Chapter 443 Hero Confrontation
Batman flicked his cloak and walked into the Fortress of Solitude, almost as expected by Law Chen, the first sentence he opened his mouth was: "Dick, Damian, and Reyes, you guys, I'll catch you right away They were released. They didn't deserve to be kept here, treated with such violence by you."

Before Chen Lu could reply, Ye Yi asked first: "Why? We didn't arrest them just for fun. These guys, they are indeed fighting against evil, but they have neither principle nor bottom line. Doing good for a bounty. We can't let these people continue to discredit superheroes, someone has to step up and set things right!"

"It shouldn't be up to you to do that!" Batman categorically shouted, although he had admitted Nightwing and Robin as superheroes, he still regarded them as children in his heart.For something like this that has touched the edge of morality, he certainly wouldn't want a group of children to do it.

Seeing that Batman's usual indifferent attitude would cause discord between the two sides, Flash quickly stood up and said: "Don't be angry, we didn't come to blame you. I know you did this out of good intentions, but the means are too extreme A little bit. Maybe we can have a better way of handling this than recklessly arresting them all."

At this time, Chen Lu finally spoke. He asked the members of the Justice League with a smirk on his face: "Then, I can ask you, what is the better way you are talking about? There is no need to lock up these superhuman heroes." Solution."

The Flash, who has always had a relatively simple idea, suddenly became speechless. Although he said that there was a better way, he didn't actually think about what this way was. Facing Chen Lu's smiling eyes, he could only hesitate I said, "Maybe... Maybe we lead them one by one and teach them how to be a superhero, just like we taught you Teen Titans."

Everyone present knew how unrealistic the idea of ​​the Flash was. The reason why the Teen Titans were able to teach them one by one was because the total number of them was not enough for the Justice League.But now there are nearly a thousand superhumans imprisoned in the Fortress of Solitude by Chen Lu alone, but in fact there are tens of thousands of artificial superhumans made by Chen Lu alone.On a scale like this, it is impossible to teach it.

The other Justice League giants naturally didn't have any good ideas. In fact, all the methods they could think of were not fundamentally different from how the Teen Titans arrested these superhumans. It was just a matter of where they were locked up.

So everyone's eyes are on Batman, hoping that this think tank can come up with a reasonable solution as always.However, Batman was unusually silent, because in fact, he didn't think about how openly he could deal with these superhumans. All he did was to let himself bear the guilt.

Of course, Chen Lu had expected such a result, he took a few steps outside and said: "That is to say, after the Justice League is rebuilt, you will do the same thing as we are doing now, so why should we What the Teen Titans did was wrong, but what you Justice League did was right? What's the point?"

The members of the Teen Titans realized this truth, and immediately stood behind Chen Lu to express their support, and confronted their mentor, the giant of the Justice League.After all, young people are hot-blooded, and in their opinion, the principles that need to be adhered to are the most important thing.

Robin couldn't help even questioning Batman: "Father, I have always admired your style of acting. But this time I think what our Teen Titans are doing is the right thing. For those bad superhuman heroes, we don't No choice. There's no reason the Teen Titans can't do what the Justice League can do, and we can lead these lost lambs to the right path."

Batman patted Robin on the shoulder and replied: "That's what I'm afraid of, Damian. Superheroes are free, and you following me is not the result of me forcing you, so you become what you are today. But what are you doing now? Using violence to force them to act in our way, what is the difference between this and that corrupt government?"

As the manipulator of the corrupt government that Batman said, Chen Lu first secretly smiled, and then stood up and put forward a new suggestion: "Since you are worried about our Teen Titans, then so be it. We We don’t release these superhumans, but we Teen Titans also give up the management rights of Fortress of Solitude. From now on, these people will be handed over to you Justice League, and we will continue to do what you allow.”

On the word "permit", Chen Lu added a heavy nasal sound, as if to satirize the freedom that Batman said before.This is actually a problem that has always existed in the Justice League. On the one hand, this superhero group requires each member to abide by the principle and stick to the bottom line. On the other hand, it also believes that the freedom and privacy of each member must be respected.This requirement can be guaranteed when the Justice League is small and strictly elitist, but once the scale is large, things are not so simple.

Chen Lu was almost certain that this group of superhumans who had been imprisoned without authorization would cause the Justice League to suffer, which was why he spent so much effort mobilizing the Teen Titans to arrest these people.So he left the Fortress of Solitude very freely, leaving a group of stunned Teen Titans who didn't know what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"Wait, Reyes, is this good?" Ye Yi couldn't believe that this was the result of him mustering up the courage to confront his mentor, "Isn't everything we did in vain? We worked so hard What are you grabbing them for?"

Chen Lu snorted coldly: "Hmph, the group of Justice League think they can do better than us, so let them do it. You can also see that they never treat us as real companions. In They see us as kids who need to be guided, so if we try to do something big, it’s against their will.”

"Why? We worked so hard!" Robin said angrily, and the Lightning Boy, Wonder Girl and others beside him also had similar expressions. From the result, this is almost equivalent to the Justice League snatching the Teen Titans His hard work has borne fruit, which will naturally arouse the resistance of these young heroes.

(End of this chapter)

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