Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 402 The Power of the Green Lantern

Chapter 402 The Power of the Green Lantern
"Master, if we conduct a comprehensive research now, you may still be saved. Even if it only increases the success rate by 1%, in my opinion, it should stop you from being busy. We don't know how long this incident will take to end, wait When you come back, we don't know if there's enough time."

Facing Alfred's warning, Batman just shook his head indifferently: "I still have something to do, and now I'm the only one who can do it. Don't worry about the clown virus in my body, I won't Turning myself into a clown happened. If it came to the end, I would choose to die."

Batman talked about his own life and death, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.During the many days and nights he spent guarding Gotham City, he has done countless times to realize the awareness of death. In his opinion, the worst outcome of this clown virus infection is nothing more than his own death. .

"But master, the two-month incubation period I'm talking about is just an approximate number. I can't guarantee whether you will be occupied by the personality of the clown at a certain moment in the near future. We will never be able to estimate such things. Please, young master, listen to my advice once, leave everything to other people, and concentrate on dealing with the virus in your body." Alfred continued to persuade unwillingly, he was willing to help his The young master is a chivalrous man, but he is not willing to help him to the end.

It's a pity that Batman is obviously determined. He can't leave the brother-eye super satellite he made, even if it is now under the control of Ultron.Of course, he can't tolerate himself becoming the next clown, so Batman's final decision can only be to kill himself immediately after getting Brother Eyes done.

As a superhero who has been guarding the world all his life to prevent it from falling into the hands of villains such as the clown, his destiny is to either choose to die or become a clown who destroys the world. I have to say yes Very ironic.But Batman finally accepted this fate calmly. Suicide is probably the only time he broke his principle of not killing himself.

In the end, Batman came and left Alfred and left the Batcave. He was going to seek the help of Constantine, a friend who wandered in the magical world. Happy with the surveillance of a super satellite.With the help of the mysterious power of magic, Batman may be able to travel through the universe without relying on high technology to find the dangerous satellite brother eye that Ultron resides in.

While Batman is busy with his cosmic journey, Green Lantern Hal Jordan is also trying his best to complete his role.Just at the outskirts of the solar system, he saw the fortress planet purely composed of complex mechanical circuits and a large number of sci-fi weapons——War World.It is rushing to the earth with hundreds of millions of silicon-based bio-machine hunters on the surface. Now this planet is completely under the control of Ultron. There is no need to use the above weapons at all, just to fight with the earth. The last "minor" impact was enough to wipe out all humans on Earth.

Not to mention the large number of high-power weapons installed in the world of war that are specially used to smash planets. It can be said that the destructive power of this thing can match a space fleet of the most powerful race in the DC comics world, except for the Seven Lanterns. Invincible outside the lantern group.

"I wish Mogo would be here if reinforcements could be called in."

In fact, Hal has sent a distress signal to Oa, the headquarters of the Green Lantern, more than once, but unfortunately, all the messages have been lost, and no response has been received.Until now, he has not waited for any information from Oa. I am afraid that this highly developed Green Lantern headquarters planet has also been invaded by the Ultron program just like the world at war, but the Green Lantern troops can last for a longer period of time.

In the final analysis, the green light ring is just a special alien technology, not superpowers or magic. Therefore, if Ultron is allowed to continue to infect, it may only be a matter of time before Oua falls.At that time, Ultron will get the Green Lantern, which is more terrifying than Green Lantern, and the disaster it will cause is several times more terrifying than World at War.

"No way, I can only procrastinate the world." Hal quickly made his position clear. For this Ultron incident, he will not be the one who finally solves the problem, so he can only offer himself a force of

It's just this power, but it's very terrifying.

"The day is bright, and the night is vast; evil spirits, there is no place to hide; traitors and villains, fear my god's light; the green light is always bright, and the light of all ages!" (English original: In brightest day, In blackest night; no evil shall escape my sight; Let those who worship evil's might; Beware my power, green lantern's light!)
As Lang Lang's green light oath sounded, the green light ring in Hal's hand erupted with ever more dazzling green light, piercing through the dark universe and seeming to radiate a glimmer of life into this dead vacuum.In the dazzling green light, no matter the green glass-like structure was quickly combined, first the bow and deck, then the armor and main guns, and finally the bridge and the bottom of the ship, a huge interstellar warship in front of the green light The light was projected out, and this phenomenon happened hundreds of times at the same time.

Soon a huge cosmic fleet surrounded Hal, the Green Lantern who created them. Although these interstellar warships only have a single color of green, and their appearance is as ethereal as a holographic projection, anyone who understands the abilities of Green Lantern knows I know that these structures are ferocious things with real combat effectiveness, and any one of them can be equal to the combined combat effectiveness of all the national armies on the earth.

Driven by Green Lantern Hal's thoughts, this cosmic fleet is completely directed at the war world not far away, and an extremely fierce cosmic war is about to break out.It's hard to imagine that such a huge army can be driven by only one person, let alone a battleship that can really fight and carry, even creating such an illusion is extremely difficult.

But at Hal's order, the main guns of these hundreds of space battleships fired at the same time, blasting countless green laser cannonballs towards the fortress planet World of War, and countless explosions of nuclear bomb level exploded on the surface of World of War. Open, countless fragments and scrap iron were shattered and scattered to become part of the cosmic garbage.And the robot hunters living on the planet directly suffered hundreds of millions of losses.

"Go one step further, and I'll blow you to scum!" Hal held up a flashing green light ring and shouted a belated warning, and what responded to him was the almost endless artillery fire in the war world.

(End of this chapter)

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