swept his mind, causing Chen Lu to quickly close his eyes and fall asleep.

"Oh, I really can't help you." Tony sighed softly, then took out a tube of nutrient solution and injected it into Chen Lu's arm, "I've never seen you sleep so well except when we first met." So familiar."

When Chen Lu opened his eyes again, he was already placed on a white hospital bed, and due to the effect of the nutrient solution, most of his body had recovered.Unfortunately, the speed force surrounding his body was not replenished by the rest, and it still maintained the appearance of being critically exhausted.

There was a rapid sound of typing on the keyboard outside the ward. It was Tony who was faithfully following Chen Lu's instructions and was researching the speed force extracted from his body.This energy that pushes The Flash to the altar of the fastest man in the universe undoubtedly has great research value.So that shortly after the start of the research, Tony was immediately attracted by its mystery and fell into it.

When Chen Lu came behind him, Tony was still muttering to himself:

"This seems to be a power from a different space-time dimension, stored at a certain point in the multiverse. It must be extracted from that dimension in some way, which requires a high-speed collider at a speed above the speed of light? Or Can it be achieved through mutant abilities?"

"If you want to go at the speed of Kuaiyin, I can say that it is not enough." Chen Lu said suddenly.

Tony turned around: "Oh, boy, you wake up. You just said that the speed of Quicksilver can't be connected with the dimension where the speed force is, so how did you get this energy?"

Chen Lu replied: "It's Barry Allen's body, and it's also the Flash. After that guy died, his whole body turned into the Speed ​​Force and gradually dissipated, and I attracted part of it when I was running at the speed of Quicksilver. It's a pity , it can’t be done now, because that guy’s body was left 2.5 million years ago, and it should have been transformed into Speed ​​Force and disappeared.”

"After death, will it become a speed force?" The point Chen Lu raised seemed to give Tony a flash of inspiration. He rubbed his temple and said, "This shows that this energy will assimilate with living things. If we say that it is connected If the secret of the Speed ​​Force lies in the human body, I may have to make a fuss about biotechnology..."

(End of this chapter)

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