Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 45 Hawkeye's Submission

Chapter 45 Hawkeye's Submission
"Fortunately, I didn't let you guys launch an attack. That guy Nick has summoned several superheroes, and he should still be making a big fuss in S.H.I.E.L.D." The well-equipped Hydra special forces team lay on the ground.Faced with these comprehensive strengths above ordinary people, and armed with all kinds of strange black-tech weapons, it really doesn't do any good for this assassination assault team to attack.

If normal soldiers are regarded as ancient soldiers, then these superheroes who claim to be ordinary people should all have the combat effectiveness of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Even in the face of mutated infected people with supernatural powers, they should be able to rely on black technology equipment to survive.It is said that the biggest cheats in the Marvel world are technology and magic, so mutants are always a disadvantaged group in the Marvel series.

August 8th, New York time 12:1**M Queens Pharmaceutical Building

Dozens of zombie birds fluttered from the roof of the building, flying high towards the sea.These zombie birds will become part of Chen Lu's infection of all mankind, but it will take some time.

Thinking back carefully, it was less than 24 hours since Chen Lu woke up, but so many things happened one after another, and the situation became more and more complicated.

Time, whether it is for Chen Lu or for human beings, is indescribably precious.

At this time, Chen Lu got good news from the spiritual link. The superhero he worked so hard to get last night——Hawkeye, has awakened as a mutant infected person.

He immediately focused his attention on Hawkeye.


From the moment Hawkeye opened his eyes on the hospital bed, he felt something was wrong.I can feel that my body is being tightly wrapped by the straps, and I remember being seriously injured, and even the raised arm is scarred.

But the spirit is very full, and the body does not feel pain.

"What happened to me?" Hawkeye muttered and sat up from the hospital bed, picked up a mirror on the table next to him, and looked at it, but he didn't find anything unusual on the outside.No matter from that angle, Hawkeye is just an ordinary wounded person.

But it just felt very wrong.

Hawkeye pulled out the drip needle on his arm, and his intuition told him that these things were meaningless to him.After getting up and taking two steps, there really was no problem, so Hawkeye ran to the washroom by himself.

No doctors or nurses rushed over, probably they were all busy.

Hawkeye went to the mirror, wiped his face with a towel, and then picked up his toothbrush.Just as he looked into the mirror again, the weird scene in front of him made his eyes widen in fright.

In the mirror is Chen Lu's figure!
"You!" Hawkeye was about to yell, but his throat suddenly stopped, as if he was being choked!
"Don't be surprised, I'm just communicating with you with a spiritual link. Now you should understand what happened."

Following Chen Luping's peaceful words, a lot of information flooded into Hawkeye's mind.Zombies, mutated infected people, virus carriers... made him quickly understand his current situation.

The human named Hawkeye no longer exists!
"What the hell are you trying to do?" Hawkeye finally asked with difficulty after taking a long time to accept the truth.

Chen Lu spread his hands with a smile and said, "Of course I want you to obey me. Unconditional, absolute, obedience at the expense of your life."

"Why?" Hawkeye asked back.

"I can make your family members become carriers of the virus, otherwise they will die as ordinary zombies."

The information of the virus carrier has been transmitted to Hawkeye's brain through the mental link, and he can understand that this is probably the best result for humans who cannot become mutant infected after Chen Lu won the overall victory of destroying the world.Hawkeye and his wife have two children, a boy and a girl, and these family members are more important to Hawkeye than anything else.

But Hawkeye still asked resolutely: "Do you think you will win in the end? The Avengers will just let you go."

It's really a standard superhero answer - even if I die, my teammates will still kill you!Hawkeye probably has the same idea. As a member of the Avengers, he has already witnessed too many scenes of saving the world.

However, this was still not what Chen Lv expected. He warned Hawkeye in a retreat, "I don't need to win the final victory, but I can kill your family."

"The Avengers will protect them," Hawkeye retorted without hesitation.

"Really?" Chen Lu seemed to have caught Hawkeye's sore foot, looked at him with a strange smile and said, "You mean your teammates can protect your family, or in other words, can protect what you want to protect?" everything?"

Hawkeye shuddered at Chen Lu's eyes, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart, but he couldn't explain why.He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and nodded heavily:

At this time, Chen Lu's eyes turned into disdainful eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth also turned into a mocking sneer. He pretended to ask in an inconceivable tone, "Then Hawkeye, why do you want to fight as a superhero?"

"Huh?" Hawkeye felt as if a big net was rushing towards him, but he didn't even know how to struggle.

"If you believe that the Avengers can solve all problems whether you exist or not, what's the point of your fighting, Hawkeye?"

Facing Chen Lu's questioning, Hawkeye didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"It's simply because you know they're not perfect, you can feel they need you, and that's why you join the Avengers and fight to protect humanity. In other words, you never trust your teammates to protect the world. "

"No, you're lying!" Hawkeye retorted loudly, he didn't believe in the Avengers, this is definitely something that has never happened before!

"Really, then you should kill yourself quickly and entrust your family to them." Chen Lu pursued the victory and kept oppressing Hawkeye's fragile spirit, crushing him step by step with the cruel truth, "You don't think that , humans can accept you as a zombie, right?"

"Me!" Hawkeye punched the mirror hard, blood and glass scattered all over.With trembling fingers, he picked up a relatively large shard of glass, closed his eyes, and pressed the sharp piece against his throat!

"It's wise to be on my side. If I win and turn your family into virus carriers, then you can still enjoy family happiness. And if I lose, although your family loses you, But I can still live a normal life as a human..."

Chen Lu thought about the future with Hawkeye, and asked him with a friendly smile: "Hawkeye, the absolutely perfect ending depends only on you."


The shards of glass in Hawkeye's hand fell to the ground and shattered into powder. He gasped for breath and finally let out a cry of pain.


[You have surrendered the zombie hero: Hawkeye.The hero will not be able to defy any orders you give from the spirit link unless its consciousness is completely dead. 】

(End of this chapter)

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