Chapter 421 Devouring Memories
As Reyes' body gradually disappeared under Chen Lu's fingertips, the memories of his entire life were poured into Chen Lu's mind like a force-fed duck.At this moment, Chen Lu took all of Reyes' past experiences as his own, without missing anything.

After absorbing Reyes' entire life, Chen Lu knelt down on one knee exhausted, sweating profusely as if he had just exhausted all his energy.It's just that it wasn't physical exhaustion that caused him to be so unbearable, but mental oppression.

The memory devouring of the black light virus is different from the telepathic ability of Professor X or Martian Manhunter. Telepathic reading of other people's memories is like watching a movie from a third-person perspective to browse the experiences in other people's minds, while memory devouring makes these original Memories that do not belong to you are directly rooted in your own brain, which will lead to memory confusion as a matter of course.

There is no doubt that the memory devouring trick is a double-edged sword. It is very possible to make yourself into a split personality. If you absorb too many people's memories, you will properly make yourself into a company A lunatic who knows no one.

If it wasn't for perfectly disguising himself as a blue beetle, Chen Lu wouldn't want to use this trick.

Tony came over to help Chen Lv and asked, "How, are you okay, do you need me to perform a craniotomy?"

"It's okay." Chen Lu held his forehead and said with a wry smile, "I really thought of myself as a real blue beetle for a few seconds, and it was not a pleasant experience to instill memories that didn't belong to me into my mind." Experience."

In fact, it was more than unpleasant. If Chen Lu's will hadn't been so strong, he would have become a dual personality by now.In fact, Reyes' personality might already be lurking in Chen Lu's brain, and it would be awakened by a little stimulation.

Of course Chen Lv would not allow this to happen.

"Hurry up and deal with the scene, we should prepare for the next operation." Chen Lu covered his head and ordered Tony. He still needs a little time to digest these things that don't belong to him.And more importantly, prevent the birth of your second personality first.

Looking at Chen Lu's back, Tony shook his head slightly and asked, "You won't become a good person, will you?"

"In this world, I have no chance of being good or bad at all, only whether it is in my own interest." Leaving those words behind, Chen Lu returned to his residence alone.

After returning to his residence, the first thing Chen Lu did was to catch up on a good night's sleep. Now he feels that his brain is about to stop functioning.After all, absorbing the lives of others is not an easy task, not to mention that he is not good at spiritual telepathy.

What Chen Lu didn't expect was that it took him a full 24 hours to sleep like this. During this long sleep, he felt like he had spent more than ten years, and recreated all Reyes' past experiences in the dream. Been through it.

When Chen Lu finally woke up from the bed, he even had the illusion that reality was only in the dream, because the things he felt during this long dream were too real.

"What a troublesome ability." Chen Lu shook his head in distress, he began to understand the feelings of those amnesiacs who didn't even know who they were.If one day you can't even figure out who you are, what's the point of what you do?

However, these philosophical questions only lasted for a few seconds before being thrown out of Chen Lu's mind. At least he hasn't fallen to this point. As long as he doesn't abuse this memory devouring ability, this kind of thing will basically never happen. will happen.

So he still thinks about the current matter first, first of all, whether he can perfectly play the role of the blue beetle.This is a core part of his plan to split the Justice League, and there can be no mistake.

First of all, Chen Lu tried to activate the spy-type scarab that he snatched from Reyes. Although it was damaged by Chen Lu's laser beam in the previous battle, it should have been fully restored with its self-repair function. That's right.

However, even if Chen Lu completely transformed his body into Reyes' posture, he could not awaken the scarab Kajida at all. Obviously, this weapon and Jaime Reyes belonged to a state that was almost soul-bound. Even if Chen Lu obtained Reyes' body and memory, he could not imitate Reyes' soul to awaken this set of spy scarabs.

"Forget it, anyway, I have a backup plan."

Chen Lu threw away the scarab deformer in the shape of a beetle, and opened the portal with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube while it was still flying in mid-air, allowing the deformer to fly into the portal, and then the portal opened. On the other side came Tony's complaints:

"Hey, don't litter, I won't know what's useful!"

Chen Lu walked through the portal and came to Tony's secret experimental base in Gotham City.The floor is full of mechanical parts, Apocalypse Mother Box, kryptonite, and the scarab that Chen Lu just threw in. These rare items that are considered priceless treasures in the DC world are simply piled up in the corner by Tony like garbage.

No way, who made Tony have no time to take care of these things like a treasure house of technology for the time being.

As for what Tony is busy with now, of course, it is armed with the mass-produced military scarab that Chen Lu brought back from the main star of the Zhiyuan clan. In order to ensure that it looks exactly the same as the special set of scarab on the blue beetle, Tony But great effort had to be made in the details.Just because of the special materials, he had to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. It was with great difficulty that the appearance of this set of scarabs tended to perfectly restore the appearance of the blue beetle.

"It seems that my request has made you very distressed." Chen Lu said without apology.

Tony glanced at him, and said angrily: "I said this is a very cumbersome matter. Seriously, if you didn't ask for it, I would have left this matter to Jarvis."

"It's a matter of life, let's be more serious." Chen Lu casually sat on another chair beside the table, reached out to Tony and asked, "There is another thing, are you ready?"

Tony sighed softly, took out a dictionary-thick document from the drawer, put it on the table and pushed it to Chen Lv.On the cover of the document, there are several large characters written in black and white——

The Transhuman Management Act

"I didn't expect you to come up with this. In my opinion, it is not good news to advocate that those superheroes can not act according to the law and only enforce the law on their own." Tony said.

"It's fine if it's not good news. What I need is not good news." Chen Lu took the document and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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