Chapter 42 Heroes Assemble
"Roddy, if you don't hurry up and help me, my lawyer's subpoena will arrive tomorrow." Tony reminded Roddy through the communicator while struggling to shuttle through the firepower network in the air.A few more missiles followed him, forcing Tony to circle around and never stop.

"Don't worry, Tony, your savior is coming! Justice.rain.from.above!"

Roddy flew the mech into the sky in one breath, hovered at a place higher than the armed helicopter, and all parts of the body deformed and expanded, and a large number of barrels, launchers, and laser holes emerged, and countless missiles and machine guns appeared in an instant. , The laser cannon poured down from Roddy's mecha like a torrential rain, the sound of explosions sounded like a rapid drumbeat, and the flames formed a cloud of flames in the sky, and the armed helicopters collided with each other and fell from the building. spared.

"That's plausible." Seeing Roddy's terrifying firepower, even Tony had to praise him, "But don't shout that line next time."

"Why? Don't you think it's cool?"

Tony's crisis is resolved, but Captain America on the ground is still entangled with the crossbones.Suddenly, an eagle-like figure appeared in the direction of the sun in the sky. It spread its wings and flew towards the wind. When it got close, it turned out to be a human with high-tech steel wings.It's another superhero - Falcon Sam Wilson.

"Captain, long time no-see you!"

The falcon flaps its wings and swoops down at high speed, posing in the air and kicking the knight against the chest of the crossbones, leaving a deep footprint on the opponent's heart, and then connecting the crossbones with an exoskeleton weighing tens of kilograms The mech flew upside down and flew more than ten meters away.Immediately after landing, he pulled out two UZI submachine guns, and fired at the nearby special forces with both hands. The dense bullets made them dare not probe.

"Sam, I'm glad you came to help." Captain America greeted the Falcon, and then picked up the shield again and charged the Hydras.

"Dude, Captain America needs my help, is there a reason I can't come?"

In the Hydra team in the distance, a pair of men and women in black clothes mixed in at some point, and they appeared among the crowd like ghosts.The man was wearing a leopard helmet, and the black gloves on his hands had sharp metal claws on his fingertips.The woman was wearing a one-piece black tights, showing her curvy figure to the fullest, with a charming and alluring face under her brown hair with a shawl.Superhero Black Panther T'Challa and Black Widow Natasha Romanoff, the two madmen in black also came to support.

The Black Panther and the Black Widow jumped up at the same time and flexed their fists among the Hydra agents. One claw danced wildly and smashed all obstacles, and the other paw rushed to the lightning to smash the enemy into pieces. Under their siege, the Hydra team seemed to be destroyed. It quickly collapsed, and a large group of special forces screamed and retreated steadily. After a while, there were few people standing still.

Seeing the arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D. reinforcements, the Winter Soldier and Crossbones knew that the assassination operation had failed, and immediately directed the remaining Hydra members to throw out all the smoke bombs as cover, and led the remnant team to retreat quickly.There are even a few fanatical special forces who voluntarily stayed behind for the main force, pulled off the grenades on their bodies and used themselves as human bombs to launch a death charge against many superheroes, but they were all shot and killed by Tony and Roddy in the sky. There is a lot of broken bricks and tiles on the side of the road.

Seeing that Hydra had already evacuated, Nick commanded many superheroes: "Okay, everyone, stop chasing, we have more important things to do."

The heroes of S.H.I.E.L.D. gathered after hearing the words, and there were quite a few superheroes present this time.Captain America, Iron Man, War Machine, Falcon, Black Panther, and Black Widow, six heroes under the orders of S.H.I.E.L.D., gathered together.In an instant, the well-equipped Hydra special forces were beaten to pieces and could only flee in embarrassment.

Chen Lu quietly approached Nick's ear and asked, "Are they all here to join the zombie crusade team in Queens? A team of superheroes and the US military?"

Nick didn't answer, which was a tacit consent.Judging from the quarrel between Captain America and him just now, due to the consideration that the virus may mutate and evolve due to mutant genes, S.H.I.E.L.D.A. cannot send mutant humans like Captain America to fight, let alone Hulk or Thor Tony up.So Nick summoned all normal superheroes to form a zombie crusade team, and all of them had already assembled in New York.

Now it's HYDRA that's easily crushed by this group of heroes, but in a few days, it's time for them to run wild in Queens.

It's really not good news for Chen Lu.

"Every superhero, thank you very much for your support of S.H.I.E.L.D. In fact, as you can see, our S.H.I.E.L.D. is facing a bigger threat than zombies—the infiltration of Hydra. There is even news that This zombie virus outbreak is also one of Hydra's plans, and the United States and even all mankind are shrouded in their conspiracy. Now I don't know who is undercover and who is innocent in S.H.I.E.L.D., you are The only person I can trust. I implore everyone to unite for mankind in this critical moment, and jointly defeat Hydra's conspiracy. Whether it is an internal traitor or a zombie virus, it will be wiped out by us in the end! God bless America!"

Nick's impassioned speech mobilized the fighting spirit of the heroes, at least for Roddy and Falcon, two superheroes with military backgrounds, it was very effective, and Captain America still seemed to be worried about not being able to participate in the zombie crusade.Both Black Panther and Black Widow were expressionless, but they also slightly expressed their approval.The only one who didn't respond was Tony, the perpetually unprincipled playboy.

"What? Don't look at me. Just tell me what to do next." Tony shrugged innocently.

The heroes boarded Nick's special multifunctional bulletproof Chevrolet SUV and drove towards the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.Called six powerful superheroes to see, to be honest, the fighting power of these six people is enough to hang all the troops assembled by the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. The face was dry.

This is what Chen Lu likes to hear. After this battle, both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra should be seriously injured, which just relieved a lot of pressure for the defense of New York that he took over.What he thought in his heart was that the more superheroes sitting here die, the better. After all, everyone here will inevitably fight Chen Lu in a few days.

The same is true for Hydra. Chen Lu's lies can fool S.H.I.E.L.D. but not Hydra. They really believed that the zombie virus outbreak was created by another mysterious force.Hydra's goal is to rule the world rather than destroy the world, which means that they must also stand on the opposite side of Chen Lu.

There is no one in this world who is not Chen Lu's enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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