Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 426 Formation of Uncanny Valley

Chapter 426 Formation of Uncanny Valley

After the Justice League expressed its approval of the "Superhuman Management Regulations" proposed by the government, the bill began to be implemented with incredible execution efficiency and popular support.On the day when the law came into effect, a large number of superhumans registered with the government as a superhero who punishes evil and eliminates rape.

These new and old superheroes have all been respected by the people. In this era of tragic disasters, the more people who are willing to dedicate their lives to justice, the better.The activity of these government-supported heroes has undoubtedly prevented many crimes from happening, and being officially recognized by the law has also allowed these superheroes to be more and more free in their actions.

At the same time, under Chen Lu's suggestion, the number of attendances of Stark Industries' Iron Legion is also rapidly decreasing, and the duty of law enforcement is returned to those incompetent policemen.Of course, these ordinary people with small pistols can't contain the rampant super villains, so the burden of dealing with these villains falls on this group of newly registered superheroes.

The Justice League played an important role in this process. This team of heroes standing at the pinnacle of superhuman strength will always appear in the strongest and most difficult place of the enemy, and then defeat the plots of the super villains with overwhelming power. .The whole process will not even result in the death of anyone. It seems that the right to use deadly force provided in the bill is just a show for them.These powerhouses are perfectly capable of subduing any opponent without killing anyone.

But for those free superheroes who have not been able to join the Justice League and can only do it on their own, it is far from so easy.Although their confrontation may seem like a boring pecking game to the Justice League, in fact, both parties are betting on each other's lives, so it is very reasonable to kill each other in a superhero battle However, under the new Act, it is perfectly legal again.

For these super villains, most of the people expressed no regrets, not to mention that it was a deadly situation at that time. The government's statement that it would not pursue the legal responsibility of these superheroes was completely in line with the people's will, and the public clapped their hands Applause.

However, killing also seems to be an addiction. After a small number of independent superheroes tasted the sweetness of directly executing criminals, they gradually became unable to stop.They increasingly believe that they have the power of life and death over this group of perpetrators. Instead of trying their best to subdue them and lock them up and reform them slowly (most people still never repent), it is better to kill them directly and never suffer from future troubles.

After all, this can be regarded as a kind of justice, right? Now it is not only moral, but even legal issues are gone.

So soon a group of super villains died directly under the butcher knife of independent superheroes, ending their sinful and short life.

Fortunately, there are still a small number of people who go crazy like this, and they haven't attracted too much attention. When the Justice League finds out about this situation, they can only educate that superhero. Take the Justice League code to these people.

But the problem is that recently, the number of superhumans has suddenly entered a state of rapid growth. Whether it is instinctively using their superpowers for their own personal gain, or accepting government recruitment, there are more and more registered superheroes. The confrontation is gradually moving in a direction that is completely out of control.

Now Chen Lu, who directed all of this, is sitting on the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building, drinking tea casually and looking through the glass window overlooking the battles between little villains and little heroes that break out on the street from time to time. It won't attract the attention of the Justice League.The civilians are used to dodging quickly, and then watched the battle between superhumans from a safe distance.

In the eyes of relatively powerful superhumans, this is like pecking at each other, but in the eyes of mortals without superpowers, this kind of superpower actual combat is more exciting than the performance of the world's greatest magician.

The police arrived a few minutes later, but they did not dare to intervene in the battle between the two superhumans. The only thing they could do was to evacuate the people to open up more space for the superheroes to fight.

The law and order in this city seems to be going on in an orderly manner, but in fact, the continuous small-scale conflicts between superhumans have gradually brought the capital of civilization closer to the city in war.It is conceivable that in the future when the number of superhumans continues to grow rapidly, the entire United States will become their battlefield.

At that time, it will not matter whether it is a battle between good and evil.

Holding a glass of wine, Tony sat down on the sofa next to him and asked Chen Lv: "Is this what you want? Let the struggle between superhumans continue to expand until they completely destroy the daily life of civilians?"

Chen Lu chuckled: "Tony, have you heard of the uncanny valley theory?"

Of course, this is not a problem for the knowledgeable super genius scientist. Tony replied without thinking: "Although it is not a scientific theory, we still barely know it. Human beings will increase the degree of anthropomorphism of humanoid objects." Sensitivity, but when the anthropomorphic degree of humanoid objects reaches a certain height, they will suddenly feel disgusted or even horrified, this range is the uncanny valley.”

Chen Lv nodded: "That's right, as for the relationship between ordinary humans and superheroes, the number is enough to form the uncanny valley. When the number of superheroes is too small to pose a threat to the human race as a whole, as long as they don't do too much Anything out of the ordinary is not enough to arouse people's instinctive disgust, after all, what they did was to uphold justice."

"But when this number continues to grow and grows enough to form a ruling class, mortals should feel a crisis. When they have to see superhumans as a race rather than a different kind of human being, the opposition is infinite. It is something that can be avoided. In addition, for those powerful superhumans with superior strength, such as Superman, ordinary people have to admit that their status is above ordinary people even if they don’t want to. But in the future, the ones we will create are only a little bit more capable than ordinary people. There will be more and more people with low abilities, can human beings be willing to be inferior to such people?"

In fact, this series of actions is simply to push the superhumans in the DC world to a situation similar to the mutants in the Marvel universe. Words are relatively rare, and there are not so many weak and almost meaningless superhuman beings. Most of them have the ability to ride a thousand horses. Ordinary humans either worship or fear them, and discrimination is almost non-existent. matter.

And all this is changing rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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