Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 385 Occupying a High Position

Chapter 385 Occupying a High Position
Chen Lu didn't need any prompts to know that the guy standing in front of him wearing underwear was the most famous superhero in the DC world, the spiritual leader of the Justice League, and the Kryptonian with a man of steel—Superman.Although he claims to be the guardian of the people of the earth, he basically never cares about the case of Gotham City, so he has no other reason to come here, obviously he came straight to Batman.

The battered Batman also asked with difficulty: "Clark, what are you doing here? I can handle the affairs of Gotham City myself."

Superman pulled Batman up with one hand and said: "It was Alfred who informed me that you were in trouble, and now it seems that it is true. Bruce, you don't have to always be brave, as long as you are willing, I, and the whole justice The alliance is your solid backing."

"I don't need it." Even in this situation, Batman still replied firmly.

At this time, Chen Lu put away the soul gem and interjected to warn: "Superman, you are currently preventing the police from arresting the most wanted criminal in Gotham City. Can you go to other places if you want justice? Don't interfere with our police." arrest operation."

But Superman ignored Chen Lu's warning, and seemed to be prepared for Batman to be wanted by the police. He said to Batman: "Look, Bruce, I've never seen a superhero who is so disrespected in his own city." Yeah, you really should give Gotham to the Justice League, we can turn it into the city with the lowest crime rate in America, bar none."

"Even so, it doesn't make sense, Superman. What I need is a bright city under the management of humans, not a city that cannot see darkness under the light of superhumans." A big difference between Batman and other superheroes is that he His paranoia, his understanding of justice has never been limited to fighting crime, he can realize the potential threat of letting superheroes act, so he almost always stands on the opposite side of idealists like Superman, warning them that justice is not It's that simple to kill criminals.

While they were talking, the Gotham City policemen also rushed over and blocked the street with densely packed police cars. After seeing the clown's body lying on the ground, they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and then Then he raised his gun and aimed at Batman, a criminal listed as an important wanted criminal.

Superman blocked Batman behind him without hesitation. With his physique, let alone the small pistol of the police, even if the nuclear bomb came and dropped him, he would not be injured.When the Gotham police saw the greatest superhero in the United States, they also felt a little hesitant about their actions.

Now that Superman has arrived, Chen Lu knows that there is basically nothing he can do next.Although he could stab this annoying Kryptonian to death with the kryptonite spear he just snatched from Batman if he wanted to, this kind of thing should not be done on an above board occasion. The scene of Superman's death should be Staged at a more critical time.

So he took a few steps back, letting Superman and Batman confront the Gotham police, and at the same time collected some Batman's blood splattered on the ground, so that through the black light virus's transformation ability, he could perfectly imitate Batman The shape came out.

This trick will come in handy later on.

In this confrontation between superheroes and the police, it was Gotham police chief Gordon who finally stood up to rescue the siege. This veteran policeman who had worked with Batman many times asked the police to put down their guns and came to Batman and said :
"I'm sorry, Batman. None of us want to treat you as a criminal, but the public outcry has intensified and we may have to take you to the police station for investigation. Rest assured, I will do my best to prove your innocence. "

Batman glanced back at Chen Lu. He knew that after killing the clown, Chen Lu or Gordon would have more power to speak, so he shook his head and said to Gordon, "Sorry, Gordon, not today."

After speaking, he took out the hook gun from the universal belt, let the rope quickly shrink to pull himself high into the sky, and then opened the bat cloak to glide and disappear into the night sky.

Superman could run after the wounded bat anytime he wanted to, but he couldn't because the stubborn guy wouldn't accept anyone's aid.All he could do was stand there silently, making sure no one was going after Batman.

"It seems that we can identify him as absconding in fear of crime. If it goes to court, he will definitely be sentenced to death in prison." Chen Lv concluded like this, as if it also foreshadowed the end of Batman.He picked up the clown's body and walked towards the police as if he was holding up a trophy, while Deadpool, the guy who actually contributed the most, had already hid with Chen Lu giving him a check.

For a moment, everyone looked at Chen Lu with surprise and admiration. No one could believe that this criminal prince and clown who had plagued Gotham City for many years like a nightmare would die so easily in Chen Lu. Among the little-known pawns.

The swarming media also flocked to take photos of Chen Lu and the clown. It is basically foreseeable that tomorrow's newspaper headlines will be a carnival of "the clown is dead" and "the hero who solves the clown".In this battle, Chen Lu became famous in the first battle. While venting his anger for the long-worn police, he also became an idol respected by the police station.

Different from the touch and support for the spirit of justice when facing superheroes, their feelings for Chen Lu, a legendary policeman, are closer to the worship of leaders like Adolf Hitler. They all firmly believe that Chen Lu will soon He will lead the entire police station, and under his leadership, the police can get out of the shadow of superheroes and once again become people's greatest reliance on justice.

In fact, Chen Lu did it very quickly.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Lu was received by the mayor of Gotham, and awarded him the medal representing the highest honor of the police to commemorate his great achievements in killing the clown.People looked at Chen Lu with reverence as if they were looking at a savior. For people who have lived under the threat of clowns for a long time, what a feat it is to be able to kill clowns.

Unlike Batman who would always send the clown back to Arkham Asylum to lock him up, this time Chen Lu really solved once and for all the clown, a cancer-like problem in Gotham City.

Because of this incident, the top spot in the police force was quietly transferred from the police station Gordon to Chen Lu. Now he is completely unique in the police station, and almost every policeman is striving for his goal. .

(End of this chapter)

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