Chapter 416
Metallization · High frequency chopping!
Under the cover of a large number of Zerg cannon fodder, Chen Lu smoothly rushed behind a Zhiyuan soldier, and slashed across the opponent's body with his invincible sharp blade.

Facing the high-frequency chopping weapon, which possessed destructive power at the molecular level, the defense of the scarab's armor was easily torn apart like paper.The insect-like body inside was brutally cut in half by this knife, and the upper body fell to the ground and lost its ability to resist.

The bugs who had been unable to do anything with the scarab armor suddenly swarmed up and entangled the poor soldier of the Zhiyuan tribe. Like ants transporting food, they moved his body in two to the portal, and cut it to Chen Lu along the way. A few more poisonous spine needles were poured into the wound, completely killing the Zhiyuan people inside.

Another Zhiyuan soldier wearing scarab armor rushed forward to avenge his companion after discovering the situation here.Chen Lu then slashed down vertically again, and swung the long knife at him with the momentum of one knife and two sections.

But this time, no matter how slow the enemy was, he realized how dangerous the high-frequency knife in Chen Lu's hand was, and hurriedly stopped once to avoid the danger and narrowly avoided the knife.The extremely hot air brushed past his face, making the Zhiyuan soldier understand how bad his situation was.

Chen Lu planned to take advantage of the moment when the opponent was stunned by the high-frequency knife, he stepped forward to know the opponent's life, but he obviously underestimated the psychological quality of a soldier.Before the deadly blade fell on him, such a Zhiyuan soldier immediately took the most correct way to deal with it.He activated the flying device of the scarab armor, let himself rise into the air in one breath, and distanced himself from Chen Lu.

Then the scarab's diverse advantages of armored weapons were revealed. The arm armor of this Zhiyuan soldier transformed into two laser cannons filled with blue energy in a blink of an eye, blasting two oval-shaped laser bombs at Chen below. law.

"Boom! Boom!"

After two loud noises, the place where Law Firm Chen was originally standing was instantly filled with a mass of charred black smoke, and the blown mud clods shot up into the sky, even affecting and flying several dogs standing near Chen Lu. Springtails and Hydralisks.

The soldiers of the Zhiyuan clan wearing the scarab armor hurriedly pursued the victory and poured more firepower on the location where Chen Lu was in memory. The thick smoke from the explosion continued to spread, even approaching the soldiers of the Zhiyuan clan who were hovering in midair.

At this time, a ferocious tentacle rushed out of the black smoke, quickly curled up neatly and bound the scarab's armored leg.The soldiers of the Zhiyuan tribe hurriedly launched their jets to lift off, but it had the opposite effect, was pulled to a sudden stop, and then fell hard into a nearby tall building.

The wall shattered under the violent impact, and the whole body of the Zhiyuan soldier was sunk in the reinforced concrete, but the tentacles binding his legs were still not loosened.Before he could raise his gun to aim, he was pulled back to the ground by Chen Lu.

At this time, Chen Lu's right hand turned into a terrifying tentacles, while his left hand grabbed the neck of a surviving Zhiyuan civilian, frantically devouring his flesh and blood to restore his energy.Since he wasn't on Earth, he didn't have to hide the cruel and evil ability endowed by the black light virus.

After absorbing the unlucky mobile blood bag, Chen Lu came to take care of the Zhiyuan soldier who was bound by his tentacles.The other party raised the barrel again and pointed it at Chen Lu, but at the moment of firing the cannon, two springtails rushed over bravely and missed the muzzle of the gun.

As a price, the two heroic springtails were smashed into pieces by the energy fired by the Gauss cannon. Correspondingly, Chen Lu watched the two laser energy bullets pass by his side unscathed, knocking the two behind him to pieces. A building runs through and then crashes down.

At this time, Chen Lu's left hand had been clenched tightly and turned into a silver metal iron fist, and almost his whole body's weight was poured into it.Facing the armored chest of the scarab fixed under his feet with his tentacles, he slammed it down without leaving any room.

Metallized? Ten times Iron Fist!
The violent impact weighing tens of tons pierced through the armor of the scarab and passed through the bodies of the soldiers of the Zhiyuan tribe, and then poured it into the ground. The dust on the ground suddenly turned into a sandstorm and spread, and the cracks on the ground spread. To the foundations of nearby high-rise buildings, a building is forced to tilt like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Seeing the crumbling huge building in front of him, Chen Lv smiled like a child who had completed a prank, and left the Zhiyuan soldiers who had been driven into the ground by him.


This respectable soldier struggled out of the hole he was trapped in, roaring desperately in a language that Chen Lu could not understand, probably saying something like "don't run".After withstanding this kind of fist, it can continue to move, which shows the protective ability of the scarab armor.

It's a pity that Chen Lu's goal has been achieved at this time. He only left behind a handsome back, and he got into the portal of the Rubik's Cube.The soldiers of the Zhiyuan clan still wanted to catch up, and the hundred-story building whose foundation had just been shaken by Chen Lu just hit him on the head as if the timing was right.

This time, thousands of tons of reinforced concrete buried the soldier. Perhaps the Zhiyuan clan would use another building material, but it wasn't much lighter anyway.Since it fell sideways, there is no load-bearing structure to reduce its weight.

In the violent shaking like an earthquake, this Zhiyuan soldier was unfortunately crushed into a meatloaf.

After two or three minutes, a large number of troops from the Zhiyuan clan arrived late.And what was left to them was the tragic scene of corpses strewn all over the field after the swarms ravaged, and a group of civilians wailing and losing their limbs.

Apparently, the first attack on the Zhiyuan tribe was a great success.Although hundreds of insects were lost in the resistance of the enemy police force, for today's Zerg, the basic units such as springtails and hydralisks with a loss of less than [-] are just a drop in the bucket, and there is no need to feel sorry for them.

And the scarab armor that was cut into two sections by Chen Lu Gao Zhoubo was also eaten up by the bugs, and the Zhiyuan clan corpses inside were eaten up, cleaned and sent to Chen Lu.

"The source of the blue beetle's ability is so easy to get." Chen Lu said while holding up this set of scarab armor. At least from the outside, there is no obvious difference between the two.After all, the set of scarabs worn by the blue beetles on Earth is also a product of the Zhiyuan race, at most the models are a little different.

Just as non-military fans seriously M16 automatic rifle and M4 carbine look so similar, earthlings who don't know the Zhiyuan tribe's armed forces can't tell the difference between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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