Chapter 387 The Clown Virus
"Officer Chen, this is the body we found."

A Gotham City policeman led Chen Lu into the autopsy room of the forensics department. In the center of the room lay a dead body in a suit and leather shoes.Ordinary cases naturally wouldn't arouse Chen Lu's interest, but he would pay so much attention to this corpse that he came to check it out for no other reason, because the person lying on the bed now was Batman's faithful technical advisor Lucius.Last night in the midst of his battle with the Joker, he took his own life with a single pistol bullet.

Originally, this was an unreasonable matter, but when he saw the face of the lost Lucius, Chen Lu suddenly felt that everything was clear.The face of Lucius' corpse was pale and bloodless. If it can be attributed to the natural reaction after death, then the red lips on the corner of the mouth seemed to be split, and the red lips that seemed to be frozen on the face The incomparably creepy laughter was full of extremely weird feelings, and it couldn't be called a normal death phenomenon anyway.

"When we sent him in, he looked like this. I don't know whether to say it or not. His appearance is exactly like that of a clown." The policeman who brought Chen Lu in explained respectfully. Well, for the Gotham police who have lived under the shadow of the clown for many years, this kind of dress is simply a nightmare.

Chen Lu shook his finger at him and corrected him: "It's not like, but this is a clown at all."

"But the clown is dead!" The policeman retorted nervously, if he was told that the clown's problem had not been resolved, he might faint.

Chen Lu continued to ask: "Then is there any trace of needle injection on the corpse?"

"There's one on the left forearm."


Now Chen Lv can be quite sure that Lucius is in the notorious clown virus, or clown poisonous blood.This toxin is usually transmitted through blood transfusion of clown mutated blood, which will cause a clown personality in the victim, not only will become similar to clowns in behavior and thought, even the body will gradually clown into a skin Pale, mutated freak with lips.

That's right, Lucius is suffering from this symptom now.

But the only flaw of this virus is that it can't change the strength of the infected person, in other words, it can't bring any enhancement to people, it just makes this person crazy like a clown, and it can't directly provide the infected person with the strength of a clown. Super-high intelligence can't inherit the clown's genius manual ability, and the infected person must have the same ability as the clown to exert the effect of ghost king regeneration.

So if Chen Lu was a clown, he would have found a wise and courageous person to infect, and with his almost fanatical feelings for someone, he would have known who the clown would choose to target to infect with this virus.

And from the current point of view, he has already succeeded in the prerequisites.

Chen Lu couldn't judge whether the news was good or bad for him. A Batman who had lost his principles would definitely be much more terrifying than a clown, but if Batman really turned into a clown, it would be another challenge for his plan. good thing.

It may be necessary to make adjustments to subsequent plans, but the impact should not be significant.

What Chen Lu is more concerned about now is the upcoming bidding for the mechanized arms of the Gotham Police Force. He knows that the Wayne Group will definitely step in, and he knows very well what they will bring out.Then the rest is just to follow the plan.

DC World Stark Industries

Although it is a new company established overnight, since a large amount of equipment is directly transmitted through the Rubik's Cube, the most important assembly line of this enterprise is already well-equipped.Of course, the company is empty of employees, so every position is currently being replaced by the intelligent AI Jarvis. The business has not been developed at all, but the unmanned production of the Mechanical Legion workshop is busy. .

The bidding for the mechanized arms of the Gotham City Police Force will start in the afternoon, but other competitors can basically ignore them. Unless Metropolis Superman's mortal enemy, Luthor's Lex Enterprises, also intends to intervene, no military industry company is qualified to compete with them. Stark Industries competes on the same stage.

What's more, this time, Chen Lu has prepared another surprise.

At this time, Tony opened the door of the workshop with another person and walked in. As soon as he saw Chen Lu, he opened his arms and showed off:
"Hey, boy, you're here. Welcome to the New Stark Group. Although the current employees are only, uh, me and Jarvis, as long as I'm here, everything will be fine."

The one who followed Tony was Hawkeye, an agent of the Avengers who was frequently summoned by Chen Lu. He could only blame him for the low energy consumption for teleportation and the strong combat effectiveness achieved through high-tech weapons. As such a cost-effective The characters are really useless.Therefore, when Chen Lu started to destroy other planes, he was basically indispensable as a coolie.

"Okay, what do you want me to do again this time?" Hawkeye has accepted his fate of taking over the dirty work. He has no choice but to use his "weak" body in the war. It's also skills like sneaking, hacking and assassination, so I can't expect to be used as a combat power one day.

But when it is necessary to work in the dark, Hawkeye is a rare and excellent candidate.

Chen Lu stepped forward and handed a USB flash drive to Hawkeye, which contained the Ultron program stored by Tony.Yes, Chen Lu is going to use this almost uncontrollable intelligent evolution program as a trump card again. If there is no accident, this will be another big crisis that will alarm the entire Justice League.

Seeing that Chen Lu took out such a dangerous thing, Tony, who has never been very serious, couldn't help warning seriously: "Boy, letting this planet fall into Ultron's hands may not be easier than destroying it now." Ah, are you ready?"

After all, in the battle with Asgard, Ultron was so powerful that Odin had to pay a lot of metabolism to use ether gems to modify reality to deal with it. In this world without infinite gems, maybe Ultron could become It is really unknown that a monster without natural enemies can evolve to that extent.

Maybe Ultron will become an obstacle for Chen Lu to destroy the DC world, because its ability is too invincible.

But Chen Lu didn't have this kind of worry. He knew that in the DC world, especially in the Justice League, there were no fewer things against the sky than Marvel. It was still unknown how far Ultron could push them.What's more, now that the ether gem is in Chen Lu's hands, what does it matter if Ultron is the last one to deal with?

This is always a profitable business.

(End of this chapter)

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