Chapter 429

"Disband the Justice League? I will never allow it!" Batman showed his excitement in front of everyone for the first time. In order to unite these superheroes with different personalities, he has spent a lot of effort. How can he say that? Disband? Disband?

"It's just a disbandment in name, Bruce." Chen Lu corrected, while continuing to persuade others: "After the Justice League is disbanded on the surface, all of us can continue to work in different identities. I believe this is not a It's a difficult thing. We're still doing the Justice League, just in a different form."

"Even so, it is not a reason to disband the Justice League! Why do we have to care about the opinions of those people, those people are just a group of capitalists taking advantage of it. If we give in, we are playing into the arms of the other party???????"

"Bruce." Chen Lu put his hand on the shoulder of Batman who stood up excitedly, stared into his eyes and said, "I understand how you feel. You are a strong person, and you don't need the approval of others to do good deeds." , do not need the support of others. Because it is not someone who supports you, but a matter of your heart—the death of your parents.”

"But not everyone can be as great as you. Most of the rest of us still have our own friends and family members, with an ordinary side. We hope that our careers will be recognized, and that our relatives and friends Be proud of yourself and not be ashamed of yourself, even if they don't know it's me in the paper."

"I'm sorry, Bruce. I've been playing the Blue Beetle all this time, and I'm still that cowardly high school kid Reyes. Only you, always the strong and upright Batman, just playing the dude Bruce Wayne .I just have a vulgar heart that can't stand me doing the right thing under the eyes of others. Sorry, Bruce."

When Chen Lu said these words, there seemed to be some kind of strong resonance deep in his heart. This kind of resonance could not come from Chen Lu's memory itself, but from the memory of Reyes who was swallowed by him.What he told was not the beautiful lie that Chen Lu himself wanted to tell, but a heart-to-heart statement from the heart of Reyes.

A sudden chill woke Chen Lu up from his identity as a blue beetle. For a moment, he thought that his body was occupied by a soul that did not belong to him.Fortunately, he was not intoxicated, and still remembered that he was Chen Lu, not the boy named Reyes who was devoured by him.

After listening to the words from the depths of Reyes' memory, Batman didn't know how to answer for a while. In fact, he also knew that not every superhero can demand himself with the strictest standards like him. , You can give up your life as an ordinary person at any time.

This is why he is so unique in the Justice League as a superhero.

He silently pushed off Chen Lu's palm on his shoulder, turned around and stopped talking.

"Since there is no objection, then let's prepare to pretend to disband the Justice League." Martian Manhunter stood up and concluded, and at the same time he said to Batman's back: "I believe this kind of life will not last long, Soon the people will demand the return of the Justice League. When that happens, let us work together in our old identities."

Batman answered him like this: "Even without the Justice League, I am still Batman, and that will not change."

The Martian Manhunter knew Batman's stubbornness, and he didn't continue to force him.So after the meeting ended, the assembled superheroes disbanded one after another, leaving one by one under the angry eyes of the parade crowd.In the end, only Batman was left standing alone in the Hall of Justice, gazing at the empty hall with mourning eyes.

"Clark, if you were alive, would you let this happen?" he said to himself.

While the Justice League was planning a fake disbandment, the battle on the Reach Star also reached a fever pitch.The Zerg army, which used the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to fight guerrilla warfare, played the style of tunnel warfare, and used its elusive mobility to destroy everywhere.They are also planning to pick hospitals and medical institutions such as pharmaceutical factories, which will cause the medical system of the Zhiyuan people to go downhill all the way, while other aspects will not have much impact.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the insect swarm was more than one level behind the regular army of the Zhiyuan tribe. Once they encountered it head-on, they would basically be unilaterally slaughtered by these soldiers wearing scarab armor.However, with the help of the mobility provided by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the Zerg can completely run away when they can't beat them. They only pick soft persimmons to attack, which also caused the Zhiyuan army a headache, but they couldn't find a solution.

In order to find the Zerg's lair, the Zhiyuan tribe sent almost all the space fleets to launch round after round of cleansing in the neighboring galaxies, destroying all intelligent life without explanation.Chen Lu also had more than a dozen Zerg or zombie-occupied planets that were destroyed, but thanks to the Zerg's strong reproductive ability, he was able to spare his troops to make a fuss on the main planet of the Zhiyuan Clan.

This time, Chen Lu first teleported to an undamaged Zerg planet through the Cosmic Rubik's Cube as usual, and after pulling together a troop, he headed for the Zhiyuan star.The target of this operation is the largest military medical research base on the planet. This is the place where the vaccine was first developed when the zombie virus invaded. It can be said that this is the largest production base for the zombie virus vaccine.

As long as this place is also destroyed, then Chen Lu will be more confident in using the zombie virus to fully infect this population.After all, things like vaccines can't just be researched, they have to be produced on a large scale to be useful, otherwise they are just a piece of waste paper.

Since this is a military research base, there will naturally be troops from the Zhiyuan clan stationed there. Based on previous experience, using insect swarms to storm a place guarded by troops is undoubtedly a dead end.Therefore, Chen Lu also arranged for another swarm to attack a poor area near this military base, hoping to divert the tiger away from the mountain as much as possible, and gain a quick victory for this operation.

According to previous experience, every swarm raid would attract a counterattack from the Zhiyuan army, and this time was no exception.From a distance, Chen Lu watched a team of scarabs walk out of the gate of the military base, started the fire-breathing engine and flew towards the direction of the swarm harassment.

Now the group of bugs used as bait must be slaughtered, but isn't abandonment the best tactic of the Zerg?Nothing to be sorry about.

The next thing to do is to raid this military base.

(End of this chapter)

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