Chapter 395 Ultron Returns
After taking down Arrow with difficulty, Hawkeye was finally able to insert the Ultron program into the super-satellite brother-eye that Batman was developing.Although it is still an unfinished product that is harmless to humans and animals, once it is integrated with Ultron, it will be completely different.

Don't underestimate the ability of Brother Eyes, you must know that after 35 years, this thing will trigger an intelligent disaster that is more terrifying than Skynet - a big event called "Future Doomsday", which will wipe the earth, including Superman. Ninety percent of the superheroes, including Wonder Woman, have been transformed into mechanical insects, and even Batman himself has become a test product in the eyes of his brothers. The solution is the same as Ultron in the Weird comics.

Therefore, Ultron and Brother Eye can be described as a match made in heaven. One is derived from the Marvel Infinity Gems, and the other is born in the mother box of Apocalypse. The integration of the top technologies of the two superhero worlds will naturally make this world completely messed up.

They will set off a frenzied massacre. As for how tragic the result will be, it is beyond Chen Lu's consideration. Both sides will suffer the best result, and it is not bad enough to be seriously injured.

Anyway, the nature of this matter is different from that of the clown incident, so of course Law Law Chen will not come forward to solve it. At most, he will do a little thing "within his ability" for his own approval rate.

After a while, Ultron had already invaded the Brother Eye program. As a high-tech super artificial intelligence, it quickly realized how extraordinary the Brother Eye super satellite it was on was. It condensed almost the highest Compared with the level of science and technology, even the machine invented by Tony pales in comparison. As long as this satellite is launched, it can immediately monitor the superhuman beings on the entire planet like a god.

It has an alienated structure that can transform all human beings, including superheroes, into corresponding half-machine half-body, and connect their brains on the same network to become the only free will left on this planet. The noblest liberty that Creation seeks, there is no reason why it should not carry out this plan!

So Ultron quickly hacked into Wayne Group's satellite launcher, this kind of thing was as simple as breathing for him, without any warning, the super-satellite brother eye—now Ultron's new body, Slowly started from the launch platform.

When the deafening roar sounded, the employees of the Wayne Group realized that all their computers were out of control. They could do nothing but watch the satellite break through the silo and rise to the sky.

In the bidding venue, Bruce received this unfortunate news before he had time to rejoice in his victory.He couldn't believe his ears, how could the unfinished brother's eye program start by itself?

"Shoot down that satellite right away, I didn't allow it to launch!" As the instigator of Brother's Eye, Bruce knew how disastrous the result would be if this thing got out of control, he decisively ordered the Wayne Group to launch missiles to destroy the satellite. A work that has been produced for many years and put a lot of effort into it, and the strong man cuts his wrists to avoid more tragic consequences.

But Alfred on the side told him another desperate news: "Master, all the missile launch rights have been seized, and we cannot control any of the weapons."

"Who did it? I haven't set up a hacking function for Brother Eye!"

"Then, young master, perhaps it was the person who hacked into the eyes of the brothers."

The exchange between the two has not yet ended, and the bidding venue has fallen into a frenzied chaos.The pride of the Wayne Group—the Rabbit Men suddenly all had red eyes, which was a sign of an internal program error.They turned around in unison and aimed the miniature missile launch tubes on their shoulders at the audience sitting in the venue, clenched their fists and were ready to go.

"Swoosh, swish...!!!"

Until the deadly missile exploded a cruel red lotus in the auditorium, the audience thought it was just a gorgeous fireworks show by the Wayne Group.In an instant, the originally lively bidding venue became physically lively, and the people attending the meeting suddenly became a mess, frantically trampling on other people's corpses or wounded bodies and running for their lives.Their blank minds couldn't realize what was going on, they just wanted to escape from this place that suddenly became hell.

Wails, screams, complaints, and endless gunfire intertwined. The police and security guards who were trying to maintain order, the small pistols and short-barreled shotguns they held were completely useless in front of the rabbit soldiers who were loaded with heavy firepower. Vulnerable to a single blow, they were completely defeated in a short while, and fled together with countless unarmed people.The originally handsome and stylish Rabbit Men, in their eyes, only has a ruthless and cruel impression.

"It seems that Hawkeye succeeded, 2 minutes later than originally planned." Tony sat in his original seat as if nothing happened, looked at his watch and said.

"He is rarely so unpunctual. It must have been an accident."

By Tony's side, Chen Lu watched the sudden change in the venue as if he was watching a special effects movie. The powerful missiles exploded around him, but he couldn't express the slightest expression on his face.In the entire assembly hall, only he and Tony were left sitting in the special seats, quietly watching the evolution of the matter from a close distance.

A Rabbit Police found the two people who were as immobile as a mountain. Under the control of Ultron's anti-human character, it charged Chen Lu and Tony without hesitation.It's just that for such a toy-like little thing, they don't even have to do it themselves.

An Iron Man armor took the initiative to jump in front of Chen Lu and Tony, and withstood the impact of the Rabbits with its body.Although he was knocked back a few steps by the Rabbits, the Iron Man armor quickly stabilized his footsteps, and smashed the opponent to the ground with a reverse fall, and blasted him into debris with the cluster gun on his chest.

This Iron Man armor is not an exception, but all Iron Man armors have not been affected by the Ultron program invasion like the Rabbit Men. The reason is very simple-these Iron Man armors are not connected to the network, they are completely Running on something else.

Four Rabbit Troopers surged up, and by virtue of their superiority in numbers, they overwhelmed the Iron Man armor to the ground, and quickly tore it apart. Only then did the things inside the iron armor reveal themselves.In fact, it's not such a novel thing, it's just a human-shaped vine-like plant.

The ability of Poison Ivy that Chen Lu absorbed not long ago will come in handy immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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