Chapter 413 Argument to no avail
"Is there something wrong?" The Flash scratched his head and looked suspiciously at the people on the ruins who were receiving relief supplies in an orderly manner under the leadership of Stark Industries. It seems that there is nothing wrong with their superheroes at all. .

In their original expectation, the earth should have fallen into great chaos and panic by now, and they urgently need their superheroes to protect the refugees and maintain order.Now, the Justice League is like a group of tree-planting volunteers coming to a forest, and they don't need to do anything at all.

But Batman soon discovered that this kind of tranquility was established under a completely strict rule. A large number of heavily armed Iron Legion patrolled around with live ammunition, and any problems that occurred were directly resolved with roaring artillery fire, and sometimes even a warning nor.As for the judgment of the crime, it was extremely sloppy. Whether it was robbing, rape or ordinary theft, it was all done with a single bullet, adding an unremarkable corpse to this devastated land.

"Who gave these robots the right to life and death? Who is manipulating them?" Batman couldn't help but asked a passing policeman. In his opinion, such an act of using violence to control violence is absolutely unacceptable. of.

"U.S. government, do you have any comments?"

Chen Lu suddenly spoke the answer for the unlucky policeman behind the members of the Justice League. At the same time, he pointed to Batman and said, "This wanted criminal, can you let go of my men? For the sake of the Justice League, I can temporarily not pursue your crime."

Seeing Chen Lu's arrival, Batman probably understood what was going on. He let go of the policeman's collar, turned around and asked Chen Lu, "Will you hand over the police mechanized armed transformation plan?" to the government?"

"That's right, as you can see, Mr. President readily accepted it. After the reconstruction of the United States is on the right track, we will follow the same pattern to promote the plan to the world."

"Asshole, do you know what you're doing?"

Just as Batman said these words, a thief just escaped from a luxurious building, and was immediately locked by an Iron Man armor, which opened its palm and fired a yellow electromagnetic pulse The cannon, the energy enough to pierce steel and iron exploded on the human body, resulting in devastating results. The thief's limbs were scattered and blasted into the sky in an instant, leaving only a dilapidated skeleton.

Such a horrific tragedy clearly happened around the group of people who were queuing up to receive relief supplies, but they just glanced over here, and then continued to do their own things indifferently, as if it was not their compatriots who died just now but Like an ant.They have seen too many deaths in disasters, not to mention that the one who died was not a good person.

But this point is completely unacceptable to Batman, who upholds the principle of not killing. He thought that in the states of the United States where the death penalty has been abolished, this kind of wanton killing in the name of law enforcement has disappeared for many years, but Chen Lu made his It is undoubtedly a challenge to his bottom line that the Iron Legion slaughtered criminals in front of him so recklessly.

Batman said sharply: "Your actions are intolerable. On behalf of the Justice League, I will make a suggestion to the president. Even without your robots, we can still maintain order in the United States."

However, Chen Lu didn't care about this at all, and he retorted with a smile: "It doesn't matter, we are a country with freedom of speech. But why can't we use this method? There is an old saying in China: 'Troubled times use heavy codes.' "In today's chaotic situation, if you want to maintain overall stability, you have to give up something. Do you agree? "

The last sentence, Chen Lu asked other members of the Justice League. He knew that other Justice League superheroes besides Batman also had some moral cleanliness, but their adherence to principles was not as stubborn as Batman.

Sure enough, other people didn't have as much opinion on Chen Lu's actions as Batman, especially Wonder Woman, who was born in the war years, understood the truth of Chen Lu's actions very well. Those who want to stabilize civilization in such a critical age order, some special measures had to be adopted.

At least so far, Chen Lu hasn't done anything outrageous. It seems quite shameless in the eyes of those above morality or the law to use violence to control violence, but in the eyes of most ordinary people, it is very commonplace. Things, even if they are done too much, will not cause too much resistance.

After all, in most people's opinion, as long as they don't do evil, it's not their turn to be punished.Then no matter how brutal the law enforcement is to those criminals, they will not show much concern.

What's more, due to Ultron's devastating blow to the earth's network, all communications and networks on the earth are basically paralyzed.Now all the media in the United States are directly dead, and the only channel that can quickly disseminate news to the public is the Stark Industries broadcast.When the public can only hear one voice, who cares about those good people who died innocently?

Even so, it is not enough to constitute a reason for Batman to admit Chen Lu's approach. He still insisted: "The Justice League can do better. We can complete the task of stabilizing human order without creating redundant corpses."

"Oh, really, so what are you going to do? Let the Martian Manhunters control everyone on Earth and force them to love each other and live together? Or let the Flash continue to patrol the world at the speed of light and kill all evil in the cradle? Or, let Green Lantern find the alien force of the Green Lantern Corps to act as law enforcement, and let Wonder Woman lead the army of Paradise Island to replace the current police on Earth?"

Every feasible plan proposed by Chen Lu is more extreme than using the creations of Stark Industries to maintain order, and it is impossible to agree to it.But Batman has to admit that it is too difficult for the Justice League to come up with a plan that can be accepted by the public without violating their principles. After all, the Justice League has always played the role of a legal facilitator, not a real legislation Or a ruler who enforces the law.

The only question at present is whether they can admit the problem of "evil law is also law". There is no doubt that Chen Lu has already obtained the full support of the US government. If Batman wants to resist on behalf of the Justice League, it will undoubtedly be justice The gang of superhumans and aliens in the alliance pushed to the opposite of human beings.

If the public cannot spontaneously oppose Chen Lu's actions, then Batman will not be able to stand on the commanding heights of democracy, no different from those evil parties that only care about self-interest, and this is what he himself does not want to see.

(End of this chapter)

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