Chapter 450 Secret Experiment
"You mean, the prisoners in this fortress will deal with the Justice League for us?"

In the meeting room of Stark Tower, Luther looked at the map of Fortress of Solitude on the table and asked Chen Lv.To be honest, he didn't really trust the strength of these prisoners. If the Justice League could catch them once, it might not be difficult to catch them a second time.

Chen Lu shook his head and denied, "I'm not counting on those prisoners, but that they can help us build a team against the Justice League."

"In my influence, there is no organization on the planet that is capable of confronting such a behemoth." Luthor said bluntly, and as a long-time opponent of the Justice League, he knew this all too well.

Chen Lu smiled and said, "That's right, so this team must come from within them."

"So I'm just asking you, what exactly are you going to do?" Luthor asked anxiously. Since he became Chen Lu's partner, Chen Lu has been silent about his plan, and his patience has almost been exhausted.

"Really?" Chen Lu estimated that it was almost time, so he made his first request to Luther: "Luther, you go and surrender."


"Well, to be precise, it should be pretending to be caught by them."

Luthor quickly understood Chen Lu's intentions: "You want me to sneak into the Fortress of Solitude, right? What a pity, there is a new generation of superhuman heroes specially imprisoned there. As an ordinary villain, I'm afraid I will be arrested sent to another prison."

"Really? Why not?" Chen Lu asked Luthor sideways with a smile.

Luthor replied of course: "First of all, I am a pure human being, and there are as many government prisons as are willing to accept me. Why should the Justice League imprison me in the Fortress of Solitude?"

"There's no problem, whether it's superpowers or the government, I'll solve it for you. Just wash your ass and prepare to go to jail."

Naturally, these questions cannot trouble Chen Lu, who has already controlled the U.S. government behind the scenes and possesses super soldier serum.After he said this in an unquestionable tone, he got up and left the conference room.A confused Luther and several fellow supervillains were left behind. After all, they still knew nothing about Chen Lu's capabilities.

After leaving the conference room, Chen Lu came to the laboratory deep in the Stark Tower. In this huge scientific laboratory, Tony was researching new things as always.

Now put on the console is the zero-degree freezing gun seized by Chen Lu from Captain Cold. This weapon can slow down the movement speed of molecules in a certain area, and it is a big killer against the fastest speeder in the DC universe, the Flash. After falling into Chen Lu's hands, it would only make him more dangerous.

"How about it, can this thing still work?" Chen Lu asked Tony.

Tony sighed and said: "This thing is still usable, and the deceleration effect is also very scary. I guess Quicksilver can be directly set to the speed of ordinary people by this gun. But there is still a serious problem that has not been solved."

"what is the problem?"

Tony smiled bitterly and said: "The effect of this gun on reducing the speed of molecular motion is indiscriminate. The speed of all objects in this area will be severely reduced. That is to say, the person who uses this gun will also be severely slowed down. Two people in this area at the same time is equivalent to not slowing down."

Chen Lu also smiled bitterly, this is like the ability to pause time that can stop his own time, it is a completely useless skill.

Only superpowers with special physiques like Captain Cold and Iceman can exercise normally in the low temperature field, but the problem is that the ability possession device is not controlled by Chen Law, and he can't guarantee when it will be used. Iceman's ability to come.

"In that case, the only one who can use this weapon freely is its original owner." What Chen Lu said was of course Captain Cold who was imprisoned in the Fortress of Solitude by him. It's hard to say anything else, but let him deal with Lightning Xia, the mortal enemy, should have nothing else to say.

The only question is, what's the use of returning the original Freeze Gun if Captain Cold hasn't been able to take on The Flash before?

Tony seemed to see through Chen Lu's thoughts, and he continued to report: "Boy, I can modify this weapon a little bit. Although I dare not say that it is like a new life, it is also possible to improve the effect to a higher level."

"Then do it first, and I'll figure out the rest."

While Chen Lu and Tony were busy researching the zero-degree freeze gun, another important research experiment was also staged in another corner of the DC universe.Over there is the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, the home of the Guardians of the Universe.

Superman's body was placed in the center of a huge green light instrument, his hands were locked and held up flat, like a prisoner being held.

And around Superman, a group of Green Lantern Legion guards who have received the mechanized transformation of the Legion, obliterated their personal thinking and only know how to obey orders, are called the Supreme Green Lantern.These soldiers have a status equivalent to the gendarmerie in the Green Lantern Corps, and they will not be dispatched easily without any special circumstances.

The little blue man Ganser, who plays a pivotal role among the guardians of the universe, also came to the experiment site in person, and he brought two crucial items for this experiment—a white lamp ring and a black lamp ring.

These two things once set off two major events in the DC universe, the darkest night and the whitest day, and twice produced major crises that could endanger the existence of the entire universe.It can be said that the Guardians of the Universe wouldn't even be able to deal with either of them if it weren't for the fact that these two rings would fight against each other.

Therefore, Ganser also had to keep these two items in the most solemn and cautious way, using all his energy to create two spherical shields and keep them in them respectively.For this reason, Ganser didn't even have the strength to fly, so he had to use his short legs to walk into the experimental base step by step.

"Master Ganser, thank you for sending the experimental materials." A man in a white coat trotted up to meet him, staring at the two lantern rings in Ganser's hands with great anticipation.It seems that just being able to see these two items is already a supreme honor.

Ganser sighed and said: "I originally objected to you doing this, no, until now I don't think it is a good thing. But since the guardian meeting has made a decision, I can only obey. Here I use this thing well, if I am not careful, the entire universe will be destroyed!"

"I understand, I understand." The guardian in the white coat hurriedly put the lantern ring into his arms, and then announced with a big hand:

"Superman resurrection experiment, start now!"

(End of this chapter)

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