Chapter 398 Justice Divergence
Even if he rashly considered a way to deal with The Flash, Chen Lu still couldn't come up with a plan that could be implemented without too much cost.At present, we can only conclude that it is too early to confront the Justice League head-on. Even if we can pull all the people in the current Marvel world, we may not be able to deal with the superheroes in the DC world.

After all, the strength of the movie universe and the strength of the comic world are simply worlds apart.

For this reason, Chen Lu can only follow up his plan step by step. The release of Ultron this time is also an action taken to win more resources, and now is the time to act.

"Tony, what's the current situation of the U.S. government?" Chen Lu suddenly asked a seemingly insignificant question. He also knew that the U.S. government's weak and network-dependent army must have been invaded by Ultron. It's ruined.

Tony also stated as Chen Lu expected: "The U.S. military is basically completely defeated. All the intelligent armed forces have been invaded by Ultron and turned against them. If I have to say, they have no power to fight back."

"That's just right, since the Justice League has no time to manage the situation on the ground, let's take all the credit first." Chen Lu's plan to break up the worship relationship between the public and superheroes is still going on, and this time it is Stark Industries has a great chance to steal all the limelight and replace the superhero function.

Tony nodded understandingly, took out a thin smartphone and pressed a few buttons. With the screen flickering a few times, Jarvis' synthesized voice came from the microphone:
"The order is accepted, the Iron Legion is fully dispatched, and the annihilation operation begins."

After getting the dispatch order, Tony turned to Chen Lu and warned: "I must explain in advance that if Ultron is not resolved as soon as possible, these steel legions I created will be exhausted sooner or later, and then we will be at a loss." No more money."

"I know, I really believe in the guys in the Justice League."

"Hey boy, where are you going?"

"Be a hero, kill any hero at will."

Leaving those words behind, Chen Lu pushed open the heavy door of the refuge, and walked out alone.The heat wave of the war was coming, and the whole city was burning at this time, and the roads were engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, turning into a big net that enveloped Gotham.

Under the control of Ultron, the Rabbitmen hovered over the city. After the people were rescued by the Flash, they blindly poured ammunition on everything in sight, and missiles ransacked Gotham like raindrops.

The moment Chen Lu walked out of the refuge, the Rabbit Cops turned to this side like wolves smelling the smell of meat, and immediately locked onto Chen Lu's position and rushed over.Chen Lu knew that this was because in the eyes of his brothers, he was also a member of superhuman beings. As soon as he walked out of the nuclear war shelter with superior radiation protection capabilities, he was immediately targeted by Ultron, which integrated the surveillance capabilities of his brothers' eyes.

Looking at the Rabbits who landed next to him one after another and were surrounding him, Chen Lu held his forehead and sighed softly. He himself had no intention of dealing with these scraps of metal by himself, but the other party wanted to kill himself There is no other way.

I saw Chen Lu lightly waved his hand, and countless big trees hugged by countless people burst out of the ground like living tentacles, wrapping the group of Rabbits in a dense forest cage, and they were squeezed into metal one after another. Debris was scattered all over the place.

"It's so troublesome, I'm not waiting for you."

Chen Lv generally manipulated the plants to wantonly smash the approaching intelligent robots, while looking up at the sky blackened by the gunpowder smoke, he knew that above here, a satellite called a watchtower was stationed on it was his most important thing. Target.

After Batman handed over the mess of Gotham City to The Flash, he immediately rushed to the Justice League memory room, which was anxiously waiting for him.As soon as he entered the arena, he attracted the attention of everyone present, and every superhero here was waiting for an explanation from him.

Superman, who is the top leader of the Justice League, spoke on behalf of everyone and asked: "Bruce, can you please explain the special satellite that can invade any network device on the earth and can monitor all of our movements so that we can't find him?" What's the matter?"

"That's a smart satellite I made using the mother box left behind by Apocalypse, code-named Brother One, also called Brother Eye." Batman confessed what he did, after all, he still can't hide it now .

Superman's eyes suddenly became solemn, and he crossed his hands and asked, "Then may I ask why you made him?"

"Spy on all of you, all superhumans on Earth, whether he is a hero or a villain." Batman truthfully stated his original intention, but this idea seemed natural and deadly to others.

Green Lantern stood up and punched the round table of the meeting, and asked Batman angrily: "Isn't the Babel plan you did before enough? You still want to monitor the behavior of each of us? Don't you look like a superhero in this kind of thing!"

Facing the angry Green Lantern, Batman just explained coldly: "The Babylon Project can only prevent the members of the Justice League from getting out of control, but I can tell at a glance whether you are still as upright and righteous as you show, so I created it." Brothers are here to guard against this potential crisis. Just like you once brainwashed Dr. Guang without telling me, I'm not sure if you will do some outrageous behaviors in secret."

The example given by Batman is the 2004 DC Comics event "Identity Crisis". Doctor Light's supervillain brainwashed into an idiot.But the supervillain is later proven innocent, leading to an identity crisis among the superheroes.

From that day on, Batman no longer believed in any of his teammates. He was not sure whether superheroes other than himself could abide by their principles and not become a devil who simply used violence to control violence. It came into being.It should have taken many years to run perfectly, but the Ultron program implanted by Chen Lu made all this very different.

Green Lantern naturally couldn't accept Batman's justification. He pointed at Batman's face and cursed: "I'm sorry for Dr. Guang's misfortune, but I think what you're doing now is even more extreme than what we did before. Watch us Everyone? How do you see it would do any good?"

Before Batman could answer, a violent vibration from inside the watchtower interrupted their conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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