Chapter 437 Superhuman Attitude
A few days have passed since the disbandment of the Justice League. In fact, it has only been less than a week. With the efforts of Stark Industries, the US situation that has just stabilized has become turbulent again.In the past, a kind of super villains who were afraid of the strength of the Justice League have come back one after another, wreaking havoc on this land against superheroes as they please.

Of course, the Justice League, which was disbanded only in name, is still secretly fighting these evil parties after changing its identity by the way, trying to avoid things from happening to the worst side as much as possible.However, these deliberate deception actions are naturally unknown to the public, and public opinion is still exaggerating the negative effects brought about by the explanation of the Justice League, and the voice calling for the return of the Justice League is also growing day by day.

All of this is just as Chen Lu and other Justice League members promised, even if things don't actually get worse, the public will still find other problems and blame it on the dissolution of the Justice League, just as they blamed the superhero problem at the time Same problem with mistaking Justice League.

The members of the Justice League who started to use another identity are very satisfied with this phenomenon. They did not shirk their responsibilities and successfully revived the reputation of the Justice League. It seems that it couldn't be better.The superheroes all believe that the day of Justice League reorganization will come soon, and this kind of days lurking in the dark will soon end.

The premise is that Chen Lu didn't get in the way.

Unlike the Justice League, this time the U.S. government firmly withstood the pressure of public opinion, continued to implement the "Superhuman Management Regulations", and even further improved the treatment and rights of superhumans. The amount of bounty encourages more superhumans to stand up and fight against criminals.This kind of behavior further intensified the conflict between superheroes and citizens, and also made the city's law and order more chaotic.

Especially during the period when the Justice League announced its disbandment, the superhumans who aspired to become great superheroes thought they had seized the opportunity to be the ones to fill this huge vacancy. They imitated their predecessors to form big and small Dozens of superhero groups are active all over the United States in the form of gangs.

The reason why such a large-scale group can be formed is that recently, superhumans with peak human physical fitness and super healing ability have been born in batches.These superhumans with similar abilities are different from the weak superhumans created by using mutant ability generation devices before. Although they are not strong, they still have the strength to truly surpass ordinary people's combat effectiveness.They are rightfully more crime-fighting, at least superficially more of a hero.

However, these new generation of superhuman fighters soon found that they could not get the worship and respect they wanted. Needless to say, the opponents of superheroes must look at these legal sinners with discriminatory eyes.And superhero supporters, compared with these active newcomers, miss the Justice League generation more.

And so this new breed of heroes begins to find themselves caught in the cracks, their arrivals unwelcome, and their deaths unworthy of memory.Even if you want to join the Justice League, the Justice League does not exist in name.They begin to discover that being a superhero is not as good as they imagined, and there is nothing to admire in following morality.

The criminal fell, the police left, and the crowd of onlookers dispersed in a hurry.In the end, only the self-proclaimed heroes got nothing.

Since the world no longer regards them as heroes, these newly born superhumans, who are actually man-made, have no reason to call themselves heroes?Soon these young people are no longer fighting for morality, right and wrong.Fighting only for profit, only the high bonus awarded at the end is their only consolation, and there is nothing else to do.So their behavior became more and more outrageous.

On the border between the United States and Mexico, a team of superhuman squads with all kinds of sci-fi weapons marked with the Stark Industries trademark and various mutations in their bodies are guarding this place strictly.They do this not because of anyone's order, but because deporting illegal immigrants can also earn a bounty from the government.

One of them, a superhuman man with the head of a white-haired eagle, raised a large gun and shouted to the immigrants from Mexico: "From today, the American Border Protection Alliance declares war on the poor scum! This is, mine." , country! You poor, toiling, downtrodden masses are camping on our borders, begging for citizenship. But we can't house you! We can't even feed you! And yet you keep on coming towards us!"

"So, I can only keep you here forever!"

The so-called eagle-headed man raised the six-barrel heavy machine gun in his hand, and only the peak human physical fitness can single-handedly use this huge heavy weapon. The other team members behind him also raised the light gun and the missile launcher, Aiming at the Mexican immigrants straight ahead.

Regular U.S. troops were watching all this happen not far away, and they didn't want to be affected by a superhuman battle.Who cares if any of those Mexican immigrants are legally innocent?
Maybe there are still people.

The moment the bullet was fired from the gun, a red lightning-like figure crossed the border. This person who was so fast that the light around him was blurred was none other than the Flash who was still working on the Justice League.

When he appeared on the field, the whole time fell into a state of stagnation, and even the light gun, which happened at the speed of light, could only move forward slowly like a snail.The Flash easily blocked the laser, which was harmless to him, and led it to outer space where no one could hit it.

"Hey, these people's style is getting worse and worse. No one will teach them that the first thing to do as a hero is to respect life? I think the first thing after the Justice League is rebuilt is to set things right. Not too late."

The Flash generally dismantled the weapons of everyone in this superhuman team while talking to himself, even the cold weapons like daggers were forcibly broken off.

Doing so is a bit of a temporary solution, but the Flash knows that he has no position to send these privileged legal people to prison.As a result, he had to "lightly" slap each of them, and then disappeared into the air again.

When the Flash left, the other people present could only look at the superhuman team lying on the ground in bewilderment, no one realized what happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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